Title: Touch Me

Author: Raining on my Parade

Summary: Before Kairi came, you were just mine. Then you became hers and mine. Now you're just yours. And I can't touch you. No matter how hard I try, you are always out of my grasp.

Disclaimer: it's on my wish list, but it seems like it won't be coming true anytime soon…therefore I still don't own Kingdom Hearts

A/N: And this is the last chapter! So sad, I know. This story has been completely written for a while now, but it's officially done now that I've posted this. I almost didn't want to post it, but I know all the people who have taken the time to review these past chatpers would somehow find me and bite my head off. So the fear of that and my love of you all reading this is the reason this is up now.

Anywhos, just a reminder that there is a light lemon at the end of this, hence why the rating has gone up. It isn't anything too heavy considering it's my first time writing anything of the sort and the fact that Sora and Riku humping like bunnies in heat in this kind of story just wouldn't seem right. So please treat this kindly and let me know your thoughts at the end. Also something to mention in your comments, I've been thinking of possibly doing a sequel or companion story to this that either focuses more on the Tidus/Wakka or (hinted at in this story) the Kairi/Selphie relationships, or maybe even something with how Sora and Riku are doing after all this. I don't know. If you have a suggestion feel free to tell me!

And now at last (and for the last time for this story) thank you everyone so much for your support reading and reviewing this fic. You're all wonderful and I just want to hug you all for your lovely comments and seeing this through all the cliffhangers and heart stops to the end. Hopefully I will see you all again one day if I decide to make yet another Kingdom Hearts story (or sequel). I will miss you all! -Mwah!-


~~~Sky~~~ or ~~~Land : These normally begin a section and tell whose point of view it's in. Sky is Sora, and Land is Riku. Keep this in mind, people, it's helpful to know who is talking!

~~~: this just means it's a break in either Sora or Riku's section. Either it's a time skip or a scene change.

Also, this takes place after KH 2, so yes, all events in the games apply. And that's about it. Enjoy!

Chapter 7 : Epilogue


I stand on the front porch of a small, well-kept wooden house. It's one I've been to several times, especially in the past few weeks, but this time there's a feeling of dread in my stomach. The door is a faded lime green color, something I hadn't taken much notice of before. I raise my hand to the door and pause.

Well, it's now or never.

Knock, knock.

This is long over due. I really should have done this earlier, but I got distracted with things. I know it's not really much of an excuse, even though it's well known that I don't have the world's best attention span or memory, but still. Tidus didn't deserve me running away when he was about to…

The door opens and there stands Wakka. I blink, surprised (pleasantly) and a little confused, dread and nervousness forgotten momentarily.

"Oh. Um…hey. Is Tidus there?" I ask. He rubs the back of his neck and cracks a half smile.

"Uh ya, he's here. He's up in his room looking for a game," he replies.

"Oh. Cool," I say, awkwardly. I guess what I said helped, considering he's here. I shift a little, not quite sure what to do with myself in this situation. "So did you make up with Tidus then?"

Now he shifts, looking up and rubbing his neck again.

"Uh...Ya. I thought-well, I thought I should try, ya know? It's…not that bad, once you get past…that," he says awkwardly back. It's not the most eloquent way of putting it, but at least he's trying. I'm happy for Tidus.

"Ah, do you need to talk to him or something…?" he asks, waving to the inside of the house.

"Oh, yeah. I'll just…go up then," I say, remembering just what I came here for. He moves aside and I squeeze in past him. I pause and give him a smile, patting his shoulder as an after thought. "Good job trying to working through this."

He chuckles nervously. "I'm trying."

I nod, pat his shoulder once more, and then head for Tidus' room.

I'm not looking forward to this. I feel the guilt gnawing at my stomach as I pause at his open door to see him rummaging beneath his bed. For a moment I wish you were with me, but I'm aware that even if you were, you couldn't help me with this. So I gather my courage, step into his room, and knock on the door frame.

"Hey," I say sheepishly as I enter with a little trepidation. "Sorry for barging in. Um, Wakka let me in." He retracts his arm from beneath his bed, game in hand, and turns to me with a little surprise on his face before it falls into an easy smile I hadn't quite expected.

"Hey Sora. It's fine. I was just getting a game for Wakka and me to play. You wanna join?" he asks. I wonder momentarily if he forgot that I ran off on him, but I doubt it. Even if he did, I still need to apologize anyway no matter how awkward it's gonna be bringing it up.

