iTravel into the Future

Chapter 1: iMeet Doc

(Freddie's POV)

I was sitting in science bored out of my mind. Mr. Henning was going on a big ramble about how todays generation is plumiting downhill or whatever. I was busy doodling a picture of Ms. Briggs on a whales body. I stopped a minute to see what everyone else was up to. Carly was writing some iCarly ideas bored out of her mind as well. Sam was sleeping. Of course!

"Ok student it's the week everyone in my classes enjoys the most. Time week!"

"Ugh!" we all groaned. Even Sam who was still asleep.

"Yes you are all very excited. I feel it! Now I'm going to assign you all partners." Oh great I thought to myself. I hate when teachers assign partners. I hope I don't get that wierd kid in the corner who brings his blankee to class. (even though I have my own blankee but at least I don't bring it to class) wow that was embaressing! Mr. Henning was busy saying names while people moved around the class. I noticed he was doing boy and girl groups only. I have a good outlook then. I'll either be with Beth, Wendy, Carly or Sam.

"Ok Shane and Beth umm...Reuben and Wendy..uh..Gibby and carly and last but not least Mr. Benson and Ms. Puckett." what!! I was paired with the blonde haired demon again!!!! I think Mr. Henning hates me. Sam moved over to my labstation.

"Sup Fredward?" she asked taking out a bag of lays potato chips. To my suprise she offer me some. I took a handful and ate them.

"I'm just letting you know right now I'm not doing all the work."

"I know...I'll be there watching you do all the work" I rolled my eyes. Eh i don't really care. As long as I get an A i'm good.

"Ok students here's the project. We are all going to make a model of a time travel vehical then explain how it works. And you're all going to write a paper on a fictional time travel jorney together." Gibby raised his hand. Mr. Henning let him talk.

"What if we go on a real time travel adventure?"

"I'll give you extra credit...It's not possible yet." Mr. Henning said sarcasticly. Then the bell rang. We all ran out of the class as fast as possible.

"So Fredwierd what are you going to do for this project?" she asked

"Well WE can visit my Uncle Emmett. He's a scientist into all that time travel mumbo jumbo. I'll text him now." I texted my uncle

Hey Doc, listen me and my science partner need your help on a time travel experiment

Almost instantly I got a reply

Freddie my boy! so glad u texted me. ironicly I finished my latest experiment. I need you and your partner to meet me at Twin Pines mall at 1:18 in the morning. Ask no question and do not!! tell anyone anything except your partner

I showed Sam the message.

"Ok cool we can sneak out and you can drive us to the mall."

"Ok see you at 1..remember NOT to fall asleep."

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it!" she ruffled my hair and walked down the hallway to her next class. I fixied my har and thought to myself. What have I gotten myself into???


I felt cold water on my head. I woke up almost screaming. Before I could I felt a hand over my mouth.

"Shut up're going to wake crazy up..."

"How'd picked the lock again didn't you?" she held up a bobby pin and smiled.

"Psh and you told ME not to fall asleep."

"Well when you live with a mother who makes you go into your room at 8 o'clock and go to bed by 10 with nothing else to do what are you suppose to do?"

"Listen to your iPod...anyway we have to get going. It's 1 right now." we tip toed past my moms room and made our way out to my 2004 sentra spec-v. We reahed the mall at 1:10. The parking lot was empty except for a van that read "Dr. Emmett L. Brown" it was Docs van alright. We parked next to it. We saw a car or something under a sheet and his sheep dog Einstien. He instantly ran up to me.

"Hey Einstien where's Doc?"

"Right here!" I turned around to see my Uncle who I called Doc standing behind us.

"Hey Doc" I gave him a hug. "It's great to see you" I said.

"Hey you finally grew out of that little girl voice huh?"

"Uh yeah" I said blankly. He strolled his way over to Sam.

"And who's this lovely young lady?" he said.

"Oh this is Sam. Sam this is My Uncle but you can call him Doc"

"Wow Freddie. I never knew you had such good taste. You're girlfriend is very pretty."

"Oh she's not my girlfriend...she's my lab partner..."

"Oh.." Doc turned away embarressed. We stood awkwardly for a moment before Sam spoke up.

"So why did we have to be here at exactly 1:18?"

"To experience the thrill of my latest experiment. Plus I like the number 118. Come over here. Freddie you take this video camera and recored when I say action." he tossed me an older video camera from the 80's and walked over to the sheet that had a car shape underneath it.

"Start recording!" Doc said.

"But what is under the..."

"Nevermind that now...action!" I did as told and pressed record. He cleared his throat.

"Hello I'm Dr. Emmet L. Brown I'm standing outside twin pines mall at 1:18 am and this is experimental test number 1. Come on Einstien" he called his dog over. The dog was wearing a watch. He pulled off the sheet to reveal a DeLorean.

"Hey Doc why do you have a-" he cut me off

"Now notice that Einstiens control watch is in percise persision with my wrist watch." Come on Einie get in the car." he strapped the dog into the seatbelt and closed the door. He pulled me and Sam 800 feet away from the car. He held out a remote control.

"You have that thing hooked up to the-?" Sam question.

"Watch this." he whispered. He flipped a switch and played around with the controls on the car. Causing it to go one way and another. He reversed the car and set it facing us.

"According to my calculations when this baby hits 88 miles per're gonna see some serious stuff." he flipped a switch and push forward the acceleration button. The cars wheels spun while it stayed in place. I looked over at Docs remote. The car was hitting 50 miles per hour. Doc flipped the switch allowing the car to accelerate forward. Was he nuts! It was coming right towards us. Sam and I looked at each other and tried to walk away. He held his arm right in front of us stopping us.

"Watch this!" we gave a scared look to each other. I glanced over at the cars speed on Doc's remote. 81 miles per hour. It slowly made it's way up. 85...86...87...88/ Suddenly sparks went around the car. And with a sonic boom the car disapeared leaving a trail of fire behind it. Sam and I looked at each other fire between our legs while Doc was skipping around happy as can be. What the hell just happened?