Hi, this is my first story in forever, and I hope you like it! I do not own InuYasha.


It should have been raining. It should have been dark and gloomy. It should have made no one want to venture out of their huts. But it was beautiful, sunny, and warm, children were itching to get out of their formal kimonos and play in the nearby stream.

Lady Kaede was dead. Lady Kagome was sobbing her tears into her husband's red kimono. Lady Kagome had been close to Lady Kaede, having learned from her for the last seven years. However Rin was taking it the hardest having lived with Lady Kaede, who had been like a mother to her, and been there with her when she died. Rin had no one to comfort her while she cried. She felt powerless and absolutely alone.

Everyone at the funeral had a hand to hold whether it be a lover's or a sibling's or a parent's. Rin was friends with these people but the one she had been closest to was now in an urn and only ashes. Miroku the monk was still talking, still making everyone stand there. Rin could feel the eyes on her back everyone seeing the poor girl standing alone.

Eventually the talking stopped, and the crowd began to disperse. People came up to Rin and murmured their apologies for her loss; luckily no one asked her the one question that she was terrified to answer. What happens now? Will she become the priestess of the village, she was talented enough but with no real gift or desire to continue with it. Would she marry a local boy and go to work on a farm? That seemed the nicest thing but none of the local boys caught her attention, and even if there was a boy she fancied, most boys sensed she was odd, different, or taken.

Finally all the mourners that had come up to pay their respects had left, and Rin was alone at the grave. She could hear children laughing in the distance finally allowed to play, not caring about the nice old lady who had died. What next? It kept popping up in her brain, and she wanted to run away from the question.

She saw the forest in the distance and she ran. She saw a bird take off in the distance and she pushed herself faster, hoping to take off like the bird.

Deeper and deeper into the forest she ran, weaving herself around trees and over twisted roots that got in her way.

She'd been running for a while and was panting when she saw a flash of white to her left and she stopped. Was it real? Is it him? She wondered as she walked over to where she saw it.

There he stood in the clearing.

Tears sprang to her eyes, she couldn't believe it, it had been two years since the last time she had seen him. She fell to her knees at his feet and started crying.

He didn't move, he didn't even look down at her, as if to give her some privacy while she composed herself.

Eventually she stopped crying and picked herself up.

"M-My Lord?" she asked hesitantly. He saw her hand twitch as if she wanted to touch him. "Is- is it really you?"

He gave her a simple nod.

"Oh Lord Sesshomaru!" she said as she started to cry again. She wanted to hug him but knew he wouldn't like it so she refrained.

When she had finished crying again she asked him, "Lord Sesshomaru may I ask you a question?" again his answer was a nod. "Lord Sesshomaru, what am I supposed to do now?" If anyone knew the answer to this question it would be her Lord.

He thought for a moment and then he spoke his heavenly voice and said, "Do whatever you choose to do."

She contemplated long and hard as she processed that information, 'Whatever I choose to do?' she thought.

"Lord Sesshomaru would I be able to go with you?" she asked.

"No Rin."

"But that is what I choose!" she said taking a step closer to Sesshomaru, so close she was almost touching his breastplate.

"This choice is not up to you," he said lifting her by her arms and placing her at arm's length away.

Tears of rejection filled her eyes, and realizing she had just made a fool of herself she turned and ran back to the village.


She walked into the hut half expecting Lady Kaede to be there. Rin looked at her mat that had been left out on the floor and realized that she was exhausted; she didn't even take off her kimono she just slid under the blanket and fell asleep.


The moon was full; shining bright light into the small hut, someone else was there, she could sense it. She turned and there he was.

"What are you doing here?" she asked sitting up. He seemed so calm just sitting there legs crossed on the floor right next to her. She tried to calm herself as her eyes began to burn from thinking about the rejection from earlier.

Some hair fell into her eyes, and faster than she could move a hand was out and had already smoothed the hair away, but the hand lingered and slowly moved down to her jaw where he then pulled her forward.

Rin was shocked, she had barely had any physical contact with Sesshomaru at all unless her life was endangered, but now his mouth was upon hers forcing entrance which she gladly surrendered.

He pushed her back into a lying position while she wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled himself on her, and that was when she first noticed he wasn't wearing any armor. Had he known this was going to happen before he even stepped into the hut? But she immediately lost her train of thought when his hands began roaming all over her.

Eventually he began taking her kimono off and she got the courage to start to try undressing him, but her fumbling fingers couldn't quite figure it out and he undressed himself for her.


It had been painful at first, but he was gentle and when it was finished he allowed her to curl up next to him and fall asleep.


She woke up expecting him to still be next to her, but he was gone. She dressed quickly and expected to find him outside somewhere. She went to the creek and bathed, then she continued her search for him. She spotted InuYasha playing with his child.

"InuYasha, is Sesshomaru still here?" she asked.

"Not that I've smelt. I thought that he was with you. You absolutely reek of him!" he said.

'Even after I've bathed I still smell like him?' she thought. She looked at InuYasha playing with his child and a thought came to her. She put a hand on her stomach and said, "Oh, What's going to happen?"