"Nah, I just wanted to talk to you about a few days ago," I say, returning his smile.

"Oh! Did you work things out with Riku finally? I heard he ran off on you again. Wakka said you were looking for him later that night too."

I blink.

" Oh…well, yeah I guess. He isn't avoiding me anymore at least, so that's a step," I tell him.

Not to mention we've kissed a lot.

I try to keep the blush from crawling up my neck at that thought. I'm still not quite used to the reality of that. Tidus just grins at me though.

"That's great. Did you ever find out what was wrong?" he asks, curious. I wonder if I should tell him, and then decide nothing in detail but general terms would be fine.

"It's kind of like…self-esteem issues? Or like he didn't trust himself around me, I guess," I say. Tidus hums and nods. He then rocks up into a standing position and wipes off some dust and dirt that got on him while he was laying on the floor, searching under his bed.

"So then does that have anything to do with…you know…?" he asks discreetly, obviously aware that even though Wakka is right downstairs and willing to try accepting Tidus, he may not be ready to accidentally hear of my preferences as well.

"Well…" I start, stepping closer to him so I can talk a little more quietly. "It's not so much how I felt as how he felt, really. He had no idea that I liked him, so that was part of the reason I guess."

I see Tidus' eyes widen before his mouth splits into a wide grin and he punches my arm playfully. "Good for you! So then he feels the same?"

I can't help but grin along as I nod my head rapidly. I feel like a school girl, giddy and gushing over her crush, so I take a breath hoping to let out the spastic, ADD butterflies this conversation has stirred up in my belly.

But I'm forgetting. I've been distracted from what I came here for.

"Wait," I say, trying to stop him from distracting me further with whatever he is about to say next. His mouth is even opened, ready to say his next syllable, but it closes quickly enough to hear what I have to say. "That wasn't what I came here to tell you."

He cocks his head to the side, much like I do when confused or waiting for an answer. It's a silent question asking you to go on with whatever you are saying.

"I wanted to apologize for running off like that," I say quickly, hoping this doesn't ruin his mood. He seems lost for a second, and then recognition lights on his face.

"Oh that. It's okay. I know you were trying to trying to hunt down Riku; you don't need to check with me if it's okay to jump him after he's been running away all the time," Tidus says very matter-of-factly. It stuns me a little.

"But you were just—"

He cuts me off before I can say it, shaking his head. "I know. But it doesn't matter. I was getting ahead of myself. I just wanted someone to share the loneliness with, and I thought you might feel the same, so I went for it."

He shrugs.

"It was a bad idea, so you can just forget about it if it bothers you. Besides, you have Riku now so I shouldn't be trying to whisk you away from him," he says, winking at that last part and nudging my side with his elbow.

I scan him for a moment. He seems okay, but I'm not sure. I still feel like I've hurt him and it makes me feel guilty. He sees this though, and he claps one of my shoulders with a sigh. He looks me straight in the eyes, no wavering.

"Look, it was an impulsive decision, so it doesn't really matter. Besides, I've just gotten my best friend back and I'm a little more preoccupied with making things work with him before anything else, okay?" he says in all seriousness. And I believe him. There may have been a little hurt involved, but I can see that he's also happy and relieved to have Wakka talking civilly to him again. Once again I'm happy for Tidus and for the fact that I could help push Wakka in the right direction, that I may actually have been helpful to Tidus at last.

"Okay," I reply, consenting finally. He nods, patting my shoulder like I did to Wakka earlier.

"Now," he says, steering me out of his room, "have you changed your mind about wanting to play video games with us? It'll probably make Wakka feel better if someone else were here too."

I smile, allowing myself to be led.

"I guess I could, but I shouldn't stay too long unless Riku decides that not speaking to me is a good idea again," I reply. Tidus just nods sagely, and then his face lights up again in a smile.

"Why don't you go bring him over here then? The more the merrier," he suggests, eager to help. I think for a moment of whether or not you would be willing to do this, and then I think that even if you aren't, I'll just convince you with a kiss or two. I've found that it's effective in getting you to agree with me over these past three days, even if you still aren't completely comfortable with it yet. But whenever I can manage to surprise you with a kiss, I can see how you melt just that little bit in the same way I do when I realize you'll let me do that to you.

"Sure, why not?"


It's dark and quiet in the night.

