Disclaimer: I do not own CCS.

Note: Thank you for reading and following this story until this point :D Finally the final chapter is here and I am glad that I was able to finish it up! Hope everything will be cleared! Thank you for all the reviews and I would appreciate if you could leave me one last one for this chapter! I hope you enjoyed the story so far and I hope to see you again in my next story, if there is another story! Ok, enjoy your reading :D

Tomoyo the Glee Card

Eriol chanted some words as a glow surrounded a key and turned into a staff. The staff then floated towards his outstretched hand, as Eriol watched Spinel and Nakuru transform into their true forms. Their mission was coming to an end soon. This also meant he could reveal the truth to everyone, especially to the person he loved, but until then every small detail was crucial. Tonight he was going to bring another mission to Sakura in order for her to transform the Clow Cards into Sakura Cards.

Eriol closed his eyes and was about to use his magic when something caught his attention.

Swinging his staff upwards, Eriol flung open the double doors towards the hallway. His azure eyes spotted the presence he had detected. As he feared, it was the person who he wished the most not to have found out his secret.

"Eriol." Tomoyo whispered in complete shock as she stared at him with confused eyes. Questions began to enter her mind. "You are the one causing all these 'disasters'?"

He knew what he needed to do, but he couldn't bring himself to execute it. Tomoyo had slowly become someone very important in his life. Although in the beginning he had no intention in falling in love, things had changed into something wonderful that even he couldn't have predicted.

Eriol closed his eyes as he swung his staff again. "I'm sorry." He replied as a glow enveloped Tomoyo and she fell unconscious.

Eriol opened his eyes as he found himself lying on his bed. A nightmare. He then noticed that the warmth beside him was gone and that he was alone on his bed. Quickly, he sat up and frantically scanned his eyes around his room for that familiar figure. Tomoyo was nowhere in sight. With a long sigh he covered his face with his hands before he heard the door to his room open. Eriol quickly looked up and his heart skipped a beat.

Tomoyo walked in carrying a tray with breakfast prepared. She settled the tray onto the small table beside the bed before she looked up to greet him with a soft smile.

"Hey there."

Eriol smiled back in relief to see her standing there. "Good morning."

"I made some breakfast. I hope you like it." Tomoyo spoke as she showed him the tray.

Eriol noticed that the food was prepared the way he liked it.

Tomoyo watched his azure eyes glow with regret, but she knew he was the one who suffered the most. He had his reasons and his kindness had brought them to this outcome. Tomoyo didn't blame him for anything, but she knew now that all the dreams she dreamt were all in fact her past memories. All the pain, the sadness, the joy, and the love was real. They felt all those emotions together and experienced so much as friends and lovers.

"Why did you have to go through all this alone?" Tomoyo questioned in hurt as she recalled how much he had held on to her.

Eriol looked up in surprise. Tomoyo was opening herself to him. He could see her eyes glow with concern, but most importantly, he saw how much she cared and loved him. Was he still dreaming? Eriol rubbed his eyes as he tried to make sure that what he saw was not an illusion. He had dreamt of breaking the seal that kept her memories hidden a million times in his dreams, but reality hurt and he knew he couldn't do it.

Eriol slowly reached out to touch her silky hair and then her soft porcelain skin.

"Eriol." She called his name with her soft voice as he was pulled into her mesmerizing eyes.

Tomoyo was back.

He saw her memories by looking into her glowing eyes. She was calling him and he longed for her. Eriol couldn't hold himself back any longer as he circled his arms around her waste and took her into his warm arms. He pulled her towards him tightly. Tomoyo blushed as she found herself hugging him back. They sat on the bed holding each other in the comfortable silence for a long time.

"How?" He whispered into her ears as he breathed in her sweet scent while his hands ran over her back.

"I broke the barrier around the album with my powers." Tomoyo answered as her fingers played with his silky midnight hair.

Eriol chuckled knowingly. "Spinel and Nakuru."

Tomoyo then softly pulled back to look at him face to face. "You are unreasonable Eriol. All that pain you gone through alone! Why?"

Eriol looked down in sadness. "It was for Sakura's sake and for the Clow Cards. My only mission in Tomoeda was to aid Sakura, but I couldn't have known that in the process I would have met you."

"We fell in love." Tomoyo whispered as she remembered how close they were to each other.

"I'm sorry." Eriol whispered in guilt. "From the beginning I was only here for my mission, and if I failed, the world would be in great danger. Clow Cards are very powerful creatures, they need to be controlled by their master's power."

"I understand." Tomoyo replied back as she softly cupped his face. "I know your intentions are for the good, but I wanted to help you."

Eriol looked at her in guilt. "It's not that I don't trust you Tomoyo, but if you saw me hurt Sakura, you wouldn't be able to stand by and watch it happen. Regardless for my friendship towards her, I had to use methods that might result in Sakura getting injured. I needed to seal your memories and make you forget about me, so that I could finish with my mission. I didn't want you to see someone you love hurt your dearest friend and suffer knowing that you could not help but to watch it happen."

She felt her heart pound wildly. He had done this for her. Eriol couldn't see her in pain and it was enough for him if he could protect her from that pain and suffer alone. He would do that because he loved her.

Tomoyo nodded her head in understanding. "I don't blame you for anything Eriol. You know me well and you knew what needed to be done. I am just scared that I could have lost you."

Eriol smiled to see her blush softly as her eyes glowed with genuine concern. "You would never lose me. By the contrary, I am the one who is most afraid of losing you." He confessed making her deeply blush.

"What will you do now?" Tomoyo questioned. "My memories are back. I know everything, and Sakura still needs to turn a few more Clow Cards into Sakura Cards."

Eriol leaned his forehead against her forehead. "Tell me what to do."

He was letting her voice her opinion and help him as a team. Tomoyo couldn't be selfish. She knew how important this mission meant, and she knew that she needed to hold back her instinct in protecting Sakura from any harm if she was going to stand by Eriol's side and keep her memories. Her commitment was for Eriol. She loved him and she wanted to help him.

Tomoyo smiled. "Finish your mission. I will be here with you. What you are doing is for the greater good. I won't suffer because of that. Eriol I trust you."

Her words meant a lot to him as he adoringly leaned forward and kissed her lips. She felt her body shiver in response as her heart pounded against her ribcage. Tomoyo kissed him back making Eriol deepen the kiss, as he longed to taste her further. He had waited for this moment for a very long time, and now that it was happening, he couldn't contain himself from consuming her. Eriol poured his love, making Tomoyo moan, as she felt her body burn in warmth and her heart melt.

She then pulled back for air, as she saw his eyes stare at her with passion, making her heart skip a beat. Eriol pulled her closer to him as she smiled.

"Forgive me Tomoyo, but I can't stand holding back any longer." Eriol whispered as he watched her smile before he kissed her again.

"I love you." She whispered through their kiss.

Eriol's only reply was to kiss her further. He didn't need to use words to tell her what he felt. She knew he loved her back and she could feel it through his kisses. That was all that mattered.


Thank you so much for reading my story :D