Disclaimer: I do not own the Xmen trilogy just the words below.

This is a 'What if' fic showing what it might have been like if Kurt was already at the institute before Rogue & Wolverine showed up. Depending on its popularity I might write it through all three films or just stop it after the first if it gets to that point.

That said enjoy


Chapter I

An elderly man in a wheelchair rolled through the entrance to the old church flanked on his left by a man wearing a visor on his left and a red haired woman on his right. The inside of the church was bare and the cloud cover outside seemed to darken the shadows and rafters making them appear endless. A strange sound could be heard followed by a voice.

"Get out!" It cried in a hollow scary voice as if trying to frighten its guests before speaking again from somewhere else making it seem like there was more than one.

"Leave here!"

The man in the wheelchair raised one hand to stop the man from reaching for his visor for some reason before talking to the mysterious voice.

"You do not have to hide Mister Wagner" He called out.

"Zere is no von here by zat name!"

"Zere is no von here but us!"

"Zere vas no von here but us before you arrived!"

"But if you don't leave now-"

"Zen you von't leave ever!"

"So get out!"

Before each voice spoke the strange sound was emitted and if one were to sniff the air near each location the voice came from they would notice the stench of sulphur and brimstone. The man in the wheelchair, despite looking patient and calm, apparently was getting tired of this act as he raised a hand to his temple. However it appeared that he was doing something else because the voices now sounded a bit panicked.

"Vhat are you doing?!"

"Stop zat!"


"Please stop!"

Suddenly in a puff of bluish black smoke appeared a young man clutching his head. His clothes looked a little ragged but it was his skin and features that made the man and woman at the elders sides that made them nearly take a half step back. His hands had three fingers whilst his feet had two toes, he had a prehensile tail, elfish ears, yellow eyes, fangs and blue skin with strange tattoos.

"Perhaps we can now continue our conversation Mister Wagner" the man said.


Kurt Wagner yawned widely as he awakened from his dream, had someone walked past just then they would have jumped at the display of white fangs he was revealing however since he was currently sitting in the rafters of the entrance hall to the institute. Slipping off the beam he had recently been napping on Kurt landed gracefully and strolled leisurely down the hall towards the rec room as he remembered his dream.

Several weeks short of a year ago the twenty one year old had been found in an abandoned church by a Professor Charles Xavier and offered sanctuary at his institute for children such as himself. After being given a brief history lesson about the school and about a special team he had created to find other mutants like himself as well as combat those who would and are using their powers to destroy the yet to be constructed bridge between humans and mutants known as the X-men Kurt accepted the offer.

Now here he was, clad in a shirt and cut-offs with a rosary attached to his belt jingling with each step, a new addition to the X-men team and language teacher to the younger students walking down the halls of his new home. Hearing rushed footsteps behind him Kurt gasps as a brunette suddenly walks through him before turning round so that she was walking backwards to stick her tongue out at him.

"Gott en Himmel Miss Pryde must you do zat?" he asked of her making the girl stop.

"Must you always pop into existence right beside me Mister Wagner?" she threw back a playful smile on her lips.

Kurt grinned himself. He and Katherine Pryde, or Kitty as everyone here called her, had been friends since she had shown up nearly a month after he had arrived. Despite a rocky start, due mostly to his looks, the two had become fast friends and were rarely seen without the other even after Kurt had become an X-man whilst Kitty had to wait until she was eighteen.

"Oh you mean like..." Kurt teleported to right in front of her. "Zis?"

Kitty squealed slightly as she stepped back, tripped over her own feet and vanished into the floor.

"Oops" He muttered before he felt Kitty's arms wrap round him from behind and attempt to strangle him whilst the two began laughing.

After several moments Kurt continued on walking whilst giving Kitty a piggyback down to the rec room. Kitty meanwhile rested her head on his shoulder enjoying the peace between them. Ever since coming to the institute Kitty had thought the only friend she would have was Miss Grey the person she looked up to like a big sister. After getting scared by Kurt's sudden appearance and appearance she had talked to him about how he could cope being different he had answered saying that the lord was watching over him and that everyone in the institute looked out for him. Since then they would hang out after classes and talk about their days or help one another with their respective homework. When Kurt was accepted as an X-men Kitty playfully told him to get used to being the boss of her before she became an X-men herself which was little under a month away now.

Upon reaching their destination they were greeted by silence,frowns and scared looks from the rooms inhabitants. On the television there had apparently just been a live council talk in which the subject must have been about them.

