
I have been working on this story for several long months. I was reading several poorly written Akatsuki stories and just stopped. I wanted a good story where Sakura joined Akatsuki without her whole world crashing in because of the chaos it would cause. Also, people... Deidara would not be there when Sakura was eight. So I am writing my own version of the whole Sakura X Akatsuki. Unfortunately.... I made a biased oopsy but decided to go with it. I like my biased oopsy and so instead of marking this Akatsuki X Sakura... I am making it one of the most unique DeiSaku stories out there.

Be warned though. I had help writing this by Hana-chan (Unknown Artist of Hanagakure) so she helped me with a couple back stories and gave me permission to use a couple characters for those back stories. Don't worry. You won't be running into those anytime soon. But if you haven't read her story- seriously- go read it.

This chapter has not been beta-ed. So I will post the Beta-ed version later when it is done!



Chapter 1

Batafuraikōka: The Butterfly Effect

Disclaimer: Do not own Naruto

All she could remember about that special night, was that it began with her crying alone. Her knees had been all scratched up and the other girls that had been picking on her earlier had ripped her clothes. She was sobbing with uneven breaths as she tried so hard to rub the tears away.

The small rosette had long forgotten the time and as crying in the middle of the park. No one would come for her since her parents had died last month and the orphanage was so overpopulated they wouldn't miss her.

But as much as she tried to remember, she couldn't remember the thoughts or memories from earlier that day. The only thing that was clear as crystal was him.

"Why are you crying here?" a calm voice had asked her.

The child looked up with jade green eyes and stared up at the boy who hadn't been there before. She didn't need to look long to know who he was. It was obvious since her classmate never shut up about him.

"You're Sasuke's brother, aren't you?" Sakura sniffed as she wiped her eyes.

The boy seemed to flinch at that, but Sakura had barely noticed.

"Yes," he said calmly, "I am, but that was not the question. Why are you here alone crying?"

"Some girls were picking on me… and after they shoved me down for the fifth time and told me my forehead was big… I… I guess I lost track of time." The girl answered truthfully as she looked away ashamed.

"Is no one looking for you?"

"No. My family is dead and the orphanage doesn't care."

The boy seemed to look pained at the thought for some reason.

"I see… what is your name?"

"Sakura. Haruno Sakura. What's yours?"

Itachi smirked at that, "You mean you don't know my name?"

"Sasuke does talk a lot about you, but usually he says 'my brother', so no, not really."

"Itachi. Uchiha Itachi."

"Well Itachi-san, it's nice to finally meet you," Sakura said as she smiled up at him, "Sasuke really does admire you."

She noticed the pained look on his face again. Before she even asked if he was alright, she noticed his outfit. Completely drenched in blood as if he had killed hundreds of men just recently.

"Are you alright, Itachi-san? You have blood on you."

Itachi cursed himself for not realizing that if she was in his brother's class then she was learning to be a kunoichi. However, he kept his face calm as he nodded.

"I am fine. Are you alright? You have your own blood on you."

"I'm not alright," Sakura said as she sniffed a bit, "Everyone just keeps telling me things that hurt. They say I'm weak and will amount to nothing, but I want to be strong! I want to be a kunoichi! I don't have anything else left here to hold onto if I give up on my dream!"

Right at that moment, Itachi swooped her up into his hold. He would always say that it had been because of the fog his mind had been left in after killing off his clan, that he had taken the opportunity to replace his little brother with her so life wasn't as lonely, but at that moment in life, Sakura didn't care because she had found life in those arms.

"Then come with me and I will help you become strong." He said as he looked at her with those deep onyx eyes.

"Really," Sakura breathed in awe, her eyes stuck to his in shock.

"Yes, if you work hard for it. But coming with me will mean a hard life. Will you be able to accept that?" Itachi warned her with seriousness glowing in his eyes.

For Sakura, this was hope. She realized she didn't care if it was hard, it was a chance to reach for something and grab it by the horns and hold on tight. Kunoichis naturally had a hard life from what her teachers had told her, so she had accepted when she first started.

"Then please take me with you." Sakura finally said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "I want to get stronger!"

"Then let us leave," he said in a dark tone before the two of them disappeared in a swirl of raven feathers.

Itachi had planned it all. To go in, get out, and to continue on with life as soon as possible. The decree that his family had to be killed was given and he had no choice but to comply.

