Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

it's been a while, look out for the rewrite of Naruto ninja for hire, i'll be posting it soon


Haru finally checked out of the hospital and everyone was ready to get on with the mission as they walked through the rainy streets of the whirlpool village

"Jeez, why the hell is it always raining in this damn place?" Ayame aka Suki b. said in annoyance as she walked with the rest of her team

"Don't ask me, I think it's some kinda genjutsu that if an intruder is caught they feel like they are trapped in an endless whirlpool" Naruto explained shrugging his shoulders

"Really?" Tsuki asked in amazement "That's so cool!"

"Hey it was just a guess" Naruto said again making everyone sweat drop

"That's a pretty well informed guess" Keiko said with her father's bored stare

"Anyway" Naruto started "How do you feel Haru?" He asked the young man who walked along quietly

"I'm fine" He answered back simply

"Ok" Naruto said leaving it at that only to realize it wasn't going to be that simple with his daughter Tsuki

"What kind of answer is that?" She asked getting irritated

"The answer I wanna give" Haru answered back with a straight face

Tsuki growled and made a fist at Haru's smart comment and was about to attack only to be picked up by her collar by her father

"If this is how you show you care for Haru, you really suck at it" Naruto whispered into her ear

"I do not care!" She barked back anger written all over her face

"Whatever" Naruto said dropping the young girl into a puddle

"Dad, that's not cool! I'm telling mom!"

"Ha! Mom already went back. You're in my world now" Naruto said sticking his tongue out only to be hit in the back of the head with a book

"I didn't leave yet" Hinata said with a visible vein pulsing on her head "You kids go to grandma's office, Sensei will be there…soon" Hinata said with a smile but then turned around and gave Naruto an evil smirk as the kids disappeared quickly

"When did you get so evil?" Naruto asked

"Kyuubi-sensei" She answered back simply

"Damn fox" Naruto said as Hinata grabbed him by the ear

Naruto walked into his mother's office with a visible bump on his head with a small band aid that didn't look like it was helping, the looks on everyone's faces told Naruto they were getting ready to laugh but Naruto threw them his assassins glare and everyone just muffled their laughter

"Naruto" Kushina called addressing her son which made everyone perk up their heads "That Looks like it hurts" she commented as everyone started to laugh except for Naruto

"The mission" Naruto commented holding back his anger in favor of professionalism even though everyone was making it a hard task for him to do at the moment

"Alright, alright" Kushina said calming everyone down "You can come in now" Kushina called to the client who quietly stepped in with fear etched all over his face, he wore a business suit and glasses, he looked really scrawny and weak…I guess that's why he needs body guards

"I thought you said you were a former assassin?" Naruto asked skeptically as he crossed his arms in front of his chest

The Former assassin was suddenly next to Tsuki with his Kunai in his hand pressed to her neck

"You should know every assassin is good at tricking their-" Before said assassin could finish his sentence he realized there was already two shadow clones at his neck with Kunais of their own

"I do know for a fact" Naruto said with his arms folded across his chest as everyone was in awe except for his mom who hit him on the back of the head

"Naruto! You know you can't threaten and or kill the client!" she berated him as Naruto's clones puffed out of existence and he rubbed his head

Naruto's students sighed and dropped their heads

"Sensei is an idiot" they all said in their own way

The client rubbed his neck where both kunais were and let out a breath of relief 'Even though he's being scolded by his mother…the true skill of the ninja of the bloody whirlpool is truly frightening as the stories say'

"I apologize." The former assassin bowed towards Naruto "But I have my reasons to be protected and if it would be alright I'd like to be on my way as soon as possible" The man said politely

"Don't worry old man, As long as Tsuki Uzumaki is here!" She declared out loud much to her teammates chagrin "There is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Is that your daughter?" The assassin asked Naruto

"Yes" Naruto answered back carefully

"I feel for you my friend" The assassin said as he patted Naruto on his shoulder and was lead out by Haru

"What the hell was that supposed to mean!" Tsuki cried out angrily after the man

"Alright guys, we'll make camp here. We are making good time" Naruto called to everyone's attention as they all walked "We're guarding Mr. Kei, but during our downtime I want you guys to get stronger" Naruto said as they continued to walk

