Dance Little Sister

"Patrick!" I heard Mr. Keeble shout from behind me as I passed the Auto Shop.

"Mm?" I replied turning to face him. He had a booklet in his grip and I inwardly groaned. I hate reading manuals.

"Luis's grandmother is ill so he and his family were obliged to visit her in Oklahoma. He can't do the Honda bike repair." He explained as he threw the book at me. I caught it and sighed deeply. "I'm sure it will be no problem for you to step in for him." He assumed.

"Of course. Anything for my dear Luis." I said sarcastically earning a bellowing laugh from Mr. Keeble.

"You sure are something kid." He told me as I started to walk the opposite direction.

I smirked and shook my head as I walked. Luis is really going to owe me big. I have two repairs due in three days. I ignored the time frame and flipped through the book. Once I saw the necessary fixing that needed to be done I rolled my eyes. Mr. Keeble must think I'm a miracle man.

I started to read more about the repair when a girl with a sundress and pony tail stopped me in my tracks.

"Make way for the poster!" She shouted to everyone in the hallway. I raised an eyebrow at her but then read the poster as it passed. Fall Fling. I couldn't remember the last time I went to one of those things. Rolling my eyes at the bossy girl I continued on my way and looked back down at the book. But I was yet again stopped by another girl. I was surprised to hear Kat's sister call my name and run toward me.

"Patrick!" Bianca called out to me. I saw Kat pulling at her sister's arm. "Please take my sister to Fall Fling!"

"Excuse her, she was dropped on her head as an infant and she has these episodes. Let's get you medicated." Kat interrupted, forcing Bianca away.

I smirked as I watched the sisters fight, fully entertained.

"Look!" Bianca turned toward me again. "Deep deep down beneath my sister's crusty exoskeleton she has a soft spot for you."

I raised my eyebrows and looked accusingly toward Kat. Oh really now? Well look at that. Her secret isn't much of a secret any longer.

"I'm going to kill you in your sleep!" Kat whispered painfully.

"I'm sorry! But I'm desperate!" Bianca whispered in reply. Kat turned her back toward me and I smiled inwardly. Oh yes. This was very entertaining.

Bianca sighed and started to explain. "My father is a freak.." I nodded my head and narrowed my eyes. He does seem like a weird guy. "..who won't let me date until she does so will you please take her to the dance? You could consider it a contribution to the Free Bianca Stratford Foundation.." She begged.

I didn't even have to think about the question before I answered.

"Okay. I'll do it." I answered easily.

"What?" They both asked in disbelief. Kat whirled around and walked toward me. "I'll take her to that dance."

Kat narrowed her eyes at me. "Even if you are serious, what makes you think I'd go?" She asked with a trace of a snarl on her face..which strangely turned me on.

"Don't ask questions just say yes!" Bianca said nodding and grinning like she had just won the California lottery.

"I am serious. I'd like to see how you look in a dress." I confessed quickly sizing her outfit up. "I'll pick you up at seven." And with that comment, I smiled, nodded once, and continued to my first hour.

I couldn't get the look Kat gave me after I told her I was serious out of my head for the rest of the day. I couldn't tell if she was surprised, happy, or annoyed. Probably a combination of the three because knowing Kat she is always annoyed. No matter what emotion she seems to experience.

I arrived home later than usual and found my mom in the attic coughing on dust. "Mom..hey.." I greeted while reaching the highest step and looking out into the abyss that is our attic.

"Pat!" She paused to cough. "Honey! How was school?" She asked sniffling.

"Fine." I replied in a monotone. She sighed heavily and drew in more dust than oxygen causing her to fly into a coughing fit.

"Oh." I paused as I started to make my way down the steps. "Yeah..I uh..have this..thing tonight.."

My mom's eyes widened dramatically. "A thing? What thing?" She asked excitedly.


"A dance? My Patrick is going to a school organized dance?"

I closed my eyes. "Please don't make this more painful than it has to be."

She squealed in excitement which triggered an eye roll from me.

"What are you going to wear?" She asked.

"Uh…this." I pointed at my t-shirt and jeans.

"Hah!" She laughed and when she saw my expression remained the same, her mouth fell open. "You aren't serious."

"Yeah. I am." I replied. Why does everyone keep questioning whether or not I'm serious? I'm really not much of a joker lately.

"Well…I know how you hate to shop." I nodded quickly. "..But I think I have the answer." She said with hope and a genuine smile. I saw her grab a 1960's looking trunk from the corner of the attic and she waved me down the rest of the ladder.

