Disclaimer: all rights to Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto

If you haven't read my first story…then you probably wont understand this one fully…or you will but I do highly recommend it…

So as you can see since there is a high demand for the sequel(kinda lol) it will be happening lol…and this is it….yeah…soo because I like you guys so much I'll start this off with two chapters instead of one, hope you enjoy…they usually say the sequel never comes close to the first

So here we go

In a dark room where all you can hear was blood curdling screams, the sound of a sword being wielded, and the sound of bodies hitting the floor

The person wielding the sword which was bigger than him appeared to be a little child with long yellow locks that stopped to about his shoulder with a couple of black strands that stuck up spiky like in the air, he stood among many bodies with an insane smile on his face as he used his bear hand to wipe the blood off his sword the cold steel cut his hand as he took the blood and wiped it across his face, you could hear Orochimaru's crazy laughter echo

"AHHH!" Naruto woke up sweating with a fearful look on his face, he looked around the room to find Hinata asleep next to him, he got up slowly out of the bed making sure not to wake Hinata, as he got out of bed his feet touched the cold floor as he made his way to his daughter's room first, her name was Tsuki, she's twelve this year, she had long dark hair like her mother, but her eyes were like his blue like the ocean she looked so peaceful not like that unknown monster Naruto saw in his dream, he smiled warmly knowing his daughter was safe and walked to the kitchen where he poured himself a cup of water

"You're up early again" Hinata said in concerned while Naruto grunted in reply "Is it the dream again"

"I don't know but it's the same child…it's like a part of me…but he's going through these gruesome trials each time and losing his human side more and more…becoming a demon of a shinobi" Naruto said sounding a little scared

She came over to Naruto and draped her arms slowly around Naruto and rested his head on her chest as if she was counseling him like he was a child

"Maybe it's just a bad memory of when you were going through training as a child…but more exaggerated...we did take Tsuki to a scary play yesterday"

Naruto looked up at her from where he was resting his head and scoffed

"I may not be the hardcore shinobi I used to be but there's no way I'm a punk, got it?" He asked as he picked her up bridal style and brought her into the room where they slept till morning

Over the years Naruto and Hinata had a lovely daughter and lived in Konoha and sometimes the land of whirlpool. Naruto was still a ninja for hire but not as much these days since his dad made him take up a genin squad this year much to Naruto's dismay. We start this story with our hero's daughter's last year in the academy where they get a mysterious new student

"Hey, hey Iruka-sensei! When will I get to gut a guy like a fish?!" Tsuki yelled out brashly while putting her hand on her muscle to signal she was strong

"Wait…what…Tsuki will you sit down…any way welcome back everyone to your last year. this year I will be preparing you for the exams that will be up and coming towards the end of this year"

"Yes! you already know I'm gonna pass that!" Tsuki shouted confidently giving a hi five to Choji's son who was apart of her click of friends

"Sheesh why can't you be like your mother?" Iruka commented smacking his hand on face "Anyway…today we have a new student lets all say hello to Haru!" Iruka said revealing the boy with blond hair that came passed his shoulders that was tied at the end like Neji's, with some black strands sticking up in the air, his eyes were closed and his face was flushed because of how nervous he was being around a crowd

"Hello Haru!" Everyone said in a bored tone in unison, Tsuki the most bored she looked at Haru and saw that his eyes were closed and tried to use his embarrassment for some jokes

"Look everyone, he's such a punk, what kind of man are you!" she yelled making the class laugh Haru looked down embarrassed even more and sat in the available seat in the front

"It's alright Haru…she's always like that… sadly" Iruka said shaking his head "Ok get up! We're going outside for some sparing today!" Iruka said excitedly

"Yes time to kick some ass!" Tsuki commented

"Right" Suki Uchiha commented sarcastically

"Listen Suki, I know were best friends since first year and all because our names are said the same but spelled differently and everything but if we get paired up I'm gonna kick your ass for that comment, we know who the better fighter is" Tsuki said getting in her rivals face

"Well we both know it's me" she said activating her Sharingan and smirking "You hurt that cute boy's feelings so I'm gonna hurt you"

"You got a crush on the lame-o" Tsuki commented incredulously

"Maybe…so what if I do" She said with a blush

"Hey you two!" You're the only ones left in the class" Iruka said getting angry

Naruto and Kakashi, and Sasuke were in the trees at the academy making bets on their children where the kids were about to spar

"Now Kakashi, Sasuke, watch as my kid kicks both of your kids asses" Naruto said cockily