Bugs buzz about outside and the streetlamps glow orange in the darkness, providing just enough light to see by. The wind is weak, barely a breeze to push through the muggy heat of a summer night. There are clouds covering the stars tonight, trapping the heat of a hot island's day between the earth and the sky. It'll probably rain tomorrow.

No lights are on in the house. It's the dead of night, so it's to be expected. There's no one here except me and you. My mother has gone away to visit a brother that's sick for the weekend. It's only Friday night.

And you're lying in my bed, beside me, close enough to touch. No, we are touching. You're curled up, head tucked beneath my chin, one arm folded between us while the other is thrown around my waist as if you're holding me in place. Our legs are tangled, and I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's new and not unpleasant, but it worries me. I want this too badly. It can't—shouldn't—be true. It's only been a week and a half and I'm still not sure. So I restrain myself as much as I can and only do what I know you want. I don't deserve this, so it's only fair that I don't hurt you because of this. I won't take the risk.

You shift slightly, and though I thought you were asleep (it's nearly 3 in the morning now), you speak quietly, mumbling a weak and sleepy, "Riku…?"

I freeze, but you nuzzle your head into my chest. So I force myself to relax, because I don't need you worrying about my comfort.

"Are you awake…?" you whisper, slurring the words a little. A hand moves up to rub a tired eye.

"Yeah," I whisper back. I resist the urge to kiss the top of your head or smack my forehead for not pretending to be asleep, and instead stare across my room at the shadows playing on the wall. I feel the tickle of hair underneath my chin as your head moves and then soft lips against the hollow of my neck. It makes me freeze again.

"Why?" you ask, sleep still lining your voice. I swallow and shift a little, still tense from the movement of lips against my skin as you speak.

"Couldn't sleep," I reply truthfully. The puffs of warm breath on my collar bone do nothing to help me relax this time. And then you hum and start drawing shapes on my chest with a fingertip. It's light, barely a touch, but the sensation is soothing. I'm still not relaxed, but it makes me feel less tense.

I'm still unsure about all this contact. But when you initiate it, I start to think that maybe it's okay. I just don't know where to draw the line for myself.

"Why?" you ask again.


"About what?"


You fall silent, and I offer nothing else. You continue tracing your finger across my chest. Tentatively I begin doing the same on your shoulders. I hope that you won't ask what kinds of things I've been thinking about.

"You know, Tidus and Wakka have been getting along better lately," you say casually. I pause my ministrations on your back for a moment. It's true, I've noticed it from the times I've seen the two of them. I'm still not sure what had happened between them, though you've hinted at it, but I guess I'm glad for them. It's never nice to hear of friends fighting with each other.

"That's good," I reply for lack of anything better to say. And then we fall back into silence. It's almost comfortable, the atmosphere that settles in around us. I let it take me in, wanting to stop worrying for a moment enough to just enjoy this closeness, the feel of your breath on my skin and your finger tips brushing along in mindless patterns, the tickle of your hair on my chin.

But then I feel lips on my neck again. They're slow and fleeting, but they move upward toward my chin, my face, my lips. It makes me take shuddering breaths. It makes desire rise up in my stomach. I pull back before your lips can connect with mine though. I need to stop this before it goes further. I won't let myself hurt you.

And then I see your eyes and that glimmer of hurt for my action.

Damn it.

I close my eyes, not wanting to see this. I've gone tense again. It's best to stop this here. We've kissed, but I can't guarantee that I'll be able to hold myself back if it goes on much longer. I won't let myself hurt you. So I'm stopping this here.

"What's that for?" you ask, sounding nonchalant, unaffected even though I saw it.

"It's nothing," I say. I open my eyes again, by I avoid your own. I don't want to see it again, that little hurt, because I'm trying to protect you from getting even more hurt. "You should—go back to sleep..."

"I don't want to, I'm not tired," is the petulant reply right before a yawn stretches from your mouth. It makes me smile. Sometimes you're just stubborn. And though the pout that appears next makes me want to kiss you senseless, I settle for a kiss to your forehead to show you I'm not pulling back all the way and moving some hair that's fallen into your face.

"Yes you are. It's 3:30 in the morning, so just go back to sleep. It's okay," I say softly. You pout just a little more before a resigned expression appears and you sigh.