"I remembered this today when I was rummaging through things. I'm glad I kept it. I knew you would need it someday." She explained as we walked together to her room.

She wiped the trunk off with a hand towel and set it on her bed. She carefully flipped the levers up that held it together. Inside was a black dress bag. I sat on the side of her bed and watched her inspect the bag for spiders. I only know of one other person who is that afraid of spiders. Brad. His phobia is hilarious because Mr. Keeble uses it as a weapon as we all do.

My attention was drawn back to the black bag which was now being lifted off by my mom. With the bag withdrawn, I saw a jet black suit with a red paisley tie hanging on an old wooden hanger. I widened my eyes, remembering the tie. This was my father's suit.

"He didn't remember to take this with him?" I asked in surprise. He was disgustingly materialistic and didn't leave a thing behind.

"Nope. I had this at the back of the closet. He was in such a hurry…" She started. "Well, it's his loss and our gain." She said with a satisfied grin that I reflected. "Okay. Shut up and strip." She suddenly commanded.

My eyes flew open. "Mom!"

"What part of 'shut up' do you not understand." She stated as more of a comment than a question.

I rolled my eyes and started to de-clothe myself. I'll let her have her fun for now. She really wanted a girl so they could play dress up and shit. This is as close as it gets for her.

Once I was bare down to my boxers she quickly got to work. While she barked orders and pulled here and there she asked me about Kat.

"So..who's the lucky girl? Patrick stand still."


"Was she the girl you talked to me about awhile ago?"


"You like 'er? Patrick stand still!"

"Uhm…I…Ouch!" I shouted as she poked me with a safety pin. "What the hell do you need that for?" I don't remember needing a safety pin for anything when putting on a suit.

"Stand still, damn it!" She commanded again.

I growled deeply and reluctantly conformed.

When she finally finished I felt heavy. She grabbed the tie and I stepped backward a few steps.

"Ooh no you don't.." I said shakily. That tie is the most repulsive article of clothing I had ever seen.

"Patrick. Get. Over. Here."

"It's bad enough I have to wear a damn suit." I replied.

"Patrick.." She started toward me and I ran out of the room. I could hear her giggling when I reached the living room.

"Okay, okay.." She surrendered. "No tie."

I walked back into her room and she ushered me into her bathroom.

"You look so handsome." She gushed.

"Mom..I can't wear this." I said while looking at my reflection. I had on a suit jacket and dress shoes. I could hear the comments about my over-dressing already.

"It's a dance..not Prom."

"Hmm.." She studied me. "You're right." She took off my jacket and unbuttoned the first couple of buttons and the cuffs on the black shirt. I took the liberty of taking off the shiny pointed shoes.

"Oh Patrick, not the shoes!" My mom whined.

"Mom. They're pointed…"

"Alright. Fine." She waved me away. "Wait! I think I know of the finishing touch." She ran back into her room and pulled out a satin vest.

"He wore it to our reception."

I pulled it on and smirked in the mirror. It really did complete the look.

As I headed up stairs to mess with my hair she called out to me.

"Make sure and text Kat and tell her you'll be there to pick her up."

I pulled out my phone and opened a new text page.

"CU7" Was all I wrote before pressing send.

After I was finished with all of the extra shit that goes into trying to look like a 'gentlemen' I pulled on my boots and looked at the motorcycle book that was sitting on my bed. Guess Luis' bike will have to wait.

I headed downstairs and was blinded with a camera flash.

I cursed as I blinked and rubbed my poor eyes.

"Awe..honey…You look great. Hurry up and get don't want to leave your girlfriend waiting."

"She isn't my girlfriend." I stated while kissing her and heading out the door.

Before I could shut it I heard my mom yell out, "Not YET she isn't!"

I arrived at Kat's house after dark. I smirked at myself when I had the thought that I hadn't actually ever seen the rest of her house other than her room the night of the fire. That night's memory plays on repeat.

I rang the doorbell and was greeted by who I assumed to be Mr. Stratford.

"Oh. Hello. Who might you be?" He asked looking me up and down.

"Patrick. I'm here for Kat." When I finished my sentence I saw his eyes widen a drastic length.

"Aren't you a little old for a high school dance with a high school girl? How did you even meet Kat?" He said while crossing his arms.

"I'm 17 sir. I go to school with her."

He blinked as if I were kidding.