He was offered the chance to give the mission to someone else if it was too much for him, but he had told them this had to be done by his hands. It had to be him so he knew they didn't suffer. He could not guarantee that with anyone else doing the mission.

Shushi was the only other person that knew of his terrible mission and he too had been given a choice. He had chosen to help in killing off the family, but at the same time came to the same conclusion as Itachi:

The only way to do it fast and efficiently was to have the Mangeko Sharingan.

It hadn't been easy watching Shushi die in his hands like that. He felt a large piece of himself die with his best friend and realized exactly why it granted a new level of Sharingan.

Sharigan users only obtained their doujutsu at life or death situations. When people had said that Itachi was a prodigy that had obtained his eyes, they left out the fact that his own family had cornered him and felt threatened to the point of activating the trait.

They had almost killed him that day.

And for their cruelty, he held a grudge against the elders of the clan who said that any means to an end like that was fine as long as that was the outcome of the cruelty.

Itachi had cried later in solitary when he realized they might do that to his little brother too. He decided that day that his brother would not suffer the same way he had.


So as he killed his family, he didn't even bat an eyelash. He hacked them all down like the scum they were, that is, until he finally got to his parents.

His father he had no qualm killing since it was all the head's fault for even having to get this mission in the first place, but his mother was a different story. He admired his mother for her quick wit and deviousness. She was he ultimate role model and companion. The only other one who truly cared for his brother.

He did what he had to do.

He had waited for Sasuke to come home, knowing his brother would run home one he saw the mess he had made, and was not surprised when the boy came rushing into their parents' bedroom scared stiff.

He knew he had to kill his brother if he wished to remain in Konoha…

But when he saw those tear-filled onyx eyes…

He could not strike the child down.

So instead he did what he had to do to protect him. He lied. But right when he was about to tell his brother to come after him and hate him-

-He stopped. He couldn't do it. This was his brother and he could not bare the thought of the young boy hating him so. So he told him something different.

"Grow up well Sasuke, and discover what's real with eyes unclouded by hate. Hate will weaken you. So find a pure motive for living."

And with that he put his brother under a genjutsu filled with the best memories he had of the two of them.

He didn't know why he had done so, but perhaps it was because he had lived his life to keep his brother safe. He couldn't lie to him completely and he couldn't murder the boy. His mind worked fast as he headed to the Hokage's tower to inform him of his weakness.

Danzou and Hiruzen had been waiting for him with a few other elders.

"The deed has been started, but not finished," Itachi told them before activating his Sharingan, "But if any of you dare finish what I have left undone, then I will expose all I know about your plan."

That in and of itself was the greatest threat he could have given. The Uchihas had been revered by the public and to learn that the government system had wiped them out would bring a civil war.

Sarutobi was the one that calmly dismissed the other occupants and threatened their lives if any of what they knew got out. He then looked at Itachi and smiled.

"I had figured you'd do something like this," he said with a sad smile, "You realize this means you cannot stay, correct?"

Itachi just nodded, ignoring the emotional overload he was having at the moment, though he would just deny it and call it an adrenline rush.

"Then I have another mission for you," Sarutobi said as he puffed on his pipe, "There is an organization I have just caught wind of and it threatens Naruto."

Itachi knew who Naruto was. He had been put in charge of watching the boy on occasion when he needed a mission but still needed to rest from long-term missions.

"And you want me to infiltrate their ranks and gain information."

"Yes. Do whatever you think will be necessary to carry this out. No doubt that they will catch wind of your massacre and offer you a spot, but as I said, do whatever you think necessary."

"Yes Hokage-sama," Itachi said with a nod.

He was about to take off before Sarutobi spoke one last time.

"Oh and Itachi?" The boy looked at the aged leader, "I will take good care of Sasuke."

The old man probably didn't hear the small 'thank you' that had escaped the stoic teen's lips, but then again, he probably didn't need to.

Deciding that he needed to get out without being seen, Itachi took the route that cut through the park. He had little time and he needed to be out as soon as possible.

Imagine his surprise to find a little girl with exotic colored hair crying into her hands that rested on her knees.

Any other night, he would have easily ignored the child, but tonight, after what he had done, he could not leave her be.

"Why are you crying here?" he asked her in a calm tone as he landed before her.

The child looked up with jade green eyes and stared up at the him, surprised at his sudden appearance. She seemed to recognize him as her gaze softened a bit.