"Fine," you grumble and settle back into the bed. The silence comes again, but I'm fine with it. I'm pretty sure I won't get to sleep for another hour at least, so I content myself with watching you and trying to push back the insecurities that make me want to leave. It only lasts a total of six minutes.

"Riku…?" I hear you ask again quietly, tentatively. I hum to let you know I've heard and that I'm listening. You shift so that you're looking at me, and though I try not to, I get caught in your cerulean eyes. They're soulful and full of meaning, feelings, even if I can't tell what some of them are.

"I love you," you tell me seriously. And though I've heard you say it many times, either as reassurance or just a declaration, I'm still not used to this either. I don't understand what you see in me. But—

"…I love you too," I whisper back after only a moment.

"Good," you say. And then you stretch up and take my lips too quickly for me to move away again. And so I melt even as I want to stop this from going too far, because your lips are just too sweet to ignore for long, especially when they move against mine in such a wonderful way.

I get caught up, swept away. When you lick my lips, I open them, tentative to this since we've only done it once in a while. And then your tongue slips into my mouth, rubbing against teeth and gums and tongue, and I groan because I love this. But then the muscle retreats and instinctively mine goes to follow, which is new for us, but not unwelcome by you since you haven't pushed me away yet. My tongue explores, trying to do the same as yours has done to me, tracing teeth, gums, and tongue. And then I hear you moan back and I know I'm doing something right. But the noise goes right to my groin, heating passions better left cool. I need to stop this. Now.

So I put my hands on your shoulders and gently push you back so that our lips aren't connected and I can regain an intelligent thought other than what a wonderful mouth you have. I look up at you because as we were kissing, you managed to have me lay on my back while you climbed halfway over me. You frown and try to lean down to kiss me again but I keep you at a distance. It's for your own good, even though you're groaning, this time from frustration. You pout.

"Rikuu~" you say in an adorable voice. And I think that maybe you'll leave it at that because you normally do. Whenever I stop, you say my name with frustration, pout, and then leave it be and go on with whatever you had been doing before it started.

But you keep speaking. "You always do this. Why?"

This time you want an answer, but I'm not sure what to tell you. All I know is that this has to stop or I'll hurt you. I shake my head a little.

"It's nothing. It's late. You should just go back to sleep like you were going to before," I say. You frown and move so that you're sitting beside me.


It's a simple refusal and one I realize won't give in any time soon like the one before. I sigh.

"Why?" I ask.

"That's what I want to know," you reply.

And a silence stretches because I don't want to answer truthfully.

You sigh in exasperation and then suddenly you're on top of me, slim tanned legs straddling my hips, your hands pinning my wrists beside my head. I know that I could push you off if I wanted, but I'm ashamed to say that I like this position a little too much. And then your mouth is on mine again, your tongue stealing into my mouth and melting me again. It's hot and heady and passionate. It's nothing like the slow exploration of before. My mind goes fuzzy again and I can't think straight. It feels too good, especially with your body draped over mine like this.

One hand of yours slips around the back of my neck, letting go of my obviously unresisting arms, threading thin fingers into my hairline while the other hand roams my chest and side. My own hands have minds of their own, free of restriction now, moving through soft spiked hair and up and down your back, roaming closer and closer to your hips and someplace lower.

It's hot. Too hot. Especially with the noises you're making and the ones I know I must be making too. I want you closer. So much closer. So I pull you closer. But it's not enough. I want skin on skin and there are clothes in the way. So the hand roaming your back finds the hem of your nightshirt and slides beneath it, feeling soft skin and the muscles rippling beneath it. There's a moan and a shiver from you which causes a moan and a shiver in me, and I just want more.

"Nnn…Riku…" you breath out between kisses, and I breathe back your name as well, so lost in this that I can't remember why I would have tried to stop this before. It's hot. Too hot.

The next time I manage to pull back, we're both panting and now I'm above you. Somehow I managed to turn you over in the middle of it all. Your shirt is pulled up to your neck, exposing tanned stomach and chest. Your face is flushed and dazed.

And even though the view is spectacular and you're right beneath me, the time I've taken to regain my breath has also become time to clear my mind of heady thoughts of you. I remember why I was trying to stop this so I stop where I am, not sure what to do now. You look up at me expectantly, expectant of what, I don't know. I just know—

"I can't," I say, even though I don't move from my place above you.

"Yes you can," you reply, simply and confidently. You don't move either. You just look up with the same soft eyes I've seen settle on me many times ever since this started.