"Serious." And yet again someone questions my seriousness!

"Alright. Well then." He sighed and stepped aside to let me in. "I have something to show you." He told me with a smile. I was afraid it might be baby pictures. God knows how uncomfortable that is.

I followed him to the kitchen table where I saw a laptop.

"Now son…let me introduce you to what I do on a daily basis." With that he pressed the enter key. I was instantly flashed with a woman with her legs open and a team cutting a still attached, bloody umbilical cord.

I coughed, choking on my own spit. Definitely not the kind of baby pictures I was thinking of..

"This is the baby crowning. Oh, this is what placenta looks like. Here's the father cutting the cord which is of course only symbolic because he's responsible for that baby for the rest of his life.

"Got it. Sex makes babies." I said thoroughly disgusted.

"Are you done with your inquisition dad? We have a stupid teen cliché to be had." I heard Kat's voice and turned to look at her.

She was wearing a strapless, very short, black dress. I almost drooled. I then felt Mr. Stratford's strong hand pull my face away from her form.

"I was just showing your friend with the disturbingly deep voice who looks much older than seventeen what could happen if he's not careful. And by careful I don't mean use a condom.." He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed downward as he finished. "..I mean keep it in your pants."

"Ow.." I said quietly.

"Dad! She pulled him away and grabbed my arm. "I'll be home by curfew." She pulled me out of the chair. "I'm so sorry, his Tourettes is acting up again."

"It's okay. He just really cares about you." I quietly said to her. I was suddenly a tad envious of her father's care. She probably doesn't know how good she's got it. To have a father like that, I'd give pretty much anything.

"I bet it's funny to see how fast he turns red."

"It is, isn't it."

I elbowed her shoulder and spoke up. "We taking my bike?" The look on Mr. Stratford's face was priceless.

"Please tell me he's talking about his 10 Speed." He said to Kat. I smirked. This is turning out to be funnier than I imagined.

"We're taking my car." Kat reassured him and walked up to whisper something in his ear. He scowled at me hauntingly while she couldn't see. She kissed his cheek and walked back over to me. He pointed at me warningly as Kat grabbed my arm to leave. I smiled in response to his threat. We got as far as a few feet when he stopped us.

"Kat! Seatbelts?" He asked and Kat nodded and smiled shakily. She practically pushed me the rest of the way. I grinned slyly at Mr. Stratford before she drove me out of the house.

"Oh God. I'm sorry." She apologized as we walked toward her car.

I laughed lightly. "Nah. Don't be."

She shook her head and opened her door.

When we were in the car I studied her and her outfit. I was surprised to see as much cleavage as she showed. I would have thought she would be against showing herself off. She caught me staring.

"Not my choice. Bianca."

I nodded, understanding what it's like to be forced to wear something of someone else's preference. I watched the way she drove. She was graceful in her motions and they were fluid in their own right. I had never seen someone drive so poised. Her turns were smooth and exact. And her stops were award worthy. I didn't feel the jolt of the brake once.

Before I knew it we were at the school. Kat pulled into a tight parking space with ease and we both exited the car. We walked toward the school in silence keeping ourselves at a good distance. I could already hear the God awful music leaking from the inside of the gym.

We paid for our own tickets and entered the gym. Orange, purple, blue, and red circles of light were scattered across the room. A disco ball hung from the middle of the ceiling along with other lights that would make a raver's dream come true.

We both moved off to the side and I leaned against the concession stand's counter.

"Wow. And I thought school was bad in the day time." I commented, scowling at anyone brave enough to look at us.

"What do you think will happen first? A Conga Line or the Electric Slide?" She asked referring to the over used dance progressions.

"I'm pretty sure I feel a Macarena coming on." I said with disgust.

A slow song seeped through the speakers and everyone instantly searched for a waist to grab or a shoulder to hold.

"No Macarena. Darn." She feigned disappointment.

"That's alright. This is just as awkward." I stated watching all of the couples.

"I'd hardly call this dancing…these kids are just dry humping to music." She commented observing some of the more…crude couples.

"Well in that case, care to dance?" I asked raising my eyebrows and envisioning scenarios in my head. I'm so glad there's no such thing as mind reading. I'd be so dead.

"No way." She replied.

"Oh, I see. You can't dance."

"Oh, I can dance." She defended and looked at me.

I matched her gaze. "Yeah? Prove it."

She looked me up and down and sighed. She grabbed my hand and dragged me out on the dance floor. I smiled in satisfaction.

