It's gotten bad enough that Lovina just wants to drink away her problems. She'd always said she wanted her brother to stop being so abnormally happy. This wasn't the way she had wanted it. How had her brother not seeing the potato bastard, and avoiding him because she and Feli did betray Germany towards the end, had such an effect on Feli? Had that asshole really made her brother so happy?

She stroked his hair softly, singing in a soft voice, as his head is rested into her lap. His back is against the couch, and his limbs sprawled out all over the place. It really pains her to see him like this. His face a pale tear stained red, his eyes puffy and lifeless, and his mouth open slightly mouthing the words along with her. The image is enough to make her cry, but she knows she can't. She has to stay strong and protect him.

It takes two hours of singing to get Feli to sleep, before it had taken him an entire couple of days to get some food in him. He refused even his pasta, and that had really worried her. She had brought up the idea of him calling the bastard, though being careful she had actually used his name, because honestly as far as she had seen and hated to admit they guy would never hate Italy. He had put up Italy's antics for a very long time, and she was sure that he would forgive Feli. She had told him that he couldn't avoid him forever. Slumping against the wall, his response to her advice rang through her head.

"Isn't that what you've been doing to Spain?"

She wants to yell at him, and tell him the situations are different. While they are, they are both avoiding a person for the same reason: They're afraid of them. Feli's afraid that Germany doesn't like him anymore. Lovina is afraid of hanging around Spain too much, that the dense idiot will finally realize she's a SHE. They really are as cowardly as they've always been thought to be…aren't they?

For her brother, for her family, she will swallow her pride. Only for them though. She holds the phone to her ear, her hand hovering above the buttons. Spain is a friend of Prussia, who is the bastard's brother. Surely Spain knows him enough that he can get the bastard over here? Her finger doesn't move any closer to the buttons as she bites her lips watching the time on the phone go by. Lovina honestly doesn't know if she can do this.

Except for meetings to ensure relations between Spain and Italy and of course World Meetings, Lovina hasn't spoken to Spain. Spain's tried to speak to her though, a lot. Every time she avoided, ignored, or hide from him. Spain's never stopped trying, but he has tried a lot less than used to. She presses the first couple of number in a quick frenzy trying to get this over with as quick as she can. She knows no other way of doing this, so she's going to have to deal with it.

When the presses the last button, the phone starts to ring, and she takes a breath trying to prepare in her head what she's going to say. It's when she isn't even past hi that Spain's melodic voice is heard saying something in Spanish. It brain freezes in panic, as his words go straight through her ear without her being able to translate a single word though she knows enough Spanish to be able to. A large silence is followed after he talks before she hears a single "Hola" being spoken questionally. She releases a breath, which she had apparently been holding, and gains whatever confidence she has.

"It's me, Bastard." She speaks in a strong voice, her tone only waveringly slightly. She curses herself for Calling Spain that, on a phone call where she's asking for his help. Real Smart Lovina, real smart.

"…..Lovi?" Spain's voice is spoken in a completely disbelieving tone. He follows with a happy, frantic rambling in Spanish, which Lovina is honestly not in the mood to even decipher. "Ay dios mio! I haven't heard from you in so long, Lovi! Are you okay? Are-"

"I'm fine……Spain. I need your help with something." She cuts him off, not wanting to deal with a landslide of frantic questions. She gets straight to the point, as she feels any nerve she has at the moment slowly ebbing from her.

"What happened Lovi? Are you hurt? Is it the Mafia? Did you gain an allergic reaction to Tomates?!?" Spain's voice grows more and more panicked, and Lovina just wants to head butt the Spaniard and tell him he needs to stop watching Spanish soap operas.

"I'm fine, dammit! I need your help with my brother!" Lovina takes a deep breath and continues to speak not allowing Antonio to speak until she's done.

"….I'll bring Ludwig over, Lovi." Is what she hears when she's done speaking ,and the then that irritating noise that shows you've been hung up on.

A/N: So I made this a multi-chaptered story. :D I'm sorry it took so long to update, but school has been hell. I really, really hope to update this again soon, but I'mnot one-hundred percent sure when I'l lbe able to. Sorry It's so short. D: