A/n, sorry for the long delay. I was experiencing writers block for this story. Hope you like this chapter. Please read and review.


Lorelai was in her office later that afternoon when her cell phone rang.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Is this Lorelai Danes?" asked an unfamiliar female voice.

"This is Lorelai Danes. How can I help you?"

"My name is Margaret Burkhart and I'm a nurse at Hartford Memorial Hospital." Lorelai could feel her heart begin to beat rapidly.

"Oh my gosh, are my parents okay? Is it my daughter and her family? What's going on?"

"Your daughter Chelsea Danes was just brought in from Stars Hollow Daycare. She's having trouble breathing and appears to be suffering from an Asthma attack," the nurse explained.

"Oh my gosh, her father and I will be there as soon as we can," Lorelai said hanging up the phone and rushing from her office in a panic searching for Sookie as she ran.



"Sookie, Sookie!" she cried bursting through the kitchen door her hair wild and her breath coming in gulps.

"What is it, Lorelai? What's wrong, sweetie?"

"Chelsea hospital, Luke me go, the girls?" Lorelai spit out all in one breath. It took the chef a moment to process her friend's jumbled sentence, but finally she did.

"Chelsea's in the hospital?"

"Yeah, she can't breathe, she's having an Asthma attack or something, according to the nurse."

"You and Luke go; I'll take care of the girls. Call me with an update.

"Amy has piano lessons, and Lucy has dance class," Lorelai said.

"Don't worry about it. I'll drop Amy and Martha off at piano then I'll take Lucy to dance. You just go take care of Chelsea," Sookie said giving her friend a push towards the door.

"Thanks, Sook," Lorelai called as she ran out the door and headed for her car.


Pulling up outside the diner she jumped out and hurried up the steps. Hearing the bell above the door jingle Luke looked up expecting to see another customer. Seeing his wife's distraught and frightened face unsettled him.

"What is it, Lorelai?"

"It's Chelsea; we need to go to the hospital right now. She was taken there by ambulance. She can't breathe and is having an Asthma attack."

"Caesar, you're in charge!" Luke shouted as he dropped the cloth he was cleaning the counter with and grabbed Lorelai's hand leaving the diner as fast as they could.


"I have to call Rory and my parents," Lorelai said woodenly. Luke nodded silently. He was driving Lorelai's car and gripping the wheel so tightly his fingers were turning white. Pulling out her phone Lorelai made the necessary calls and extracted promises from both Rory and Emily that they would be there as soon as they could. Half an hour later they arrived at the hospital and both rushed for the automatic doors. Stopping at the receptionist desk Lorelai spoke.

"My name is Lorelai Danes. A Margaret Burkhart called me and told me that my daughter Chelsea Danes was brought here. Where is she, How is she?"

"If you'll have a seat the nurse or her doctor will be with you momentarily," the receptionist informed the anxious parents. Doing what they were told they sank into hard plastic chairs against the wall.

"Mom, Luke! Do you know anything?" Rory cried as she and Jess along with Lottie and Derek entered the waiting room. Looking behind them, Lorelai could see her parents.

"We don't know anything yet," Luke answered. Just then a doctor walked into the room.

"Chelsea Danes?"

"I'm Lorelai I'm her mother, and this is Luke her father. How is she? How's my baby?"

"She has a rather severe case of bronchitis and I've just diagnosed her with asthma. Tell me, has she had a cold recently?"

"She's had one for about two weeks now. She was put on an antibiotic and a decongestant but they don't seem to be working. She had an appointment scheduled with her pediatrician tomorrow at 1:00," Luke explained.

"Well I've prescribed a stronger antibiotic and I want her to take it three times a day as well as continuing to take the decongestant. I've also prescribed a medicine that I want her to take for her asthma twice a day. When she's a little older I'll haver her take it through an inhaler, but for now she'll need to use a nebulizer with a mask over her face," the doctor explained.

"Where do we get that?" Lorelai asked.

"At your local pharmacy. I'll warn you, without insurance, the nebulizer and the medication for it can be rather expensive."

"We have insurance," Luke assured.

"Even if they didn't, money would be no object when it comes to the health of our granddaughter," Emily said.

"Are there anythinggs that we need to do differently around her?" Rory asked ever the analitical one.

"Just be careful when she's around things like lots of dust or pet dander as thes things might cause the asthma to flare up. Pay attention to things in the environment that cause a reaction and eleminate as many of them as possible," the doctor answered.

"What about sudden attacks like this one?" Luke wondered.

"She will also have an inhaler of albuterol and if she has a sudden attack, place it in her mouth and press down on the top. Pull it out and have her hold her breath until the smiley face moves from the bottom to the top. The nurse has shown her how to do this and she seems to understand."

"Thank you, Doctor," Lorelai said softly.

"When can we see her?" Luke asked.

"You can see her right now. I want to observe her for another hour or so but after that you can take her ome. Here are the three scripts you'll need. If you have any questions, my name is Dr. Andrews."

"Thank you Dr. Andrews," Luke said shaking his hand before turning and following the rest of the family and the nurse who was walking towards the room Chelsea was in. Sure asthma was scarey, but Luke knew it was something with careful monitoring and control, they could handle it.


A/n, I made up the smiley face bit on the inhaler, that doesn't actually exist. More as soon as I can get the muses to cooperate.