She faced me and I easily slipped my arms around her waist. I could tell it had been awhile if at all that she had danced like this with someone. She hesitated with her hand placement but rested them on my biceps. I felt her stumble and step on my feet, unsure how to start and obviously untrained in the art of wearing heels.

"Oh. I'm sorry..I'll try to let you lead." She said looking down at her feet and back up at me.

"Oh this I gotta see." I commented on her relinquishing her dominance. I was waiting for a witty comeback but when it never surfaced my face softened. She had a vulnerable appeal to her and I truly appreciated it. I gazed upon her the entire time, locking eyes with her when she would give me the opportunity.

We fell into a united pace and it was nice to have an excuse to just stare at her in silence. She slowly moved her hands up to my shoulders. Her perfume swelled my senses and only amplified the high I was experiencing.

"Wow. I think this is the longest I've ever seen you quiet." I commented and was awarded with her smile.

"Ahh..and there goes the nice moment." She replied. We smiled together and she was correct. This is a very nice moment and I don't think she realizes how much I really value little things like this.

And just as her comment predicted, the nice moment ended. The DJ played an upbeat song about turning someone on and I wanted to shiver. I dislike pop music almost as much as I dislike emo music. We both stood there, wide eyed. I prayed she wouldn't make me dance to this.

"Yeah I can't do this."

"Me neither." I said gratefully. "You wanna get some punch?"

She laughed. "Did you really just say that?"

I wrinkled my face in pain. "Yeah…I did." She literally laughed out loud and pushed me off the dance floor.

We returned to the concession stand and she retrieved her clutch. We were about a foot away from the punch bowl when a football player pulled out a flask and poured its contents into the red liquid.

Kat rolled her eyes and we headed up the stairs into the second level. Away from all of the people. We noticed a couple in the crowd fighting.

"Why you gotta be like that baby?" I voiced for the guy.

"Don't call me baby. I don't like it." Kat chimed in.

I smiled and replied. "You want my baby..and I eat babies to get strong."

"Babies are smarter than me..wanna makeout?"

We laughed when Kat's voice over was actually true. The couple started to consume each other's faces.

Looking at each other we turned away from the crowd.

"So listen I never thanked you for the other night." I crossed my arms and looked at her. "During the fire."

"Yeah…that kiss was pretty good right?" I bragged turning away from her.

She sighed and hit me in the arm with her clutch.

"No…for rescuing my mom's records. Maybe you weren't raised by wolves."

I narrowed my eyes and cocked my head to the side. "Was that almost a compliment?" I asked, turning to face her.

"Almost." She agreed.

We locked eyes and I reached up and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.

I scooted a bit closer to her before I spoke. "Come on..let's get out of here."

"Go where?"

"Anywhere. The beach." I desperately wanted to take her to my favorite place. I'm sure she hasn't been anywhere near the ocean since she moved here.

"That's exactly what this dress is missing. Sand." She said sarcastically.

"I'll give you a piggyback ride." I offered.

She looked up at me with fear in her eyes.

"Ah..don't be scared. I'm not going to try and kiss you again. Not even if you begged me." With the last sentence I moved closer to her.

"Don't hold your breath." She replied just how I thought she would. I was a tad disappointed she didn't surprise me.

"Meet me downstairs. I gotta take a leak."

"Good to know." She said again with sarcasm.

I was about to head off when I stopped.

"By the way..I was right."

"About what?"

"About how good you look in a dress." I complimented. It was more of an understatement than anything. She looked…amazing. Even that doesn't cover it.

We caught each other's eyes for a good moment before I walked away.

After I finished with my business one of my old friends Keith came out of a stall with a joint.

"Wooaho..I'm so trashed for a second there I thought you were Patrick Verona." He said pointing at me.

"It's me Keith." I said while leaning down to wash my hands.

"Nice try. You wouldn't come to a dance. Unless you're a Narc. Is this a bust?" Keith asked looking every which way, paranoid. As he always was.

"I'm not a Narc, I'm here on a date. You mind?" I reassured him.

"No actually..I'm glad you're here. I feel way less lame now. You want some? It's medical. I have early stage Glaucoma." He said offering me a hit. I wiped my hands on my pants and was about to refuse when the bossy girl from this morning burst into the bathroom with a cop.

"I told you I smelled something illegal." She said looking at us both.

