His Jack

Disclaimer: Yeah…No! It ain't mine! Get that through your thick skulls!!! God, I hate writing disclaimers. I mean, it's kinda obvious that it ain't mine! Would I be writing a fanfic if it was?!!! HM?!!! WOULD I?!!!





Chase Young jumped up at his lovers scream. He immediately started toward where it came from, the throne room, at high speed.

Was Jack okay? What if he had gotten himself into trouble? What if one of his cats tried to eat him again? What if an enemy of Chase had heard about his new little play toy and came to use this against him? What if-

Chase Young crashed into the room, completely destroying the door. He easily located Jack, standing on a chair with a newspaper in his hand, then scanned the room for the enemy. But a quick look around found nothing. Chase hurried to Jack's side, pulling him up into his arms.

"Where is he?" Chase hissed, scanning the room once more for anything he could have missed. Jack trembled in Chase's arms

"Right-right there!" he said, pointing a trembling finger. Chase quickly looked to were he was pointing, then froze. He was as motionless as a statue for what seemed like hours.

"A spider." Chase finally managed to say. "You screamed bloody murder and had me rushing to your rescue because of a little spider?!!! Chase looked furiously at his lover, who looked away with a blush coming across his face.

"It-it's not that small!" Jack defended. "It's a pretty damn big spider!!!"

Still furious, Chase Young snatched the newspaper out of Jack's hands and smushed the spider. Turning and walking away, Chase allowed a little relief to flood his features.

'Well,' he thought, 'At least my Jack is safe.'


A/N: This is my second Chack. It ain't much, but it's kinda funny. I got inspired to write it after I read a Chack fanfic called 'Sunburn'. You should read it! It's really funny!!!

Anyway, back to my fanfic. Hope ya all likes it ok! Well, that's all I really have to say for now.


Until Next Time,
