Me: Its up now! What else do you want from me?You: The satisfaction of seeing the horror on your face when we tell you you don't own night world! *evil grins*

Me: NOOOOOOOOO! *yells in horror*

You: Like that. *more evil grins*

Delos's face looked like a non colored in coloring book. His forehead said "LOSER". His cheeks had doodles of puppies and kitty cats. Quinn put a Sharpie mustache and goatee with one large caveman eyebrow and a wart on his nose. Not to mention the rainbows and moons and stars stick people and musical notes in all other places they could fit.

" Master piece." Jez laughed. "I want to be around when he wakes up!"

"I don't." David and Thea said.

Quinn looked around the room, aiming for a good target. "Hannah," he said sweetly, "Truth or Dare?"

Hannah gulped. "T-Truth?"

Quinn smiled, this was going to be good. "Is it true, in one of your past lives, when you were in college you flashed guys as your friend sped down the street?"

Hannah's jaw dropped along with everyone else's. HOW DID HE KNOW THIS? She nodded.

After the frozen in shock wore off everyone started to laugh, who new quiet little Hannah had a wild side? Some one even called "WHOOO! Go Hannah!"

Thierry looked like he was about to die.

"Thea, Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to sit in Delos's lap until he wakes." Thea looked irritated.

"Great just my luck, Galen Truth or Dare?" Galen took a minute to answer.

"Umm… Dare?"

"Good, I dare you to take off your shirt and wear one of Blaises Bras." Laughter. A lot. Blaise got up smiling, "Oh come on sweetly lets hook you up." Galen gulped and followed.

" Rashel your up when I get back."

"I'll be here."

Funny? No? Yes? Review?