Angela was sitting in her office thinking about old times. She remembered her and jack like it was just yesterday. She remembered how it felt when he kissed her. it was like she could fly. She remembered how he would do the littlest things to make her smile like when he would run his fingers through her hair or when he would leave little notes at her desk to remind her that he loved her.

As she was thinking these things, the door knob turned. She wondered who it was and then she saw his beautiful face. Her Jack. As he walked towards her, he flashed a loving smile in her direction.

"Hey, Ange what are you up to?"

"Just trying to put a face on our victim."

"I guess I will just let you finish your work."

"No, Jack there is no need. I am almost finished anyway."

He leaned over her shoulder to see her wonderful artistic abilities and realized that was one of the many things he loved about her.

She realized their close proximity and jumped.

"So what did you come to see me for?" she asked hesitantly.

"I just needed to drop off some paper fragments that we found in the victims clothes."

"Oh, ok. She could tell there was something else he wanted to tell her, but she didn't know what it could be. "Jack, is there something else you needed to tell me?"

"How did you know I needed to tell you something else?"

"I guess I just know how to read your face."

He just stood there staring at her like she was the only person in the world.


"I-I-I just…I can tell you later when you aren't busy."

"Jack, it's ok. You can tell me now," She said reassuringly.

Well, I just wanted to tell you that….I-I still love you. Bye. He said in a hurried manner.

He then turned around and ran out the door and returns to his work station with the paper fragments.

He left Angela stunned in silence. She stood there trying to comprehend what jack had just said to her. Could he really still love her? Could he still love her after all of the things she had done to him?

"Hey jack, you forgot to leave the paper fragments with me." She said grinning at him.

"Oh yeah, I guess I did," he whispered, giving the fragments to her.

"Jack, you forgot something else.

"What else did I forget?"

"To kiss me."

She leans forward and captures his lips with hers before he can comprehend what she had said.

When they were out of air, Angela leaned her forehead against his and smiled at him sweetly.

"You know that I still love you too?"

And in that moment jack knew that they would be alright. He leaned forward and kissed her like they were the only two people in the room.