The Truth and the Ring Pt. 2

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Twilight characters.

The rest of the evening goes along fairly well – for the birthday girl that is. She loves all of her presents and somehow Jacob finds a way to one up me by giving Leah a new pair of boxing gloves. She loves the two books that I bought her and even manage to snag a hug during the moment but that is as far as Jacob is allowing me to go with Leah.

He's been attached to her all evening, his arm draped around her shoulders casually, possessively and lovingly. The entire pack knows part of it is to show me that Leah is off limits and I suddenly find myself wishing that I had heat vision or something – a glare powerful enough to melt that damned arm of his off of my girl.

"You do realize that your glare isn't working, right?" Letting out a heavy sigh I turn to look at Quil. There's an apologetic look upon his face that makes it hard to unleash my anger and frustration out on him.

"Yea, I know." I sigh out in defeat.

"Can't you just be her friend or something?" Seth asks quickly after taking a swing of his beer. The obvious answer should be 'yes' because she is with my best friend, for now, and he does make her happy – so technically, I should be straight just being her friend but that's easier said than done after I've already hugged, kissed, danced, done body shots off of her and even sparred with the girl.

"Just be her friend." Seth hisses in a low, demanding and authoritative tone. I raise an eyebrow in question as Seth looks at his sister and back at me. "Making her choose between the two of you won't work." Seth explains moving in closer so only Quil and I can hear. "Leah doesn't want to hurt anyone – neither of you and so she'll back off from both of you if you're not careful."

The idea of Leah not being with Jacob is a promising prospect but then not picking me either feels worse. I can't help but wonder if Seth is right – would Leah cut us both off? Let there be a stalemate? No clear winner?

I slip into my thoughts as Seth and Quil talk about something else. I'm not sure how long I'm in my own hell hole where Leah refuses to talk, see or even acknowledge me when suddenly Kim runs up, her eyes all a glow as she asks the most horrifyingly rhetorical question of my life.

"Guess who just got engaged."

My stomach plummets to my feet as I look up to see Jacob standing behind Leah, his arms wrapped around her waist and laughing at something Sam has said. I really can't see Leah as Sue is blocking my view and along with Emily make a tight enclosed circle.

"Let's go see and congratulate them." Jared says with a weak smile before looking back at me in pity.

He couldn't have – he wouldn't have. Propose to her while I was right here?

"Calm down, man," Quil orders elbowing me roughly but I find it hard to keep my body from shaking violently. My body moves on auto-pilot, walking towards the growing circle, my eyes trying to catch Leah's as I move closer.

"Well this is…surprising news." Harry says weakly, his voice lacking the necessary excitement for such an occasion.

"I just can't believe it either," Emily says as I stand slightly behind her and Sam. "He just came out and proposed. I'm getting married!" Emily squeals excitedly and all of the wolves flinch at the sound as Kim joins in. The two bounce in a small circle like idiots as Leah stands off to the side looking on with a deep frown.

Our eyes lock for an instant and she smiles at me as I return it. My heart begins to race realizing that it wasn't Leah that received the proposal – there's still time. Leah looks away as Jacob leans down and whispers something in her ear. With a soft chuckle she nods her head in agreement and I feel my stomach clench in jealousy over their interaction.

Emily and the rest of the girls all stand in the kitchen and talk about future wedding plans while the rest of the guys laugh and joke in the living room. I hang back just close enough to the door to overhear the both the men and women talking.

"This is all such great news." Sue says beaming with pride and excitement for her niece.

"Isn't it? We'll be planning a wedding." Kim tacks on clapping her hands.

"Don't you think it's awfully soon?" Leah questions and I can hear the frown in her voice.

"Leah," Sue snaps.

"No, Mom, I'm serious. She's known him for all of…what maybe a month. You wouldn't be this excited if it was me. You'd have my head examined and then subject me to a rigorous series of drug tests." Leah states and judging by the suddenly ruffle of clothing that possibly Leah has made some sudden jerking movement.

"Well when you know you just know." Emily says softly with a smile.

"I just don't know about this Em." Leah says with a sigh.

"Oh, don't be so jealous." Kim says dismissively and I stiffen.

