A/N so many people have done these and I have been dying to make one also. So this is it. Oh and I forget every time so here is my random disclaimer.

*watching the Bye Bye Bye music video from 'N Sync*

Friend: Hey that looks like Justin Timberlake with hair.

Me:*she is kidding right?* *slaps forehead* Ummm, that is Justin Timberlake with hair.

Friend: Really?! I didn't know he was a part of 'N Sync!

Me: Wow. That's sad. *shakes head in shame*

Friend: Hey! Well you don't own Night World!


Friend: You're not a vampire or werewolf either.


* * * * *

Everyone was waiting for the apocalypse to come and kill them all. Since they were waiting around they decided to play truth or dare.

They, being Quinn, Rashel, Jez, Morgead, Poppy, James, Ash, Mary-Lynette, Thea, Blaise, Eric, Thierry, Hannah, Keller, Galen, Timmy, Delos and Maggie, all sat around one of Thierry's many living rooms eating loads of junk food.

"I've got an idea!" Ash yelled.

"Oh this will be brilliant." Keller moaned.

"WOW! Ash has an idea for the first time! He must have worked hard to get an idea through that blond, self-centered skull!" Thea giggled.

"Yea, yea very funny. How about we play truth or dare?! Or are you all chickens?" Ash continued. Then whispered something in Mary-Lynette's ear, she shook her head no and began to laugh.

After a few seconds everyone decided to play, Ash started out first. "Ummmm… Morgead, truth or dare?"

"Dare, duh!"

"Umm, I dare you to let Jez give you a makeover and you have to wear the make up for at least 2hours."

Morgead looked mad, Jez gave a wicked grin.

"F.. Fine, but I get to go first, Keller truth or dare?"

"Dare." She said lazily.

"I dare you to wear a pink mini dress for as long as I have to wear makeup."

Keller glared at Morgead with extreme power.

"Mary-Lynette truth or dare?"

Mary-Lynette bit her lip, and swallowed. "Truth?"

"Wimp." Everyone whispered or coughed. Ash growled.

"If you must be lame, what were you and Ash whispering about?"

Mary-Lynette giggled again. "He wanted to know if he really only had a blond, unsmart, self-centered skull." *If thoughs are the kinds of questions they will ask then I will continue with 'Truth' thought Mare.*

"Lame" everyone said again.

"Don't you have somewhere to go?" Ash said pointing to Morgead and Keller. They both glared and stalked out of the room. Jez followed, with a look on her face that said Morgead was coming back pretty badly."Okay Mare your turn."

"James truth or dare?"


"I dare you to drink out of the toilet in room, 44!" Mare grins.

James sputters. "F….Forty Four?!! I've heard rumors of people going in there and never coming back!! That toilet is haunted!!"

"Hey that's my room!" Thierry complained. Everyone laughed.

"You… you evil person! You only look innocent!" James accused Mare. Mare smiled sweetly. "So are you going? Or not?"

"I hate you. Eric truth or dare?"


"You're a sissy also. Let's see, is it true on your 9th birthday your little sister gave you her 'racing striped' under wear?"

Eric turned bright pink. He shook his head. "Ya."

Everyone started to bust out laugh hard, Blaise started to choke on the soda she was drinking, from laughing.

That's when Morgead and Keller came back, Jez following behind.

* * * * *