Adrian sat in the cold, plastic chair and watched the seconds hand on the clock above the receptionists desk.


"monk what are you doing?" Leland stottlemeyer watched as his friend sat perfectly still and mumbled numbers.


"ever since we got here, you 've just sat there mumbling."

", im just-"

"I know monk, I know how much she means to you." Leland patted his friend on the back.

"what, what do you mean?"

"come on monk, you know wha tim talking about, you care about her."

"no I don't."

"monk you are the worst liar in the world you do care-"

"I love her."

"-about her, hang on what?!" Leland turned to his friend, shock registered on his face.

Adrian just sat staring at the reception.

"monk…" Leland stared in disbelief a this friend.

"I said…I love her." Adrian faced his old friend a small smile settled on his features.

"you know what, I never thought I'd hear you say that again."

"neither did I, but I do leland, and im…im terrified."

"why?" Leland knew this was a serious turning point for his friend and knew he had to be careful and help his friend as much as he could.

"because, what if she doesn't feel the same, or if I do something wrong." Adrian glanced at Leland.

"no, we both know that's not the reason." Leland was met with silence as he spoke.

"your scared of losing her, like you did with trudy."

"im not the only one who faces losing someone dear, what if something does happen to Natalie, what happens to julie?!"

"you'd be there for her, and me and randy will help to, and besides nothing is going to happen."

Adrian nodded gently before a doctor approached him.

"mr monk, mr stottlemeyer, shes woken up and shes asking for you."

Natalie watched the door and smiled as she saw adrian and the captain enter.

"hey, superhero, captain."

"hey, how you holding up." The captian took a seat next to Natalie.

"im ok."

Leland watched as adrain straightened out the creases in the bedsheets and as natlaie obsereved him with a certain look in her eyes. Love maybe?

"um ive gotta go update randy, you had a lot of people worried about you young lady."

Natalie and adrian watched as Leland exited the room.

"I thought I told you no heroics." Adrian looked up to see a smiling Natalie looking at him. God shes beautiful.

"I didn't, I mean I had to stop the bomb and-"

"shh…" Natalie brought her finger up to his lips, silencing him, adrian placed a gently kiss to the pad of her thumb.

"you know my forehead hurts." Natalie smiled as he placed a gentle kiss to her temple.

"and here." Natlaie pointed to the corner of her mouth.

Adrian hesistated only for a moment before placing a loving kiss at the corner of her mouth.

"and-" Natalie failed to complete the rest of her sentence as adrian placed his lips over hers.

"I thought… i…was gonna…lose you."

"im not going anywhere, I promise." Natalie ran her tongue along his mouth seeking permission which adrian granted. They each memorized each others tastes, their tongues dancing together.

After a couple of minutes, they came apart both gasping for air.

Natalie shuffled over on the bed leaving a gap for adrian to lie down.

Adrian rolled his shoulders once befor esttting on the bed draping an arm around her.

"I love you." Natalie said sleepily before falling asleep in the arms of the man she loved.

Adrian looked down at the sleeping beauty in his arms and knew he would fight for the woman, to keep her safe , and to love her with all his heart.

"I love you too."