Author's Note: Thanks so much to everyone who has read and stuck with this story. I never thought it would take me this long to finish. I blame moving and the start of grad school. The wait is over though and this is the last chapter. I hope you like it and if you don't my sincere apologies. The first set of lyrics is from "The One I Love" by Greg Laswell and the second set is "Be Here Now" by Ray Lamontagne.

I should probably say that I'm unsure why I'm running

Running away from the only thing I want

And I should probably say that I'm unsure why I'm running

Running away from the one I love

"I um I" said Callie looking from Ana to Arizona. She was rooted to her spot and had no idea why. She looked pleadingly at Arizona.

Arizona looked from Ana to Callie and tried to come up with something to say. Before she could start though, Ana decided to elaborate.

"You're pretty and nice. You're smart and your smile is kinda awesome. You have to stay because you're her." Said Ana confidently.

Arizona knelt next to Ana and started slowly "Ana you said some very nice things to Calliope but this is her choice. Also sweetie, this is not a fairytale, you can't just"

Before Arizona could finish, Callie knelt in front of Ana and said "You are a very special little girl and I know you want what's best for your aunt. I can't make a lot of promises right now and I wish I could put it in words you'd understand but I can't. I want you to know it was a pleasure meeting you and don't worry; I'll figure things out soon." Callie smiled at Ana, stood up and then chanced a look at Arizona.

Arizona looked up at Callie and realized that Callie wasn't ready. She smiled at her encouragingly and said "Take your time Calliope. I'll wait."

Callie offered a small smile and turned to go. As she shut the door, she heard Ana sniffle a little and Arizona's voice attempting to explain. Callie shook her head and thought 'If only it were a fairytale.'

Don't lose your faith in me

And I will try not to lose my faith in you

Don't put your trust in walls

Cause walls will only crush you when they fall

"Has she come around yet?" asked Mary.

"No, not yet. We haven't really talked much since you left. If she sees me in the hospital, she runs away like I'm gonna poison her or something" sighed Arizona. It'd been three months since Mary and Ana left and she was getting frustrated.

"Well you don't have to wait Zone. I'm sure there are plenty of women in Seattle who would love to have a chance with you" said Mary.

"I know" said Arizona, she shook her head and leaned over to brace it on her free hand.

"But there's something about her right?" said Mary.

"You know if you're just gonna read my mind, I don't understand the point of these phone conversations." Said Arizona.

Mary chuckled before saying "You just miss the sound of my voice. Give her a couple more days and if nothing changes, maybe I'll send Liz out there."

"I appreciate it but I think any more help might do me more harm than good" said Arizona.

Mary chuckled again "Ok have it your way. I gotta go, I'll talk to you later love"

"Ok love you" said Arizona and hung up after Mary's response of "you too". She looked up into the break room. 'I can't wait forever' she thought. Then she shook her head, and thought "but I might". She put her phone in her pocket and got up to leave. She looked around to make sure she had everything then she heard the door open. She looked up to see the last person she expected.

"I'm sorry I've been avoiding you" said Callie as she locked the door and shut the blinds.

Arizona looked at her confused by her actions but nodded her head in an effort to have Callie continue.

"It's hard sometimes you know? I fall too fast and too hard. I'm always the first to say I love you. George broke my heart and destroyed some of the faith I had in a happy ending. I never thought I was done. I knew one day I'd fall again. I just never thought it would be for a woman." Said Callie. She'd been avoiding eye contact with Arizona but finally looked at her when delivering the last part of her speech. She offered her a shy smile and said "You're beautiful, smart, and sweet and your smile is kinda awesome."

Arizona laughed a little and moved forward a little. "Calliope we can take it slow. A snail's pace if you need to. I'm not George and there's no Izzie in my life that you should worry about." She paused for a moment then added "Plus if you think I was a good friend, wait till you see what an awesome girlfriend I can be".

Callie laughed a little and closed the last bit of distance between the two of them. "I'm willing to try. I'm more than willing actually. I'm excited to try." She smiled and took Arizona's hands in hers. "If you'll let me that is"

Arizona shook her head a little. "You haven't been paying very good attention Dr. Torres. I'm in this already; I was just waiting for you." Arizona smiled and leaned forward to kiss Callie. Callie returned her smile before meeting Arizona halfway.

A few months later

"Calliope stop fidgeting" said Arizona as they waited for their bags.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little nervous. You said Liz is even worse than Mary and let's face it. Mary can be incredibly frightening" said Callie as she tried to stop messing with her purse strap.

Arizona offered her a sympathetic smile "She's going to love you and so will the children." She took Callie's hand and gave it a squeeze.

Callie offered a small smile back.

"Auntie Zone! Callie!" said a voice behind them and they both turned.

Ana came running toward them and practically crashed into Arizona's arms.

"Well hello there. Where's your Mama?" said Arizona. She smiled at her goddaughter and picked her up.

Ana took a few deep breaths to recover from her running then said "She's behind me but she let me run ahead when I saw you. She says you're staying for a whole week!"

Arizona laughed a little and said "That's correct." She looked behind Ana and saw Mary a couple feet away. She smiled at her. "Would you mind staying with Callie for a few minutes while I locate our bags?" She put Ana down and looked at Callie to make sure it was ok. Callie nodded.

"Ok." Said Ana and she put her little hand in Callie's. Arizona turned from them and walked a little closer to where their bags would come out.

Mary walked up to them after a minute and said "It's good to see you Callie."

Callie smiled and said "You too".

"Mama Can you go help Auntie Zone? I have to tell Callie something"

Mary looked at Ana a little surprised, shrugged her shoulders a little and said "Sure Sweetie".

When she was out of ear shot, Ana tugged a little on Callie's hand. Callie bent down and smiled. "Yes Ana?"

"I'm glad you came back" she said and leaned forward to hug Callie.

Callie smiled and said "Me too Sweetie" as she returned Ana's hug.

The End.