"I can't," I repeat, trying to stay strong, because this is for your own good. You don't know how much I want.

"Why? I won't stop you. I want this," you say. "I want you."

The confession makes me tremble. It weakens my resolve, and I know you can see it crumble. Still I try to hold on to it, grasping at straws.

"What are you so afraid of?" you ask quietly.

I don't want to say. I clench my eyes shut so hard that it hurts. I restrain myself, shaking. I'm afraid. You ask me again, your voice so soft and warm and comforting I can't help wanting to give into it.

"I'm going to hurt you," I say quietly at last, releasing all of my inner turmoil in those five words. It doesn't go away though. It just settles there between us like thick smog. I want it to go away. I want to be able to cleanse this air between us, but I'm always the one who dirties it. I know.

I hear sheets rustle and your tiny hands cup my face. One slides back, threading through my hair gently and working out tiny knots, while the other remains on my cheek, thumb stroking in a soothing manner. My clenched eyes and my tense body relax until my eyes are simply closed and I'm leaning into your hands. I can feel your gaze tracing over my face, and I wonder again what I've done to even have you this close to me, to have you touching me in such a gentle manner. I wonder what I could have possibly done to deserve such a beautiful person like you in my life.

"Riku…" you breathe softly. I open my eyes and look down into the cerulean eyes I adore, drowning in them. You hold my gaze and search a little longer before you speak again.

"You won't hurt me. You've put so much effort into trying not to hurt me that I doubt you ever could," you say with so much confidence. I'm floored. Of course I would never hurt you! I would never want…I could never think to…but…

"But that doesn't mean I haven't hurt you before. I don't want that to happen again Sora," I reply. I close my eyes in shame, unable to meet your steady gaze any longer.

"Riku…" you breathe again. I give no response, keeping my eyes closed.

"Riku," you say a little stronger. Again I give no reaction.

"Rikuu~ stop being such a jackass and answer me," you whine. At last I open my eyes, bewildered by your comment, and see you pouting. When you notice I'm looking at you again, you just grin the way you always do. I blink. It's blindingly perfect.

"What?" I ask when I see you won't say anything more now that you know you have my attention. Your grin softens into a small, trusting smile.

"You won't hurt me," you say again, just as confidently as before, and I still can't see where you're getting this confidence from. "I trust you Riku. Enough to know that you won't hurt me."

"But—" I try to protest.

"And even when you do, I love you enough to see that you didn't mean it and forgive you for it," you tell me. "It's impossible for people not to hurt each other, even if they're lovers. The most we can do is forgive and trust in each other enough to know that no one is perfect and we all make mistakes."

I'm still unsure, but I take the words to heart. You trust me, but I could still hurt you.

"Please Riku. I want this just as much as I know you do," you say, pulling me down into another kiss. I let you pull me down and lips connect once again. It's slowed down from the frustrated passion of before again. It's more reassurance from you that you want this, and though I'm still a little hesitant, I finally relax completely into you. I won't let go of all of my restraint, but I'll go as far as you will let me.

The kiss becomes deeper, hotter, more passionate, but the speed doesn't pick up too much. We are slow in removing clothing mostly in embarrassment and hesitation in if we are really going to do this now. But you tell me again that you want this, and I won't deny that I want it too.

There are moans as bare skin comes into contact, only shirts off at this point because the only thing on our lower halves are boxers and neither of us are quiet ready for that this second. We take the time to explore each other's chests, me with my mouth, trying to find your sweet spots as your hands trail across mine, making me shiver in delight. I come to the dark spots on your chest and lick at a nub. You gasp, so I do it again before sucking on it softly, rolling it between tongue and teeth. You pant and moan, and I take it as a sign that I'm doing something right. Eventually I move to the other one to give it the same treatment. Meanwhile, all the noises you make and the way you whisper my name into the silence of the night go straight to my groin, heat beginning to pool into the pit of my stomach and lower areas, a coil beginning to wind tighter.

I want you.

I want you so much.

I shift to kiss back up your neck, but I end up brushing my hips against yours, creating a delicious friction that draws a moan from both of us. I stop for a second, feeling your hardness near mine, and I realize that you really want this too. I glance at your face, which is flushed all over again, and hazy eyes look back up at me. You roll your hips experimentally, unexpectedly, and we both moan again at the new contact. Even with the brush of fabric between us, it still feels wonderful. But I want to be closer. I always want to be closer.