"Jealous? Me?" Leah asks with a short and curt laugh. "Why should – you know what, Kim? You are so right. I am so jealous that I don't have a wolf of my own." Leah says dryly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh…but wait – I do." Leah sneers and I feel a shiver run up my spine. This mocking Leah sounds really hot. "I'm dating the fuckin' Alpha." Her remark stings for a moment because it's a clear reminder that she's at the highest rung of the totem pole.

"Leah, just calm down," Sue orders as Leah growls.

"This little big mouth needs to," Leah begins but is cut off by Emily.

"I'm sure she was only referring to imprinting. You're not an imprint so you – you wouldn't understand." Emily explains.

"No, she just doesn't care." Kim snaps angrily and suddenly it's quiet – too quiet. "She rejected her imprint."

I can't help but to turn around to find Leah, Sue and Emily all gawping at Kim in shock at the accusation. My hands fist together as I glare at Kim, willing her to keep her big mouth shut but she is completely oblivious of my death glare and the silence.

"What the fuck you talkin' about, Waters?" Leah demands through clenched teeth, her back stiff and the muscles in her arms are tense and ready to knock Kim the fuck out.

"Embry," Kim states and by that time it is too late. Jared reaches his imprint but it's too little, too late as Leah turns around to face me. There's a hurt, confused and troubled look upon her face.

"Is it true?" Leah asks looking at me for the answer. If I say 'no' it makes big-mouth Kim into a liar but if I say 'yes' then it'll just make Kim into a big-mouth. I'm not sure what will happen if I tell her the truth now at this point but I can feel that joy will not be a part of it.

"Lee," Jacob calls walking up to Leah and trying to pull her into his arms.

"No, is it true?" Leah demands now looking at him. Looking around I can see Billy, Harry and Sue all looking at me in surprise while the wolves look anywhere else but me and Leah.

"Fuckin' unbelievable," Leah says chuckling humorously. "So I guess what? I'm not meant to know anything about the pack? To remain on the outside only looking in because I don't fit into the right criteria?" Leah asks as the sound of hurt and betrayal replaces the angry and demanding tone.

"No, baby, that – that's not it," Jacob begins but a low growl from Leah stops him short.

"You promised me no more secrets, Jacob." Leah states and Jacob looks down at his feet. "And I trusted you – and you," I look up at Leah and feel my heart breaking at the look of hurt, betrayal, mistrust and doubt in her eyes. "I seriously thought I could count on you. That no matter what you'd be honest with me but you've been giving me only half-truths too."

"Lee, I – I," I begin and move towards her. I want to hug her, kiss away the insecurities I've placed there by holding out on her and whisper in her ear how much I love her and never meant to hurt her.

"Just don't, Embry. Leave me alone." I stand frozen as Leah breaks away from Jacob and runs out of the apartment. I can only stand in shock. She left me; she doesn't want me sounding off in my head over and over again like some horrible broken record.

"I – I thought she already knew." Kim breathes out and I growl at her angrily. "I'm sorry, Embry, if I had known that she – she didn't know I never would've," I don't let Kim finish that sentence before I tear out of the apartment and phase once within the cover of the trees. A painful and regretful howl erupts from my throat as I cry out my pain to the heavens allowing my feet to carry me away to hopefully, outrun the pain that seems to be nipping at my heels.

A/N: So it has taken me FOREVER but I finally updated this story. My problem is that I find myself not enjoying writing stories in the first person. I'd much prefer the third person which allows me so much more freedom. I just don't want to switch up writing styles in the middle of a I guess I'm stuck. Oh, and this is a Callwater story plug, in case you haven't already checked it out but read Dare To Tell the Truth by BlacknCallwater fan. It is a GREAT Callwater story that has action, drama, love, suspense and lemons. And who doesn't enjoy a Callwater lemon? Or really just any lemon that involves Leah? An idiot that's who. LOL.

But if there's anyone left besides hilja then thanks for taking time out of your day to read my Callwater story. And nothing says nice story like a review. So just click that wonderful button at the bottom and tell me what you think. If you don't have an account that's okay because my account is still set up for even you to leave me a review. ^-^ My mailbox needs more then just spam. Hahaha.

OH and HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY to the Americans! Aussies I hope you had an AWESOME TERRITORY DAY! WOOHOO! YAY FOR ANY DAY THAT IS CELEBRATED WITH FIREWORKS! The light up the lake across the street from me. I was just glad my uncle that went to Vietnam wasn't over because sometimes he gets drunk and...well...that just makes for some interesting memories.