
Bang. Bang. Bang.

The sound of bullets echoed through the underground room, where a blond hurricane stood, feet wide apart, a semi automatic gun clutched tightly in a firm death grip.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

The blond shot the targets one by one. A black gloved hand kept pulling the trigger, aiming at the heart, aiming at the skull…

And he never missed once.

Hours went by, yet the stream of gun shots did not cease, nor the rage that filled those ice blue colored optics did subside. No, not at all. On the contrary, leather clad legs were frantically moving from booth to booth, finishing off all the human shaped cardboard targets, then moving, not wasting time waiting for a target to reload. With swift, precise shooting he paced the empty room until he reached the last booth, then he'd reverse his path till he reached the first one, and so on; an endless cycle. Even though no one was there to witness this savage dance, it was sinfully mesmerizing. The blond was like a shark whose eyes rolled up until only white could be seen upon smelling gunpowder…

Mello stopped suddenly, the sound of heavy panting replaced that of bullets. Alas, this simple action of standing still provoked long suppressed memories that he didn't even know they were there. Random images bombarded his mind to the point where it caused physical pain. His right hand reached to his head, clutching his golden locks in a vain attempt to block the flow of pictures and soothe the forming headache.

A frail boy, with tattered clothes ran and weaved his way through the alleys, snow crunching beneath his feet. The shopkeeper- Mr. Schmitz - was a few steps behind the little boy, yet the distance kept increasing. And all Mr. Schmitz could do as the blond pulled down his pants and waved his pale ass across, despite the cold was to scream " Damn you, you demon child!" to the 6 year old blond whom yet again shop lifted from his store.

"Why the fuck do I get the girls gun!" screamed a 10 year old Mello, as he lifted the revolver for further inspection, his face twisting in disgust furthermore if possible. " I can't fucking believe they make this shit still! What the fuck am I going to do with this shit? Play fucking Russian Rullet? I'm going to be sleeping with the fucking fishes with this shit!"

The brunette rolled his eyes at his new partner's antics, he hated being teamed up with newbies, but it was The Leader's orders, he couldn't object. Despite the almost feminine look of the young boy, the Leader saw potential in this blond.

"You're a rookie." The dark haired boy said flatly, hoping his annoyance would shine through and get the blond to shut up.

"That's exactly what I am talking about. This is my first mission; you can't give me a fucking revolver, I'm damn good, but I still haven't reached the level where I can go sneak around under the moonlight killing people with a needle…so I need to be mother fucking prepared, and this," the blond pointed at the revolver "Is not prepared."

"What did you expect?"

"An oozy."

Suddenly the abandoned warehouse filled with laughter.

"The fuck are you laughing about?"

The older brunette wiped his glistering green orbs, he turned to look at the blond, and with that the laughter stopped. It dawned to him, that behind the glares that are being shot towards him at the moment, there was undeniable fear. He forgot sometimes that he was a 13 year old, he forgot how a first mission felt like. This boy in front of him was only 10 years old for god's sake! Of course he'd want a heavier gun, he wanted to feel safe. But there was no escape from this, he was destined to become a killing machine, and now this blond was too. The two of them were thrown in an adult's game at such a young age.

"Look man, I am sorry, there is nothing I can do about it." The brunette turned to zip up his back pack, so that they were ready to go, but a shine of silver from inside the bag caught his eye. "Hey. Mihael. Catch!"

Mello effortlessly caught the rectangular object in one hand, and proceeded to unwrap the foil, without any hesitation he snapped the chocolate bar with his teeth. Mello said nothing, but the silence spoke volumes.

The brunette smiled, happy to ease the young boy a bit. He grabbed his bag pack, and exited the warehouse, his partner on his side still munching on the chocolate. "It's straight from America, you know."

The blond nodded. "What's it called?"

"Umm, I think it's called Herpes."

Mihael looked at him in shock "Why the fuck they'd name it after a liver disease?"

"I don't know"

"Americans" both sighed in unison.

"Come on Mello! What the fuck are you waiting for? Let's go!" The older boy shouted for his partner, who stood still next to a bleeding corpse. "The car is waiting for us come on!"

There was no response. The green eyed boy strode towards the blond and clasped his arm pulling him by force. " Mello we better leave the fuck soon, now come on!"

"No!" screamed the 10 year old. "No, leave me alone! I fucking killed him, Gabriel! I killed him! I am murderer! I killed him!" Mihael started pacing frantically, tugging at his hair harshly, smearing blood unintentionally on his cheeks.