(Sasuke join the Konoha shinobi rank sometime ago)

"Right Naruto, your loser of a child bet my prodigy of a child" Sasuke commented

"You both seem to forget about my cute daughter Keiko, who single handily took down both your daughters with out trying" Kakashi said in a matter of fact way of speaking

"Just shut up and put your money in the hat" Naruto said

(Naruto has become more laid back over the years but that doesn't mean the ninja for hire Naruto doesn't exist anymore…kids do that sometimes)

"Ok kids! So here's how we are doing this, we wanna see who's the best since a little loud mouth girl I know always boast about how great she is, so you guys are doing a little shinobi sparring tournament today, winner faces me…here s the brackets everyone" Iruka said unveiling the brackets "no jutsu, strictly tai-jutsu, and no dojutsu moves either got it" The whole class nodded in confirmation

"Oh this should be interesting considering the fact that both your children have ocular techniques…sucks doesn't it" Kakashi said forming a smile under his mask, both Sasuke and Naruto ignored him and watched in anticipation

Naruto watched as Tsuki rose through the ranks and her silently cheered her on, as did Kakashi and their children

After a couple of anticipating little matches it came to the last four Haru versus Keiko, and Tsuki versus Suki

"Watch as my Keiko takes out this guy, he's been so weak and barely passed his other matches by the hair on his chin…if he has any" Kakashi said with confidence

"Hi Haru, I hope that after this match when you lose we can go out for lunch" She said with a smile

"U-um ok that sounds nice" He said with a small voice looking down not showing his eyes to anyone

"Well looks like your daughter wants to take him out alright" Naruto commented making Sasuke snicker while Kakashi mumbled something along the lines of have a talk later

Keiko went after Haru with a palm strike but that was a bad mistake cause as quickly as she struck she was sent on her butt, she dusted her self off and looked at Haru until she decided to go again this time Haru dodged everything precisely as he was very elusive, Keiko was getting frustrated and tired from all the tai-jutsu techniques she was using

"What!" The three older ninja replied in unison as they watched as she swung and kicked at Haru recklessly

After a long time Keiko tired herself out and Haru just made a quick movement and knocked her down, she was about to get up when Iruka decided it was enough

"You advance Haru…interesting…I didn't think you were so good judging from the last matches" Iruka commented "Good job"

"T-thank you sensei" He stuttered timidly as he left to the side

Everyone was in awe except for Tsuki and Suki who were laughing at Keiko

"How could this be?" Kakashi questioned

"Well doesn't look like she's all that good" Naruto said to him

"But she able to pin me down sometimes" Kakashi said "I taught her everything she knows"

"Well maybe you're not all that good then" Sasuke commented

Kakashi growled as Naruto and Sasuke knocked fist

"Well you ready brat?" Iruka asked Tsuki

"Born ready" Tsuki said confidently as Suki Uchiha scoffed at this


Tsuki got into the Hyuga style of gentle fist while Suki got into a style she learned from Sasuke

They both went at each other and Hit each other in the face pretty hard…this was truly a battle between rivals, these two girls both dished hit after hit it was a battle of stamina and endurance they wanted to use there jutsu's so bad but the rules restricted them Suki went for a strike but was countered and fell back on her butt, Tsuki took this time to taunt her by flipping the bird, this proved to work as Suki Activated her Sharingan

"Stop!" Iruka yelled as both girls stopped Just as Tsuki Uzumaki was going to activate her Byakugan

"What did I say? Sorry Suki but your disqualified the next match is Tsuki and Haru"

"Dammit" Sasuke said in disappointment

"Looks like she's got your anger issues" Kakashi commented as Naruto just shook his head in disapproval

"OK, whenever you guys are ready" Iruka said

"Ready" Tsuki said eyeing her opponent who wasn't paying any attention to her but was looking back towards the tree Naruto was in

"Is he looking at us!?" Kakashi asked

"I think so…but I thought we masked our Chakra levels they shouldn't even know we are here at their level" Sasuke commented back

But Naruto just stared straight into the eyes of the boy who finally decided to show them and they were an icy transparent blue that held one too many secrets not meant for children his age

Wow what a way to kick off the first chapter huh I know it's a little children centric but trust me the story is about Naruto ….sorry if there's confusion with the whole Suki and Tsuki thing….

Suki Uchiha

Tsuki Uzumaki…Namikaze I guess

Don't forget to review tell me wat u think