New story! Hope you guys enjoy! I was just really bored one night, so I decided to make myself a grilled cheese. Then i dropped it on the floor. But then an idea hit me! So I just had to write it all down and Twilight-ify it!

Chapter 1: Emmett

I busted opened the Cullen's door, shielding myself away from the snow that was falling hard. Like they couldn't hear me! The first person to come was Edward.

"Have a nice day, Bella?" He said, then everyone else was here. I wanted to see how long I could put up with this. I didn't think about this so Alice couldn't have a vision, and I made myself think of losing the puppy I never like to talk to anyone about.

I didn't say anything. I just crossed my arms.

They all looked at me strangely. I looked into each one of there eyes, well, down a little for Alice, but come on....I didn't know how long I could go without laughing, but I thought I was doing a good job.

"What's the matter Bells, flying squirrel got your tongue?" Emmett said, ruffling my hair a little bit. I just stared.


"Bella? What's wrong?" Edward said, walking towards me more. I just looked up at him. He put his hands on my shoulders, and looked down.

Like you wouldn't know... Your the one who got me pregnant! Ha, okay, just joking there. That would be a little weird, having Edward's child. But it did sound cool. Were going to have a talk about this. Later though.

"Can she speak?" Carlisle asked, walking over and tilting his head a little bit. This was going to be so fun. Rosalie just rolled her eyes, probably thinking I was joking. But seriously, I couldn't talk. I woke up this morning to find that Edward and his family went hunting. Found out I couldn't talk.

I just shook my head no. He looked at me, surprised by my answers. I sneezed, then started coughing, but I was fine. Just a little cold. And I couldn't talk.

"What did you do to her Edward?" Alice said, probably picturing me trying to get me to go shopping with her, and me not complaining for the whole time.

"You need to go lie down sweetie, I'll go make you some soup." Esme said, smiling at me, then rushing off into the kitchen. But I didn't want to rest. I have been waiting for this day to come forever.

I just shook my head no, knowing that no one would move me. Well, maybe Edward would, but.

I stared at Emmett, then walked over to him. He looked down at me with a smirk.

"Aww, the little human can't talk. Isn't that adorable?" He said in a baby voice. I turned away from him, then started walking around the house. I passed my the kitchen, where Esme was making chicken soup, then I was at the stair case. I didn't want to go upstairs.

Everyone followed, well, everyone but Carlisle, Esme and Rosalie. She was now just sitting on the couch, looking at her nails. Ice Princess.

I grabbed a piece of paper off the counter and a pen. I walked up the steps, all of the other people following behind me. I walked into Edward's room, and sat down on the floor. They all gave me strange looks, but followed what I was doing.

I started writing down on the paper. "Hi." Good, start it out simple.

"Hey." They all said at the same time.

"What's up?" I wrote, then looked at all of them. I got a lot of answers from that.

"The sky." Jasper said.

"I see clouds of shopping bags..." Alice said dreamily.

"Flying Squirrels." Emmett responded. I raised an eyebrows at him.

"It's his word of the day. Please don't ask how he got it." Edward said, remembering the image in his head probably. Then he just lied down on the ground. I started running my hands through his hair.

"Why are we doing this again?" Alice asked. I looked at her. I pointed to Emmett with my free hand.

"Emmett." Jasper said. I nodded my head, then pointed to me.

"You." Edward said, not even opening his eyes. I smiled, then held up my arm.

"Arm." Alice said. I nodded again. I got the paper again, and wrote down the word "wrestle" and showed it to Emmett.

"Wrestle." He said with a grin. Edward sat straight up after that.

"What!? There is no way in this world, that I am going to let you arm wrestle Emmett! Have you lost your mind?" He said, going crazy. I started begging, bouncing up and down a little bit.

"Don't worry Edward, I'll go easy on her. After all, she is only....human." He trailed off in an evil voice. He's been watching to many movies.

"I swear Emmett, if she even blinks and she's in pain, you'll be dead." Edward threatened, wrapping an arm protectively around him. This was going to be so fun.

I set my elbow on the table, and Emmett copied my movements. I smiled at him. Then nodded. We started there. He started pushing against my hand, but it only went down a little. Everyone watched, there eyes popping out.

I saw Carlisle and Esme come in the door, probably hearing Alice scream, and watch me in amazement. I got bored now, so I just slammed his hand down. I let go, and just crossed my arms over my shirt. Who's next?

Wanna know who's next? Well, give me 10 reviews, and I'll give you the next chapter of this, AND the next chapter of LOAA. That one might take longer to post though. I'm sorry if this is short, but I had to just get this out!