"Shhhh." silenced the older of the two, he stepped closer to Mihael and pulled him tightly to his chest, it seemed to trigger more sobbing from the blond yet he was no longer screaming. "I killed a human, Gabriel. I'm a killer…" The blue eyed beauty cried. "He probably had a family… Oh god what have I done!" The other grew angry at those words, he pulled his partner off of his soaked shirt and shook him harshly. "This man had it coming for him. He's raped dozens of people and murdered them after. He killed innocents, he deserved what he got. Mihael. He deserved it! You hear!" Gabriel's words became louder and louder, as if he was trying to convince himself in the process.

"Am I going to hell?"

"Fuck it Mihael! No we are not going to hell…No we are not…" Gabriel unconsciously re-embraced the young boy, whom looked up at him with blue orbs that lost their iciness. They stood there clutching each other for dear life, until their team mates pulled them back to reality.

"What the fuck? There is no time for a fucking drama, come on let go!" One of them said. While the other clapped his hand several times to hurry the young boys up, motioning to the door. The police sirens were heard then, as if on cue.

"Mihael, we need to leave" Whispered Gabriel in the boys ears. Said boy detached himself from his partner's hold. He pulled back and stared skeptically at him, body quivering. He was not convinced, not a bit convinced by Gabriel's lame attempt to free him from guilt. And he was not going to leave until…


Mello looked up, green clashed with blue. This was it, whatever Gabriel will say next, will determine his future.

"You will get used to it…"

And that was all he needed to hear.

"Sir, we are closing. Sir?"


"Sir, I am going to have to ask you to leave, Si-" The intimidated man moved his hand to touch the slumped man's shoulder, he gasped suddenly, as a gloved hand instantly grasped his before it reached it's destination. A flushed face lifted up , wide ice cold blue orbs looking at him questioningly. The grip was getting tighter, as if waiting for an answer for his rude interruption. The pain was becoming almost unbearable; the worker felt his hand will break soon. "S-sir please, it's closing time"



"12 o'clock already?"


Mello stood up, handing the semi automatic to the worker. "Well, you should think on opening up this place 24/7."

"I'll be sure to report that Sir."

And with a two finger salute, the blonde cut his way through the empty clips and ammos that littered the floor, and left. His thoughts were no clearer, if anything he felt even more conflicted, but his body was exhausted.

Again the two found themselves in L Lawliet's living room; fire lit, wine, and all. L was seated on a chair, while Light claimed the spot in front of the fireplace, laying sideway on the Persian carpet. Whatever Light felt with Mikami, the other day was nothing but a dream at the moment, or perhaps a nightmare. It all depended in which perspective he viewed it in.

The young prostitute was raking his mind, looking for a rational reason to explain why he was sprawled in front of a man who he knew almost nothing of and who was currently sitting in an oddly normal way, only one leg drawn up to his chest, while the other limply touched the carpet, studying him like he was some sort of an undiscovered exotic specimen. He pretended to be oblivious to the observation, but the truth was he felt each glance as it slid over his body.

Light sighed, idly poking the fire with a long slim metallic rod. As he moved the logs, sparks would fly with soft popping noises.

Bored of the fire, the auburn haired man tilted his head in the painter's direction. L seemed serene, as if he was living in enchanting magical moment. Light was intent to memorize how L looked. He was captivating in an unorthodox way, the glow from the fire casting shadows on his face, adding more color to the otherwise pale skin. But the silence was stretching more than it was comfortable, at least to him, and when he saw L's dark orbs glaze, he thought it best to bring the artist out of his reverie before it becomes impossible to do so.



"L." He spoke louder this time, attracting the painter's attention.


"Um…How are you?" Light cursed himself for asking such a stupid question. He may as well have asked about the weather.

"I am fine, thank you. What about Light-kun?"


Light thought that this was most probably the worst rendezvous in prostitute history. He started musing about him and L spending their night playing UNO or monopoly, until L's deep voice jolted him from his thoughts.

"My manager inquired about when my latest project will be finished, I told him I met someone filled with…light. But let's not talk about me" The artist dropped his leg down, and leaned forward, obsidian orbs clashing with honey liquid ones. " I want to kiss you, fuck you…I desire you"

Light's breath unintentionally hitched, and he cursed at himself for it. Hearing those words from the artist's mouth did things to him that he didn't think possible.

'Desire? Desire. Desire! That was the key word for this evening, how could I forget something I know so well!' Light determined that he would take control for the rest of the session.

