This is for all the faithful Juster fans, who wanted their happy ending. Even though they don't make it long in the real-world love, they will always be in my heart.

Love Always Remains...



Justin sat in the terminal, waiting for his mom to come back from changing his little sister's diaper. He sighed and looked at the window. The sun was setting and it was going to be a long ride to Atlanta, where he would be living once he started recording.

"Now boarding flight 4B to Atlanta Georgia." The lady at the desk said. Justin grabbed his bags and was about to go over to the ticket desk to board when he heard a familiar voice.


He turned and dropped his bags. It was Skyler.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

She smiled. "I never left."

"Why weren't you are graduation then?"

"I didn't want to run into your mom." She said, smiling.

Justin walked over to her and hugged her. "I've been missing you like crazy." He whispered.

"And so have I."

"How's the thing with JT going?" He asked.

"I've got a meeting next week."

"That's great." He said. Skyler buried her face in his chest and started to softly cry. He patted her back. "Shhhh, it's alright."

"I know, but I'm going to miss you." She whispered.

"Skyler, look at me," He said. She looked up. "I'm right here. And we have right now." He whispered. And, without caring what other people thought, he leaned down and brushed his lips to hers. They kissed for a minute and then Skyler pulled back.

"I love you." She whispered. And then she burst into tears again.

"I love you too." Justin whispered.

"Last call for flight 4B to Atlanta, Georgia." The lady at the desk stated.

Skyler pulled back and wiped her tears on her arm. "Promise to call me."

"I'll call you everyday Skye." He said grabbing his bags. His mom was probably already on the plane.

He looked back at her and she gave him a small little wave. The girl he fell in love with was standing right there, waving, he thought. The girl who hated Mainstream with a passion, loved Rocky Horror, took off to England, who lost it with him, and then hated him for another year was standing right there, waving at me.

And she loved him back.

-Gina Maxwell