A/N: I do not own anything Inuyasha related but I do own the plot. Please do not forget to review, Thanks! ________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 1: Kagome's Truth of Heart

Kagome Higurashi was frowning….no fuming, glaring daggers at a certain hanyou walking ahead of her right now. She was ready to collapse and he didn't give a care! What was she? Some slave to him? His mate to order around? "Boy, all this fighting in one day for the Shikon no Tama! Can we please stop soon Inuyasha? Unlike you, we do not have the energy that you, a half youkai would!"

He whipped around and glared at her, granted it shouldn't have fazed her (she was used to it by now) but she was hurt. She had thought that they were past that and had something special developing. "Geez Kagome, don't be so impatient! Besides, we're already there" and there's a hot spring too, I smell it! InuYasha added in his thoughts.

"There's a hot spring nearby InuYasha, do you mind if I go take a nice hot warm bath?" Kagome said in emphasis. Good God this hanyou would be the end of her!

"Kagome? What's all this excitement over a simple hot spring?" Inuyasha asked in an incredulous voice. Women and their excitement over nothing. Geez.

"Ergg! How can you be so naive? It's not every week even, that we come across a warm bathing spot. If you don't mind, I'd like to go first, I need some private time." Kagome said. She was going and she would go, even if she had to sit the baka a hundred times!

"If you insist, but if you get into any trouble…." Inuyasha warned her.

"Yeah, yeah, okay, I hear you. I will be careful. See you in a while!" Kagome said and happily skipped away. She was going to get her bath after all!

-Kagome's p.o.v-

Ooh, this is so nice after being so stressed and tense and always ready to fight. I really should stay in here longer, but I'm all clean so why keep them waiting? I'm sure Miroku will want to attempt to lay Sango ... again. I guess I really shouldn't keep Inuyasha waiting, if I leave much later, he'll come to my "rescue" just so he can see me without my clothes on.

-End Kagome's p.o.v-

Kagome stepped out of the hot springs and heard a voice that chilled her bones, "heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha! I finally have you miko! I finally caught you alone! Do you know who I am?" The strange man asks her as if she was a child.

The very bare miko realized then, that it's who she never wanted. This was not a good thing. Or so she told herself? This is an illusion, I will wake up any second now, just blink... blink... blink... Damn! No use! It has to be an illusion, unless it is..... NO!!! He will not kill her again! Scream! A voice inside her was telling her. Scream! Inuyasha will hear you!

Then she thought with dread….Unless he's off looking for the dead miko for the third time. She's been missing for months! Oh no! The shards! They're blacker than his!

"Do not worry my dear little miko, I have already erected a barrier, so Inuyasha won't hear you scream or smell your blood for that matter." He said gazing greedily at her glistening, wet and perfect body in the moonlight. Oh yes…he would enjoy this. Enjoy this very much. Kagome would be his and only his. He neared her and sensed her panic. Perfect.

Kagome tried backing away from him a feeling of dread overcoming her. Her stomach tightened and twisted into a knot. He was walking towards her as he started pulling off his clothes…..oh no….he was going to….he was going to….and then Kagome screamed aloud for all she was worth: "Aaah!!!! InuYasha! Please! Hear me! I cannot take down this barrier!"

"It's not worth it Kagome. I love you, and you will love me back!" he said softly as he walked towards her creeping up on his prey. Kagome shivered as she stood there numb.

'Inuyasha help! Inuyasha help me!' but nothing came out of Kagome as she saw her end drawing near.

A/N: Thanks for actually reading this. I had to have somebody edit (how embarrassing.), but it's my first time writing for a real audience. Please criticize. I need tips. Hah. Okay, well, thanks for my one [and only :'(] review from Senorita Lucha 777!!! It means a lot! And thank you Lady Nerfertiti for editing this for me. Haha. I know I was a right pain in your butt.