"Desire me then, this is what we are doing, nay? You are a few feet away from me." The brunette stood up and started to close the distance slowly, swaying his hips in a way only he could make it appear masculine. "You have specifically sought the bar for me, and paid a good amount of money to get what you want." Light's legs bumped the painter's, the young prostitute leaned down, until noses almost touched. "You have the right to touch me… but you don't dare."

L's chin was gripped and tilted up "Imagine that I don't want you to look at me." The prostitute started backing away. "Imagine what I am hiding beneath these garments." The words were a safety net, a comfortable routine he'd engaged in with many of his clients. It enabled him to emotionally distance himself from what he was doing. Except this time, it didn't seem to be working.

L was more than willing to comply. His gaze raked Light's body up and down, the intensity of it made it seem as if he was stripping off the articles of clothes slowly, one by one, with pure lust and passion, without actual touching, as if the two have just met in the restaurant or in the cinema.

"Imagine we are in a station, and it happened that I am standing next to you waiting for the train. You don't know me, and neither do I, yet our eyes meet, and I do not look away." Light began to circle L like a predator toying with its prey. "You don't know what I am trying to say, because even with your wit," Light stood behind L, whispering in his ear. "Even if you can see the light in others…You are not sensitive enough to see what this light could contain."

As Light drew back, an image of Mikami sprung to his mind. He felt irrationally guilty and immediately tried to shake the thought of his childhood friend away. He hoped his momentary hesitation wasn't obvious to L. "I look at your eyes directly and wonder : Have I seen you before? Maybe I'm just confused, or perhaps you know me, yet wish to ignore it. Maybe I went to this station for a simple reason: to find a man, escape away from the world, or perhaps I want to seek vengeance on a recent betrayal." The oak haired beauty stopped his wandering around the living room, and settled between L's legs, hands resting on the latter's thighs, a sinister, yet seductive smile playing on his lips. " Or maybe…I want to be your prostitute for the night."

Light smirked as he saw L's Adam apple shift in clear agitation, yet the painter's face remained stoic as ever. The room became silent again; only the sound of crackling fire could be heard. L could sense the younger male drifting slowly away, and he was determined to bring him back to the station. "In this meeting, does Light-kun desire me also?"

"I don't know…We are not talking, and you don't know," The prostitute's thoughts once again slipped to another dimension, where words of 'red' and 'yellow' rang in his mind. He summoned all his energy to get back to what he started, hoping it would be the end of his frequent lapsing. "I keep my eyes locked on you, and you become even more confused, not knowing how to react. Should you come closer? Will I reject you? Call the police? Or invite you for a cup of tea?"

L answered in a somewhat different tone, as if it was really the first time they meet. " I just returned from Munich, I intend to draw a series of paintings portraying sex, masks that people hide behind because they are afraid to experience a true meeting. The museum's executive asked about what my work was based upon. I told him it was about people who felt free to have sex in exchange for money. He said that that was not possible, that they were whores…"

"Indeed, they are whores, and I want to know the story behind each one of them."

"B-but Sir-"

"It is my duty as a painter to show the people what is hard to accept," said the artist firmly.

"But, I do not understand."

"I am not surprised," sighed L, but the executive let the rude comment slide. "Sex is no longer a taboo, nor is it forbidden - it is everywhere to an extent where it is near impossible to make something of value from it."

"Do you know where the desire to have sex comes from?"


"Exactly." The museum executive felt so achieved when the great L confirmed his answer. "But everyone knows that - I want to take the role of philosopher, to show how the attraction and chemistry happen."

"A philosopher?"

"A very interesting story indeed L, to a point where you killed any desire that was left in me." L chuckled loudly, and Light decided he wanted to hear that rare indescribable sound again. The older of the two then stood up to get another bottle of wine, for the previous one was now empty.


"Yes Light-kun?"

"Out of sheer curiosity, how will you end your story with the museum executive?"

"A Greek philosopher once believed that there were creatures long ago, that had two heads, two sex organs, four legs and four arms. The gods started to seethe with jealousy for those creatures were superior. The gods could not attack them because this creature had two heads and so one was always on alert and they had four legs and arms so they didn't get tired easily. But what was most dangerous was that they could breed on their own. So Zeus thought of away to weaken and destroy these creatures. He summoned thunder and struck those creature; cutting them in half so they became the humans of today. But this separation weakened humans and it became mandatory for each to search for his lost half, and embrace each other once again, to retrieve their lost power and skills. This embrace is where to bodies join to become one."