"You're Sasuke's brother, aren't you?" Sakura sniffed as she wiped her eyes.

Itachi couldn't help but flinch. He blamed the adrenaline, but deep down knew it was because of guilt.

"Yes," he said calmly, hiding how turbulent he felt on the inside, "I am, but that was not the question. Why are you here alone crying?"

Her eyes dimmed at the memory, but she was able to speak coherently enough to understand.

"Some girls were picking on me… and after they shoved me down for the fifth time and told me my forehead was big… I… I guess I lost track of time." The girl answered truthfully as she looked away ashamed.

Itachi couldn't understand why a child would still be in the park at midnight though. Would no one look for this child that obviously was lost?

"Is no one looking for you?"

Her eyes dimmed even more then they already had.

"No. My family is dead and the orphanage doesn't care."

Itachi couldn't help but feel pained as he thought of what he had just done to his brother. His emotions leaked for just a moment before he was able to reign them in and give the presences of indifference.

"I see… what is your name?"

"Sakura. Haruno Sakura. What's yours?"

Itachi smirked at that, "You mean you don't know my name?"

"Sasuke does talk a lot about you, but usually he says 'my brother', so no, not really."

"Itachi. Uchiha Itachi."

"Well Itachi-san, it's nice to finally meet you," Sakura said as she smiled up at him, "Sasuke really does admire you."

He couldn't help but feel that twing of guilt pass through him at the mention of his brother's love. He didn't deserve it and it hurt him so. It was about then when Sakura noticed his current outfit, reminding him current predicament.

"Are you alright, Itachi-san? You have blood on you."

Itachi cursed himself for not realizing that if she was in his brother's class then she was learning to be a kunoichi. However, he kept his face calm as he nodded.

"I am fine. Are you alright? You have your own blood on you."

Though she was a Kunoichi in training, she was still easily manipulated in conversation.

"I'm not alright," Sakura said as she sniffed a bit, "Everyone just keeps telling me things that hurt. They say I'm weak and will amount to nothing, but I want to be strong! I want to be a kunoichi! I don't have anything else left here to hold onto if I give up on my dream!"

Right at that moment, Itachi swooped her up into his hold. In reality, he really didn't know why. His body moved on its own and answered the pleading aura in need of attention that the girl gave off.

Later he decided it was because of the fog his mind had been left in after killing off his clan, that he had taken the opportunity to replace his little brother with her so life wasn't as lonely, but at that moment in life, those thoughts had yet to come to him. She needed someone and he needed someone, so it worked out in both their favors.

"Then come with me and I will help you become strong." He said as he looked at her with those deep onyx eyes.

"Really," Sakura breathed in awe, her eyes stuck to his in shock.

"Yes, if you work hard for it. But coming with me will mean a hard life. Will you be able to accept that?" Itachi warned her with seriousness glowing in his eyes.

Her eyes glittered as she thought about it. The more she thought, the more alive she became, leaving the observing Itachi in awe.

"Then please take me with you." Sakura finally said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "I want to get stronger!"

"Then let us leave," he said in a dark tone before the two of them disappeared in a swirl of raven feathers.

This child was his from now on and Itachi always watched over those that were his.

Sakura had fallen asleep that night riding piggyback on Itachi's warm back. Itachi on the other hand had ran all throughout the night and well into the day before Sakura even fluttered her pink eyelashes open.

"Itachi-san," Sakura said with a yawn as she looked over his shoulder to see that pretty face of his, "Have you been running all night?"

"Yes," Itachi said, only answering her as much as he had to, "We will be doing that for some while, so you need to stay alert."

"Hai," Sakura said as she looked about.

Itachi didn't stop once. When Sakura became hungry, he gave her some of the rations he had in his bag, but he didn't allow her anything to drink, saying that she would have to go the bathroom and that would give them away.

And when they finally stopped, it was because of the fact that they no longer were in the Land of Fire. Itachi had all but collapsed as he let Sakura slid off his back and use the bathroom finally. When she had come back from washing her hands in a river and refilling the canteen that she had emptied that day, she had found Itachi still awake and watching her from the place where he rested.

"Itachi-san, you need to get some water in your body. My sensei told us it was important to stay hydrated. You might be able to survive without food for a week, but only about four days without water and today is the third day you haven't had water." Sakura said as she handed him the canteen to drink from.

