For all my knowledge, I have no answer.
For all my eloquence, I have no words.
For all my my magic, I have no spell.

You walk into the room, and all my abilities vanish. To speak, plain or otherwise. I find myself wordless in your presence, struck dumb by the brilliance in your smile. I muster what little I can and present it too you, sounding for all the world like an insincere ass. A jester. The Jester Duke.

You make me stupid, Lucia. You make my mind numb for all I can think of in your presence is you. You rob me of sleep, because you are ever in my dreams. You rob me of food and drink and merriment because there is this hole inside me that nothing but you can feel.

You make me weak. I am sick with love. I am dying and can do nothing to stop it. There is no herb for what ails me. No spell that can mend what is broken. No spell but your kiss. No remedy other than to call you my own.

I am mad with it. Mad with this...cancer of love. This disease that kills from within. That gnaws at the heart until we want nothing more than to curl up and die like the dogs we feel we are. I am mad with it. A raving lunatic beneath my fine words. I would write you poems if my hands did not shake at the thought of you. I would tell you how I feel if there were words for it. If there were words that could describe this feeling building within my soul.

For all my information, I am sorely lost
For all my food, I am starving
For all my drink, I die of thirst

I NEED you. I can't put it any plainer than that. I need your arms, your lips, your hair, your eyes, your legs. I need you in all the ways a man can need a woman. In all the ways a fish needs water, birds wings, plants the sun. I need you in all the ways one can need another. Your voice is my sun, your eyes my heaven, your skin is my earth. You are all I know, want, need.

There's no way to tell you.
There's no way to love you.
There's no way to kiss you.
There's no way to hold you.

Because every time I try to get the words out they are wrong. I've written damn near a novel of love letters at least, and I've burnt them all out of loathing. None of them say what I need. None of them are adequate.

Oh, Lucia.

Lucia. Lucia. Lucia. Oh Benevolent Goddess! How your name rings in my ears. How it echos through everything that I am. Everything I'm not. Everything that I would be, if only it would get your attention.

Please. Understand though I can not tell you. Realize, realize how I love you. That even though my words are heavy-handed and ridiculous that it is only because I can't find the right words.

I love you...just doesn't cut it any longer. is too shallow an emotion.