Author Notes: I clearly don't own Avatar, I'm not claiming I do, BLA BLA BLA…Hope you like my one-shot attempt at the moment when Sokka first sees Yue.. Not very long, quality not quantity. Review would be beautiful. Thanks, MemoryStorm x

+ LoveBlind +

A darkening evening reduced to one sight; the single figure passing the earnest blue eyes of a young teenage boy. A sight so precious, so stunningly rare, the beautiful Princess Yue leaves every hungry set of eyes transfixed.

Eyes linger briefly, the force of dignity pulling reluctant gazes away from the source of awe; to be caught gawping at such a unique goddess would be the height of ill-manner.

The one exception being Sokka.

Head tilted partially, eyelids lowered as he savours the mere glimpse of heaven. A frenzied heartbeat clamours in his narrow chest, tanned skin heated with raw animalistic want.

Blue eyes lock with blue. Peasantry clashes harmoniously with nobility.

Visibly jumping, an awkward smile tugs at his lips, a rush of delight chasing through his veins. To receive one look of recognition, a look directed to not all but only him. What he would do with such an acknowledgement; he would savour, he would cherish, he would repeat the scene over and over in his mind till it became a tattered memory, much adored in his recollection.

Cheeks glowing, heart shaped lips stretching into the most gorgeous of all smiles. Princess Yue of the Northern Water Tribe watches Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe with wary intrigue.

Now Sokka is complete.