Life and Death

Chapter 1: Letters

"Dammit!", the pink rabbit whispered as she saw her blood coming out of the tiny cut at her finger. It was just a tiny, but painful papercut. Yin wiped the blood away with her shirt and opened a letter, the mailman had given it to her before the start of her training this morning. After the horrible incident, a few weeks ago, everything was supposed to become as normal as possible again. So Yin kept training her WooFoo alone, but she was not as strong as she was back then at her brothers side. She even lost a battle against Carl the evil cockroach wizard. It was just luck that he had looked up the wrong spell in his spellbook and caused his own pain. She had expected her father to train her harder for losing against Carl, but instead the aged panda just said that it was ok that she had lost and he understood that it will take time until she`s able to fight better again. Just the problem was that the evil guys sure wouldn`t wait until Yin got her power back.

Yane was very glad to be back to her family. She got used to the fact that Yo was much lazier than some years ago fastly. She was now the one who kept the house clean and cooked breakfast lunch and dinner. She also teached Yin more maths and even some foreign languages. She was glad to see how eager Yin was to learn more, but the purple rabbit would rather teach Yang everything too, even though he had been not eager to learn at all, instead of just teaching Yin.

As for Yo, many people thought he`d enjoy the peace that was now in the dojo, but in all truth, he hated it. He knew that peace was what he always wanted from his children, but not in this way. He missed Yang`s battlecry and his affliction to follow the panda`s orders. He even missed Yin and Yang`s verbal fights.

Back to the sad reality. Yang`s death was now around 4 weeks ago, but it was like a bloody scar in everybody`s mind that just didn`t want to heal. The pain was just too big to stand or just easily forget. it had emptied souls and broken hearts. And even the murderer regretted it more than anything else in his entire, yet short, life.

Yuck was sitting in his lonely cell. Even though he was actually too young, the judge had decided that the rabbit was a danger for the whole city and maybe even more so the boy had to go into jail. He hadn`t complained or struggled when the police had brought him there. He just answered some questions they asked him, but that was all he had said. He had been allowed to make one call, but regretted to. The only one that had come to his mind was the sweet pink rabbit with the crystal gaze, Yin. But after their talk at the police station Yuck would not dare to call her. He didn`t want to destroy every tiny chance for him to get her trust. He just sent her letters. Everyday one. The other guys in jail laughed at him for being so weak and send little "love-letters", as they called it, to some girl, who`s heart he had broken. But instead of getting all agressive and beat the hell out of them, as he would`ve done it usually, he stayed quite and kept writing.

Yin recieved every single letter, after one week she started throwing them away before reading them. Every letter had said almost the same just every tiem written in anoter way. But every sentence the rabbit had written before sending the letter to his one and true love let her melt on the inside. Every single word touched her heart. So why did she throw them away if they meant so much to her? The answer was that she just couldn`t read them anymore and neither could she keep them. She was afraid to maybe forgive Yuck for killing her brother. It was something she didn`t want to happen, because it`d mean that she`d forgive the murderer of the most important person in her life. But it turned out to be harder than she thought not to forgive him. Because since some time now she started feeling different about the green rabbit. She had feelings for him, but tried her best to cover them under fake hate or to forget them. But nothing worked so far.

And why did she open another one of those letters if they meant so many wrong things for her? She asked that herself. Sha had asked herself like a thousand times before opening the letter. And she still didn`t know the answer.

Yin pulled the small sheet of paper out of the envelope and read.

Dearest Yin,

I know you are getting annoyed by my letters, but I just can`t stop writing them, because I can`t stop thinking of you... Did you think about my idea? You know, the one from the last letter I wrote you... Please, I beg you, answer me just if you agree or if you don`t, I will accept the answer no matter if it`s yes or no. By the way, the officers seem to be lazy. they don`t control my letters anymore, which is the only reason why I could write you that last one, maybe you wondered...

I love you


Yin was speechless by her surprise and shock. What offer was Yuck writing about? Yin was supposed not to care and ignore it, but she couldn`t. She had to find out what Yuck wanted, she needed to know what his offer was. But the last letter was already gone...

How was she supposed to find out?


Yeeeah! The new Fanfic -w- it`s the sequel to "Comfort"^^

Here the poll-results:

The sequel to Comfort: 40%

The sequel to your enemies diary: 25%

A YinxYang story: 20%

A YinxYuck story: 15%

I expected this sequel to be the most voted option, still I wanted to know what you`d say to this. I`ll upload already now the poll for the fanfic after this one, just so you know I`m almost exploding from ideas =D

Oh and I thank The Lady of the Darknesss, Neptune`s heart, QKC, Yin and Yang opposit, Shonen Sanzo, Squat Unit 19, SkyFlame09, WooFooGirl, Yucklover14, kj117-VocalAya, GriffinsMustFly, SilverBlueAngel, hyperocninanins, Yangnaphy, LP 1257 and don'twannabetorn for commenting with always at least one review on "Comfort" THANKS!!!

R&R ;)