Hey, my first Po/Tigress drabble!

Ping pong

Po begged Tigress for the last week to teach him how to play Ping Pong ball. For the first few days, she ignored him for her own amusement. But after awhile, she grew annoyed. Tigress finally folded and brought two ping pong paddles and a single ball. She bounced it on the table, as Po was pumping himself for the game. Master Shifu, Mr. Ping and the other Masters sat and waited to watch the game.

"Ready, kitty?" Po asked in a playful tone. Tigress raised an eyebrow at him. "Say hello to me little friend!" He bounced the ball on the table, tried to hit it, missed, and hit his head on the end of the table. Tigress snickered. Mr. Ping began to freak out, coming to his son's aid.

"Are you alright?" the goose father asked.

Po got up and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."

The panda tossed the ball to the tiger, who caught it without even looking. She waited for Po to regain himself. She bounced it once on the table, and smacked it hard. The panda missed and the ball hit the back wall. Po grabbed it and tossed the white ball to the tiger.

"Watch how I hit the ball," she said, holding up the ball between her thumb and main finger. Tigress bounced the ball on the table, and whacked it hard. The tiny white ball flew through the air, and hit Po on the arm. He grabbed the ball from the floor, gave it to Tigress, while he rubbed his arm. She bounced it, but not as hard this time, then he hit it back, but weakly. It bounced and rolled on his side of the table. The group snickered.

Po tried again, and hit it just right, but when Tigress slammed into hit, it hit his eye. After he recoiled from the hit, he served. Tigress watched as the tiny white ball rolled across the table. Everyone was quiet amused. After a few more serves, Po cried: "I give up."

Tigress arched an eyebrow to him. "That quickly?" she inquired.

Po nodded. "Yeah, at least I tried," he stated. He turned to the others. "Who wants dinner?"

The group followed the giant panda to the kitchen. Tigress sighed, placing her paddle on the table. "Hey, Po," she called.

The panda turned around, looking right at her. "Yeah, Tigress?" he asked.

The female tiger walked over to him. "You did try," she noted. She pressed a kiss to his nose. "We'll try some more tomorrow, okay?"

Po was still, under his fur, his cheeks were burning. "U-um, yeah, okay," he stammered out.

Tigress coyly smiled and retreated to the kitchen. Po watched her, a dumb smile on his face as he reached up to touch his nose. He would have never thought that the master of Tiger Kung Fu liked him. I guess she does, he thought as he retreated to the kitchen.