Chapter One: A Maniac in Shambles

The blue reploid was searching through the rubble of Doppler's laboratory. He was ripping through the junk, trying desperately to find anything his Master could use. But again, he saw nothing but ripped-up shreds of paper.

"C'mon, I need to find something... Master Sigma will hang me by my underwear..."

The reploid searched through the twisted pieces of scrap metal once again, hoping to find something worthwile. Once again, he found nothing but tire halves and moldy lab equipment. The reploid had just about given up all hope.

"Hey, T-18. Let's just call it quits. There's nothing left of value here," the reploid called.

His partner looked upset. "Aww, c'mon T-17. Can we look for just a little longer? There has to be SOMETHING that Sigma will be interested in..."

T-17 shook his slender head. "Nah, no use. This laboratory dump is just full of dirty-"

His voice halted when he glanced at the figure laying before him. It was a reploid, no doubt - but this was one he'd seen many times before. How could he forget - the menacing long arms, the menacing strong and well-build plasma shoulder cannon, and the... uh, menacing (sorry, shortage of adjectives) Boba Fett-like face mask. This could only be - it had to be -

"General Vile!"

T-17 looked upon his former General with distinct awe. He was reported to be destroyed for good by Megaman X after Dr. Doppler revived him. But somehow, his superior's body was not destroyed - however, it was in horrible condition. His arms and legs were separated from his tattered torso, and his head was smashed and broken down.

The reploid was enthralled. This was his big chance! If he delivered the body of Vile to Sigma, he would certainly be heavily rewarded! This was his break!

"T-18! Get the garbage bag over here! I've found something!"

T-18 could tell by the tone of his partner's voice that he had found something important. He grabbed the bulky garbage bag and ran over to where T-17 was kneeling over.

"What did you find? Something good?" T-18 said eagerly. His excited partner didn't even listen to him and hastily grabbed the garbage bag out of his hand. He discarded the contents (a couple of Time magazines and a diseased basketball half) and began hurling Vile's parts into the bag. He took out the twistie thing and tightened it around the opening of the bag. Hurredley, he ran to his parked Land Chaser and hopped aboard.

"T-18! Follow me to the base! I'll explain everything when we get back!" T-17 fired up his Chaser and sped off down the dirt road, bag in hand.

T-18 couldn't help but be astonished at his partner's actions. He had obviously found something of great value if he had to rush into his Chaser and leave his partner in the dark.

Sighing, T-18 hopped onto his Land Chaser and sped off in the direction that his partner had gone.

"Alright, that does it! SONIC BOOM!!!"

"Ohh, Mr. Big Shot, huh? Eat this... Shoyruken!"

"Damn! You're so cheap with that move!"

"Well, it's the only one I know."

"Then learn some more, you friggin idiot!"

Maverick Hunters Megaman X and Glacier Dragoon were sitting in their quarters playing Street Fighter 2 Turbo for the seventh consecutive time. X seemed much more agitated than usual this morning.

"Jeez X, you don't have to be so cruel just because Dr. Cain scolded you for doodling on the experimental capsules again."

"Jezziz, that old geezer has to chill. He really gets on my nerves."

"Well, yeah, but you wouldn't be alive now if it weren't for him."

"Like I give a flying..."

Before X could finish, there was a knock at the door.

"I've got it, don't worry," X said. He paused the game and ran over to the door. When he opened it, a familiar crimson-colored blonde-haired reploid was standing before him, his hair dangling to his knees. X recognized him immediatley.

"Hey, Zero. How's it goin?"

Zero looked a little upset. "Not great. Glacier, your brother was just yelling at me and ordered me to get you. He needs you in the Training Room. I think he muttered something about a 'swift Hadoken to the ass' or something, so you'd better get up there."

Glacier gave a big sigh. He was the brother of Magma Dragoon, the strongest of the Dragoon reploids. Glacier always felt sort of intimidated by Magma, who spent much of his time forcing his little brother into strict boot camp-style training.

"Ugh.... alright, fine. Hey Zero, ya wanna come with me? I've got some awesome moves to show you..... pleeeease...."

Zero gave him an awkward glance. The ambitious Glacier Dragoon idolized Zero in every possible way, which really annoyed him sometimes. Zero would tell him off, but Glacier was surprisingly sensitive.

"Nah, I'm gonna stay here for a little while, Glacier. You go train with your brother."

Glacier's heart sank. He loved training with Zero around, because it always gave him a chance to show how powerful he really was, even though he was only in the 12th Unit of the Hunters. Without saying anything, Glacier dashed out of the room and ran upstairs.

Zero gave a sigh when Glacier was out of sight. "Jeez, I feel sorry for that kid. He's gotta feel bad with a brother like Magma...."

X shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, he'll get over it," he said nonchalantly. He looked down to the floor with his shoulders hunched over.

Zero looked at X with a concerned expression on his face. "X, what's with you? You've been acting all weird and agitated over the past week. What's up?"

X didn't look at Zero, but rather aimed his gaze to the floor. "Well, it's kind of silly..... but..."

"What? What is it?" Zero said, stepping toward X.

"Well.... it's just that I've been thinking about the whole Sigma thing. He's been pretty silent lately after the whole Doppler incident," X wearily said.

Zero smiled. "Don't worry, X. Sigma ain't coming back for a long time. We took him down with the Virus vaccine, remember?"

X still looked worried. "Yeah, I know, but Sigma always has a way of coming back. I have a weird feeling that he's alive as we speak, plotting some sort of insane plan to destroy humanity."

"Well..... I wouldn't worry about it," Zero said. "Even if Sigma does come back, we'll be more than ready for him. We've been training like hell, and I don't think he'd stand a chance." He gave X a pat on the back. "Now c'mon, I think the Doc might need some help cleaning the experimental capsules again."

Zero got up and sped out the door. But even with his comforting words, X couldn't help but feel worried.

"I know you're out there, Sigma, and I'll be ready for you...."

He slowly got up and left the room, keeping the lights on.