"And by embrace, Plato means sex."

"Ah, Light- kuns's mind proves itself worthy to mine by each and passing second. You are correct." Light smirked, taking the bottle of wine from L and pouring two glasses.

"Can I ask you a question L?"

"Of course."

"Why, when the Gods separated this creature, did some people think that this embrace is nothing special, that instead of increasing human energy and potential, it destroys it?"

"Is Light-kun referring to prostitution?"

"Ah, L-kun's mind proves itself worthy to mine by each and passing second." He chuckled lightly. "You are correct L, that is exactly what I meant…When did sex no longer became sacred?"

"Touché Light-kun. Well, I must admit, I never thought of it before, I do not believe anyone has actually."

"Maybe Mr. Whammy knows, let's ask him" Light said jokingly.

"Oh, do not offend Whammy!" said L in fake indignantly. "He is a wild party animal, beneath all his etiquette."

After a good laugh, Light thought it was time to return once again back to that station. "Let us return to the first day we met here, when you gave me that gift and acknowledged my existence. That was your first attempt to enter my being, and back then you did not know how much you occupy in my heart. As Plato said, humans are always looking for their other half. It is instinct. Moreover, it the reason also why we endure all those obstacles that we face in life."

Light continued, looking down at his glass to avoid L's penetrating gaze. "I want you to look at me, but at the same time, try to not make me notice. The first desire is of outmost importance, it is hazy, sinful, and uncalculated. You do not know whether you are standing in front of your second half or not, and neither do I. But there is something that is attracting us to each other, and it should be acknowledged," Light's sun kissed hand slowly went to unbutton his simple button up white shirt just enough to expose his tanned shoulder, slipping it slowly down further. "Desire, is not what you see, but what you imagine…"

L saw a handsome young man sitting in the middle of the living room in front of him, filled with bizarre want. Yes, he must admit to himself that he greatly wanted to see what the white shirt and khaki slacks where hiding, he wanted to see what size the young prostitute was. But what was Light doing here, L asked himself. Why was he engaging in this risky unusual relationship with a prostitute, when he can get anyone he wants? He was rich, famous, and attractive in an unusual way. He loved the two women he married, and they loved him. He should have been free to jump high and scream "I am so happy", but he wasn't.

L Lawliet had witnessed a lot of people struggle everyday for a piece of dry bread, shelter, and a decent job. He, on the other hand, had everything one wished for and more. And it only made him feel more depressed. But recently, he found himself once or twice looking at the sun, or at the rain, feeling happy, without him accomplishing anything. Despite these rare occasions, he spent most of his time consumed in his own world -dreams and work; working and traveling - more than he could endure. He knew that he was trying to prove something, but what it was and to whom, he did not know.

L kept looking at the bronze beauty bestowed in front of him. The man whom he met by coincidence, though he had seen him before working at 1550, and it was then when he decided that Light was of complex nature. And god how he desired him! But, it was Light's company that he desired most, not the body. Although, he didn't object to having the latter as well, L knew that he would be satisfied just sitting next to Light, watching a movie together, sipping wine, even just sitting in silence. The painter set his thoughts aside, and refocused on the game that he allowed himself to engage in.

The young prostitute caught the glint in L's eyes; shameless lust and passion were on display for him to see. Light read the message clearly, and he couldn't help the heat that was starting to pool down to his lower region.

Light began to slowly unbutton the rest of his shirt, shrugging away from the article, revealing a washboard stomach and unblemished expanse of tanned skin.

The racket around him died down, the fireplace, the painting, the books all disappeared. There was only him and L now. Light could sense shyness and hesitation from the older male, but it did not last very long.

L threw himself on the tanned chest, straddling Light, as pale dexterous hand groped and felt every curve, The raven's tongue devouring the body beneath him, wet muscle dragging a silver trail of saliva in uncoordinated moves all over the hard abs, stopping to dip in the brunette's belly button, then ascending up to encircle each dusted nipple one at a time in his mouth, then he proceeded by giving the nub short licks, in a cat like manner. "Nnnngh! L! Ahh!"

All of that was alive in L's imagination. In fact the two of them were silent and still. The calm atmosphere turning on Light even more. It allowed free space for the imagination to roam with no boundaries.