"Awesome!" Tsuki started up but wouldn't get to say anymore as Keiko quickly spoke up

"But sensei, I'm pretty sure we're strong enough" Ayame spoke up "You saw how we took out those Chunin"

"That's all well and great but this is a b-ranked mission. Mr. Kei, what kinds of ninjas are after you?" Naruto asked

"Most likely Jonin level ninja" The former assassin answered back

"There's your answer" Naruto said as Tsuki looked super excited, Keiko looked concerned, Haru was stoic and Ayame was just as excited but not as much as Tsuki "Quite frankly you guys wouldn't even be on this mission if I wasn't a dangerous s-class ninja myself" Naruto added as a matter of fact was of speaking

"Yeah, yeah, you the super awesome "Ninja of the bloody whirlpool"" Ayame said sarcastically as her sensei just shook his fist and had a visible vein appear on his forehead

"Anyway, what you guys will be learning is how to control your chakra" Naruto said as everyone seemed to listen in more

Kei, the assassin chuckled possibly remembering his days when he had to train like that

"Ok so what we are gonna do here is" Naruto expertly walked up the tree as Everyone watched him not amazed

"That's so amazing sensei" Haru said without meaning as everyone else voice their own halfhearted opinion

"Hey this isn't as easy as it looks" Naruto called from the tree branch as everyone just gave him the yeah right look "You know what I was going to have you little brats walk up trees and maybe get a couple of laughs out of watching you guys bust your ass but now!" He paused has he looked over to the pond that was pretty deep and formed couple of seals "Goukakyuu no jutsu!" The pond was now starting to bubble and boil

Naruto slowly turned to his subordinates in a creepy fashion which scared the crap out of all of them "Now I think I'll just watch you try and walk on water and get boiled alive!" He declared evilly as Keiko and Ayame cling on to Haru who didn't look amused and Tsuki was covering her eyes


"O-ow!" Naruto said rubbing the back of his head where he was hit

"I knew I couldn't leave you with these kids alone" came a feminine voice sounding a little pissed

"Mom! Thank goodness" Tsuki yelled as she clutched onto her mom who hugged her back

"Don't worry Tsuki, mommy would sooner toss Daddy into that hot water before I try having you walk over it"

"Hinata!" Naruto cried obviously feeling hurt as he went into a crouched down defeated position and was making circles in the ground with his finger

"Sensei got owned again" Ayame said shaking her head at her sensei's current behavior

"Naruto, before you have them do their training, why don't we find out what their elements are?" Hinata asked

"That's a good idea kit, I have something I would like to see" came the Kyuubi's voice from both adults head

Hinata handed Naruto some Chakra paper

"Alright kids take one and pass it down" Naruto ordered as they did as they were told "So all you guys have to do is channel some chakra into these special papers and then we will find out what your element is" Naruto explained as they all quickly nodded and then looked at the papers in their hands

Ayame was the first to go. Her paper ignited and then turned to ash

"Naturally most Uchiha's element is fire" Kyuubi said as they moved on to Keiko

Keiko's paper wrinkled

"That one is a lightning type" The Kyuubi trailed off as Hinata and Naruto nodded

"Alright Tsuki" Hinata said as Tsuki channeled her chakra and the paper split in two but then something else happened to the paper which made Naruto's eyes widen the paper turned damp

"Just as I thought would happen" The Kyuubi stated "She's a wind and water type as i expected..."

"But how is that p-"

"I'll explain in a minute but there is something I want to confirm first…that has been bugging me" Naruto and Hinata's sensei said to them

"Haru, you're up next" Naruto said still a little bugged out by Tsuki's paper

Haru just shrugged and focused his chakra when suddenly his paper did the same thing as Tsuki's and split in half but then the paper ignited and turned into ash

Naruto's eyes were about to hop out of his head and he was about to say something when the Kyuubi beat him to it

"What's going on here?" The Kyuubi asked no one in particular

Why is the Kyuubi so shaken up by Haru guess next chapter will tell all

Well I can't say it's the best of chapters but it's a comeback tell me what you think about it…

See ya :p