Three deleted shorts from an old drabble series.

Two are Au; one is a next lifetime love scenario and the other is base on a movie. You can guess what it is.

Last one, well, lets just say never watch Bring it On during so late at night.

Enchanted Love

"Dad, I really think she's a princess." A little girl with green hair and brown eyes said to the tall orangette man..

Ichigo place his palm on top of his daughter's head, kneeling down to her size. "She isn't a princess, Nel." The comment made the little girl to puff up her cheeks, turning them red in the process

'Then explain to me all the singing and dancing she did?"

"She's just very eccentric." He tried to explain. But that explanation didn't convince her.

"Then explain to me those animals that were helping her clean our home?"

'"I don't think having disease rats and birds in our apartment would convince me that she was a princess."

"But, dad."

"Nel, please." Now getting a little aggravated. "No matter what you think, she is not a princess."

The disappointed green haired girl lowered her head in disappointment, which cause Ichigo to hate himself for dashing his daughter's hopes up.

"Nel, listen, I'm sorry for.."

"Um, Kurosaki-san," Interrupted the woman that the two were just talking about moments ago.

"Orihime, I told you could just call me I-chi-go." His words stammered because of the sight that greeted him.

The self-proclaimed auburn princess came out wearing a stunning blue ball gown.

"How do I look?" She asked the two, spinning around in a circle. The movement made her dress and hair sway elegantly.

"You look beautiful, Orihime." Nel spoke first. She ran up towards her and grab hold of one of her hand with her tiny ones. "You look like a real Princess." The last line directed at her skeptical father.

Smiling, Orihime kneeled down to Nel. "Thank you so much for the nice compliment." Gently caressing her cheek like a mother would do to her child. 'How about you Kuro, I mean, Ichigo?" The use of his first name making her blush.

Ichigo, who was too stunned by her beauty, finally came to when he heard his name. He then started to walk up to the two girls, his own cheeks a bit red. "You look, amazing." He told her with a smile.

"Th-thank you." Her cheeks redder then before.

Nel eyes switch between her father's still red face to the princess's red face, smiling at the adults expression.

'Yeah, she's definitely not a princess .'

Reborn Love

"Excuse me, but do I know you somewhere?' Ask a orange spike haired man with dark amber eyes.

'I don't think so." Answered a young woman with shoulder length auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"Strange, It feels like I met you before." As he got a closer look into her angelic face.

While most woman would consider his actions strange, it wasn't for her. To her, it was rather amusing.

And she didn't know why, but being near his presence made her feel safe some how. Almost like he would do anything to protect the people he cared about.

The male stranger was having the same affect. This woman that he just met made him feel more calm. And he couldn't put his finger on it, but he had a feeling she has a very gentle soul.

"Might be that deja vu you hear about." She said, laughing. "You know," Now becoming serious "aliens created that phenomena to test the human memories."

Well, that's a weird thing to say out loud. He thought. But looking how her lips curled so seriously and her eyes so determined, he admitted that she looked cute.

"Is that so."


There a was along pause between the two strangers.

"Well see you." The man said as he turned around and started to walk away.

"Wait." She shouted, grabbing hold of his wrist to stop him.

He turned his head around to look at the now blushing girl.

'I don't usually do this, but do you want to go get a cup of coffee or something."

"Um, sure. There's one near by." as he pointed to say coffee shop.

'Great. Lets go." She shouted in glee, looping her arms around his and leading the way to the coffee shop.

And while they were walking, the male stranger had to wonder why he felt so at peace.

Cheering Love

"Wow?" A stunned Ichigo said. His wide eyes moving up and down at the person in front of him.

And that person who was in front of him was a beautiful auburn haired woman. She was wearing a black top with a stylized S embedded on the front. The fabric tightly hugged her generous breast. The top was also short so it showed off a good portion of her flat stomach. She was also wearing a black and red stripe skirt that ended below her thighs. And to complete the erotic image, her hair was tied up in two high side ponytails.

"So what you think, Ichigo?" Cheerleader Orihime asked him as she picked up her two black pompoms and did a twirl that made him get a good look of her red panty. She then did pose for him with a supernova smile on. "I thought it would be nice to dress up for your…"

She didn't finish her sentence because she was push roughly against the wall. Her lips being ravaged by his as his hands place themselves on both side her hourglass waist.

Not wanting to be out done, Orihime put as mush passion to her kiss as he did for his. She dropped her pompoms so she could weaved her fingers through his spike orange hair.

His callus hands started to moved slowly downward, the rough feeling sending shivers through the capture princess. They then cupped the side of her buttock and with his strength lifted her up. Her legs wrapping instantly around his waist and hooking him in place.

Moist lips descended from her lips and trailed hot kisses around her neck. His teeth biting softly on the jugular of her throat that left a little red mark.

The feel of the heated touch made her moan in pleasure. Her hands now on his back and her nails raking against his shirt.

"Do you, do you want to finish this upstairs?" The moaning princess asked, gasping every time he touched a "sensitive" area around her body.

He looked up to her with his hungry brown eyes and shook his head no. "I rather finish it here." And with her still on his waist, he move them towards the couch and laid her down gently.

Her grey eyes filled with lust as she watch him removed his shirt, teasing her by slowly taking his time with getting rid of the annoying fabric. Once it was finally gone, she ran her hands around his bare chest, taking extra time to feel his hard abs and chest.

"I miss you." Ichigo said as he lowered his head to her's.

"Me too." She agreed, her arms snaking around his neck and bringing him to another passion filled kiss.

I could of made a whole multi chapter on the first one and done a proper one shot with the second one. And if I was good, would of done a lemon with the last one.

Also, sorry if it was a little jarring in the story.

Thanks for the read.

Review and have a nice day.