"What's happened?" Kitty asked to the room in general.

"Kelly just flipped off Miss Grey's talk about us just being kids with more unique abilities and declared us as dangerous" Bobby Drake told them.

'Of course' Kurt thought to himself. 'Ze Professor and Jean had left to go to Vashington today to speak at ze gathering'

"Jean was on T.V and you didn't bother to tell me?" Kitty asked Bobby or rather interrogate him.

Kurt could not help but chuckle. If it was concerning himself or Jean Grey Kitty just had to be part of it. He was looking forward to his first class with her as a member of his class instead of a study partner. Kurt suddenly noticed that one of the boys in the corner of the room was glaring at the T.V with pure malice whilst flicking his lighter open and closed.

"I wish I was there when he called us dangerous" He muttered as he opened his lighter lit it then moved the flame into his hand. "I would have gladly proven I was most"

The teen was suddenly startled when Kurt teleported in front of him and grabbed both his hands in his own, ignoring the pain he felt when he extinguished the flame as he grabbed the boys hand and the gasps and stifled screams from the rest of the room.

"Zen you would have played right into zeir hands Mister Allerdyce" Kurt growled at him. "Zose people can only bark at ze moment, however if some von like you rise to zeir bait and attack zen zey can bite in self defence in fair play as zey say"

Kurt let go of the now scared John Allerdyce and spoke to the room in general in a grave tone. "Zat goes for all of you as vell, as long as ve ignore zere vords zen nozzing bad vill happen"

The room was silent as they took in his words. Seeing all the sad faces Kurt fixed a happy face on before talking again.

"Now as Mister Drake said ve, vell you lot, are all kids and kids should be outside on a glorious day like zis" He said what was hoped in a cheerful voice. "So get out zere and ve'll start a game of baseball mutant style or you can let Drill Sergeant Summers give you a fitness exercise, Gott knows you need it if all you do is vatch ze T.V all day"

A chorus of cheers and laughter followed his speech before everyone except for Kitty and Bobby left the room and headed for the field outside. After they all left Kurt slumped into one of the now vacant chairs his mood now matching his skin colour.

"Sorry about John sir" Bobby said as he and Kitty walked over to him.

"Do not apologise for your friends' behaviour Mister Drake" Kurt replied as he looked up. "And please don't call me sir"

The trio laughed at that. Bobby then took Kurt's burnt hand and placed a layer of ice over it before Kitty wrapped a cooling pad on top of it.

"See ya's outside!" Bobby called over his shoulder as he left to join the others leaving Kurt and Kitty alone in the room.

Kitty seeing the opportunity placed herself in Kurt's lap and took his injured hand in her own whilst the blue mutant shifted himself so that they were both comfy.

"Do you think what you said is true?" she whispered to him as she lay her head on his shoulder.

"Most definitely" Kurt replied putting his uninjured arm around her shoulders. "And ze vorst zing is zat zere are more mutants like Allerdyce out zere vho vill make true of zere threat"

"You were great by the way" Kitty complimented. "You kept your cool, taught us an important lesson and changed the subject to something we like whilst joking about Scott's military manners"

"Just pray that none of the kids tell him about that or he'll use you for target practice" Ororo said as she walked into the room. "And the girl's right, you did well there"

"Danke" Kurt mutter whilst his face turned slightly purple before looking at Kitty who had shot out of his lap the moment she heard Ororo's voice. "And I meant vhat I said about zat fitness exercise so get going"

Kitty nodded before quickly pecking him on the cheek and running through the wall to the outside.

"Sorry if I interrupted anything" Ororo apologised as she sat down on the seat beside him. She had seen those two become closer each day and it reminded her about Scott and Jean's blooming relationship.

Kurt just waved it off with his uninjured hand. "Even if I vanted to do something intimate vith her I'll have to vait until she is declared an adult in ze vorlds eyes"

"If only there were more men like you Kurt" She mock sighed making both of them laugh.

"Vell as much as I vould like to spend more time vith you Storm" Kurt said as he stood up. "I have a game to referee so until next ve meet, auf wiedersehen"

With that he disappeared in a puff of smoke. Ororo shook her head as she got up to find Scott, he had probably seen the meeting as well and was now blowing off steam imagining that each clay pigeon he shot was Senator Kelly.


R&R so I know whether to continue this fic or not

'Til next time

Watch this space & peace out.