I shot Keith a scowl and the cop called for backup on his walkie-talkie. When another man showed up, the first took me and turned me around to cuff me. Damn my reputation to hell!

"Sir, I told you, I didn't have any! I'm here on a date!"

"Yeah, yeah…if we got a dollar everytime we heard that one!"

"I'm serious! Please let me just tell her where I'm going!"

"Let's go." The cop rolled his eyes and took us downstairs.

I continued to beg him to let me speak with Kat when we past the gym window I saw Kat.

"Kat! Kat! Over here!" I yelled as loud as I could but the music drowned my pleas easily. I fought the cop with as much power as I could with my arms behind my back. He managed to get me past the window but I used a trick I learned back in eighth grade to buy myself some time.

I got back in view of the window and yelled again. "Kat! Kat Strat-" He pulled me away from her view again.

"She's right there officer! It wouldn't kill you to notify her!"

"Shut up, kid. I don't give a damn about your girlfriend."

"Well, I do!" I continued to fight him all the way out to the car.

When we arrived at the police station they threw me and Keith into the same cell.

"Dude, I swear to God if you say one word, I will neuter you." I threatened.

Keith's eyes doubled in size and he sat on the bed quietly.

I grabbed the bars and yelled out to whoever was there to listen.

"Do whatever test you have in your little rent-a-cop kits! I'm 100% clean! You seriously think I could put up this much of a fight with that shit in my system? Look at Keith! He's practically at Woodstock right now!" I yelled angrily.

"Whoa..You're like..loud.." Keith said looking up at me with squinted eyes.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply to keep myself from seriously injuring him.

I kicked the bars and the door shuttered sending a loud bang throughout the hall.

"Shhhhhh!" Keith spat at me with a very high smile.

"Keith." I warned.


The cop that arrested me walked toward our cell.

"Now if you will shut the hell up, you can make your phone call. But first gimmie a sample." He offered me a cup and I snatched it from his hand. Dumbass. Obviously I'm not high. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

I handed him the cup when I was finished and he let me out to make my phone call.

"Dude! I'm just going to sleep here tonight. You can have my call." Keith called after me.

"Thanks." I replied.

When I reached the phone I quickly dialed Kat's number from memory. I didn't get an answer and at that moment, I was thankful for Keith's stupidity. He's so high he probably won't remember any numbers anyway. I decided to leave a message on her phone in case my mom can't get off work to bail me out.

"Kat this is Patrick. I'm in jail because these dumbasses here can't tell when someone's high AND WHEN THEY'RE NOT." I said the last part of the sentence loud enough for them to hear. "When you get this message please call back. I don't know if I can get another bail. I'm sorry about tonight. Really.."

I hung up and dialed my mom's cell.


"Mom. Good. I'm glad I caught you on break."

"I'm at home. I have the night off."

"You need to come bail me out of jail. I'll explain when you get here."

"Patrick, you better hope it was just a misunderstanding." Was all she said before hanging up.

"Alright, loud mouth. Back to your cage." The cop said while escorting me back to the cell. I rolled my eyes.

"You can get back to your donuts and porn now." I remarked before he shut the door. The officer laughed and headed back to the front desk.

After about thirty minutes he unlocked the door and let me out.

"Tests were negative. You're free to go. I'd watch that mouth of yours in the future though. You're lucky I have a sense of humor." He told me as he brought me to the front of the desk where my mom was sitting in a chair.

Once I was free from my handcuffs my mom and I walked out.

"Where is your bike?" She asked.

"Over at Kat's. Just take me to the front neighborhood and I'll walk the rest of the way."

She nodded and gave me a hug.

"At this rate, we should get your record expunged." She chuckled softly and I smirked. Again I have been shit on by everyone's assumptions.

It was about one thirty by the time I reached Kat's house. Every light was out. I climbed her trellis as I had previously done a few nights ago and reached her window. I knocked about five times and I was denied an answer. I texted and called but still..nothing.

I gave up and climbed back down to get my bike and leave. I didn't care if it woke anyone up this time. I revved the engine and sped away. I shook my head. But I don't know why I'm surprised. Kat's behavior is typical. Assuming as much as her little heart desires and not giving anyone the courtesy to explain themselves.

That's the eighth point I hate about Kat Stratford. I hate the ignorant air she carries with her when she starts to make assumptions.

As we all know..our beloved 10 Things has been canceled.

I'm still in the grieving process. I'm sorry this was so late.

My regards to all of you in your disappointment.

Much love and thanks,