He imagined that he was sprawled on the carpet fully nude, asking L to come and touch him gently. He then spread his slim tanned legs apart, giving the spectator a full view of his leaking cock that stood proudly in between. Light's hand sneaked its way to his member, moaning as warmth engulfed it. He stroked it slowly at first, up and down, from base to head, giving the occasional squeezes that spurred more pre cum, while the other hand was busy fondling his balls, rolling them between his finger with just the right amount of pressure. The brunette' s eyes were closed in small slit, mouth 'O' shaped, streams of moans and dirty talk pouring down from it. Light was brazenly masturbating, and L was entranced watching.

Pearls of sweat started to form on the artist and prostitute's foreheads. Both simultaneously thought that the lit fireplace was the cause of it, yet they did not voice it. Light and L felt as they were soaring high up in the clouds, crossing all boundaries, living in the moment. Yet, the two young males knew that the slightly breath of wind could send the whole card castle tumbling down, ruining the magical moment, and sending them to the cruel reality; back to the starting point.

In an agonizing slow pace, Light pulled his white button up shirt, and redressed. Their surroundings began to crystallize, the fireplace, the furniture, the books, all appeared at once, as the dance came to an end. The young Japanese boy smiled and reached out to slowly stroke the raven's pale soft cheek, thumb tracing the black rims that circled the ebony optics. L closed his eyes, and moved down to the floor next to his lover for more comfort. The artist's arms then pulled Light in tight embrace, until they were chest to chest, they both could sense their faint bulges pressing together, creating small delicious friction that was not enough to excite. L and Light remained locked in this position, neither willing to be the first to break the contact. The painter's hand found it's way to silk auburn locks, and began absently stroking them, while the latter had his chin resting on his shoulder. "Light?" L whispered.

"Yes L," murmured the brunette, his voice came out slightly muffled from the painter's shirt. L opened his mouth to speak, and closed it. He knew exactly what he wanted to say. He had known the words he would eventually speak since he first saw the boy filled with light. And yet now that the time came, he found himself unable to utter the words that would cement his feelings, make them real.

"Nothing," the word was so soft it was almost inaudible. He felt the younger man move, pushing himself up and away. Black eyes met amber ones and the words that couldn't be said out loud made themselves known – the lust and desire that had been so visible on the painter's face had given way to their softer counterpart – love. L saw the same thing reflected in the prostitute's eyes for a split second before they were closed once again.

"I have to go," Light said softly. It wasn't a rejection, but L felt the sting anyway. The younger male planted a chaste kiss on the painter's now warm cheek, and moved to exit hastily struggling with his shoe on the way. L remained in his position, catching the glimpse of a genuine smile on the brunette's lips before the latter closed the front door shut.

Light closed his apartment door with the back of his foot, there were no cabs at this late hour, so he had to walk his way back from L's, not that he minded. It was a pleasant walk, despite the chilly weather. It gave him time to think about his time with L, and the glance they'd shared before Light had made an excuse to leave. He had wanted to stay there, to lie in L's arms all night. Never before had he felt so loved. Even in his parent's house he hadn't felt that sense of complete and total acceptance like he did just sitting there with L.

Long before his mind had been set at ease, he arrived at his apartment. He made his way to the kitchen, to boil some water for tea. He set the kettle on the stove and went to his room to change while it heated. On his way to his bedroom, he spotted his cell phone idly lying across the white coffee table. He had forgotten to take it with him today, or yesterday since it was past midnight.

Light picked up the device, not expecting to find any calls, but was surprised to see that he had 16 missed calls and 10 new messages - all from one contact, Ali Ismail. Ali was his Lebanese friend who worked in 1550. It was late too call back, Light decided, though he knew that all his workmates would be wide awake at this hour. Instead, he settled on reading the messages. Unless it was urgent, he would just call Ali later in the morning. He opened his inbox to read the first message:

"Matt FIRED Mello! :'O"

The sound of the whistling kettle filled the room.

A/N: Ah, and that was chaper 8 (obviously), want to give a big shout out for my Co-writer Miko, if it wasnt for her the story would have not been what it is now.

And I smell love in the air! * winks at L and Light*

But mello...What happened with him and matt? Beats me...

And on a more serious note, I would like to say that i would be travelling to Iraq at June 15th, hence the updates will stop for about 3 months, so if you want to know what happened with matt and mello, I will update before June the 15th, if you my loved readers showed me your eagerness.

In words: Review?

Oh, and i am always open for suggetsions and criticism, so if you have a suggestion as to why mello got fired, feel free to say it, even though i got the plot in my head, i may just change it.