I lean down and kiss you lightly, quickly before you decide to move your hips again because I want to ask for your permission. I want to know if you'll be okay with being completely bare before me, if you'll be okay with someone like me being completely bare before you. One hand cradles your cheek while the other hooks two fingers beneath the waistband of your boxers.

"Do you—"

"Yes," you interrupt, breathy and wanting before I can even finish the question. "I want this."

It sounds so needy; it only makes me want you more. I kiss you again and oblige. The boxers are off fast enough, but then there's an awkward pause in which I'm not sure what to do.

"Are you sure?" I ask quietly, shivering as your hands run up and down my back once more.

You just smile and say, "Touch me," as you roll your hips one more time. And that's all I need to move on my own.

We're both rubbing and grinding against each other. It's skin on skin, so hot, so hot. You grab the back of my head and bring me in for yet another kiss. We swallow each other's moans and let them out when we pull away again, trying to gasp for air as the pleasure builds. Our hips move in motion together, having found a comfortable rhythm, but it escalates, as we get closer. The pool of heat in my stomach burns white hot and the coil winds tighter. I can almost feel it.

I breathe out your name.

You moan out mine.

And then it explodes between us white hot and wonderful. We keep moving against each other, trying to make the sensation last as long as possible, moving easier with the sweat and semen that is slick between us. It's sticky and hot when we stop the motion and I've fallen on top of you, my face tucked into your shoulder. But I don't really want to move. I feel exhausted now, but satisfied and warm inside.

There's a nudge in my side. "Riku, move. It's hot," you whine, sounding just as exhausted as me.

I roll over onto the mattress and turn my head to look at you. You're staring up at the ceiling, your bare chest rising and falling with each breath you take. You're beautiful. How did I ever get to deserve this?

I watch you in the small amount of moonlight that lights my room in the early morning. You don't move for a while, just a soft smile on your lips, and I feel good about what has happened between us. We've taken another step. I've taken another at least, and for once it doesn't feel like I've taken two steps back at the same time. And then a hand touches your stomach. I can see the sheen of a clear substance on your fingers as you bring in up to your face and I feel my face go a little red when I realize what it is. You hum, staring at it for a moment, and then bring it to your mouth, licking a finger quickly. I raise my eyebrows as you frown and wipe your hand on the sheet.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask curious and a little incredulous. You look sideways at me at first, and then turn so that you're on your side.

"I was curious," you say with a shrug. I just raise an eyebrow again. You grin. "It was salty."

"Right," I reply with a smile of my own at the simple reasons you have for doing things. You shift closer and peck me on the lips before curling into my side, hugging my arm.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" you ask, voice muffled by my arm as you peek up at me. I shake my head slowly and smile sheepishly.

"I guess not," I reply. You nod and snuggle further into my arm, adjusting yourself. I hesitate and then lean down to kiss your head. You laugh quietly and then look up at me again.


"Hmm?" I answer, wondering if I've done something wrong. But you just smile, from what I can tell.

"I love you, you know?" you say. And then you bury your head again. Soon enough your breathing evens out and I know you're fast asleep.

In the darkness of the morning, I smile without a constant fear behind it.

I don't know what I've done to deserve you or any of this, but I smile because you seem to think that I do. And if you think I do, then maybe, just maybe, I could learn to accept that I do too. Because I really want to become someone who deserves this, and that can't happen if I keep thinking that I don't.

"I love you too, you know?" I whisper into the dark, chasing away some of the doubts, finally.

There are birds beginning to chirp outside my window, despite the lack of light. The morning is approaching. A new dawn, a new day.

And I fall asleep with a smile on my face and you in my arms.

A/N: ...And there's the end. Ah my gosh, I'm terribly sad right now. But aside from that, I sincerely hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it, despite the bumps I've had until this point and all the long waits before. Again, I thank you all for your support and you're all wonderful, wonderful people. Please leave your last comments in a review and remember to leave a suggestion if you qould like a sequel/side story. There's a little information at the top if you missed it about what I may be doing for after this, so look back up there if you would like to know/ Other than that, hopefully we will meet again in the future! Bu-bye for now! I love you all!

Oh! Special thing if you're interested. Look at the chatper names in order. The first letter of each spell out the title of the story. Clever little chick, aren't I?