Itachi poured a bit out into his hands and looked at it for a minute before taking the canteen to his lips and drinking it. Once he had hydrated himself enough to focus a bit, he pulled out some rations, enough for him and Sakura, and tossed the girl her share while he ate his.

"I have put you on a hard road out of selfishness. Forgive me." Itachi spoke after spending most of the day in silence, "the life of a missing nin is not easy."

"Well then lucky me I'm not the missing Nin," Sakura said with a small laugh, "I'm just a girl who decided to go along with a missing Nin."

"So you understand the situation."

"Not completely… but I figured that it was the only reason you would push yourself so hard to leave the Land of Fire. My sensei showed us the way to read the signs shinobi set up to mark the border. We crossed over about an hour ago."

Itachi was impressed at the knowledge the girl had, but didn't show it. He felt it better that she did not get a swelled head over such things. He just nodded and finished his food before talking again.

"I will be teaching you as we go along. I am hoping to be picked up by an organization called Akatsuki. But until they come to us, we are on our own and are vulnerable to attacks. Listen well because I don't want to repeat myself."

"Yes Itachi-sensei." Sakura chirped as she bobbed her head happily.

Unlike most teachers who would ask her for information about herself, Itachi just rested against the tree, motioning for her to come near and sit next to him. Unlike most people, Sakura spent no time worrying that she was sitting next to a killer and immediately plopped herself down next to him and listened to his words as he talked to her about basic knowledge she should have.

Never once did she tell him if she already knew something, because Sakura understood it better the way he explained it. After his after dinner lecture, both fell asleep, Itachi taking small catnaps while Sakura slept the whole night through.

The next morning, they had another meal of rations before Itachi motioned for her to hop back onto his back and the two of them traveled farther into the Land of Rice. Around the afternoon, Itachi stopped by a stream and while Sakura began making camp, he caught some fish.

While the fish cooked, Itachi told her to practice katas in front of him while he rested. Since she only knew the standard Taijutsu katas, Itachi asked her to perform those. Each time she took a misstep, he would automatically move her to the correct position and make her start again. This would continue until the fish were cooked and after the meal was eaten for about an hour. Then she was to get right back on his back and he continued to run.

At night. He would teach her things like math, writing, theory, and history until it was time for her to sleep.

This continued for eight months. Sakura and Itachi had slimmed down a bit because a lot of the times they couldn't get in a couple meals and had to hid from Hunter ANBU that chased him. He tended not to kill them if he could, but usually left them under a strong genjutsu made by his Sharingan.

Sakura in this amount of time had improved greatly. She knew her katas flawlessly and had even been moved up to target practice, which she also was improving at because of her math skills that Itachi had told her throwing heavily relied on. He had began to teach her about chakra and started her on the leaf technique which helped her focus her chakra to wherever the leaf was and stick it to that spot. Sometimes if they stayed in one spot long enough, she was allowed to practice tree climbing. Itachi was actually a good teacher as long as you didn't make him repeat things more then once.

In time, Itachi could speculate, the girl would be able to keep up with him. But for now, he preferred to keep his pace and have her on his back. She wasn't heavy at all, but that was worrying him a bit.

To his relief, Akatsuki finally discovered him. He actually enjoyed watching Sakura's face as the plant man came out from the ground with his two-toned body and yellow eyes staring at the two.

"Uchiha Itachi?" the man said with two voices with made Sakura, who was on his back wiggle with curiosity.

"I am he," Itachi said while flaring up his Sharingan so there would be no questioning.

"I was told to take you to Akatsuki headquarters." He said before glancing at the rosette.

"The girl is with me." Itachi said in a low voice, "She stays with me or I will not come."

Sakura withheld a surprised gasp. She knew he was trying to get picked up by this organization, so it meant a lot when he would deny access because of her.

The plant man just stared at her a bit longer before nodding, "She will be your responsibility then."

"Hn," was all Itachi said before motioning the plant man to lead the way.

They ran without stopping for a good three days before Sakura finally pleaded to be put down. The plant man- who she discovered by conversing with him- was named Zetsu. He seemed fine with the stop, but she could tell half of him was agitated, so she made the stop quick and after forcing some water down Itachi, she hopped back on and was content for the rest of the trip.

The base was in Ame, and much to Sakura's nerves, it lived up to its name. It rained… a lot. By the time they had finally entered the building, all three of them were soaked to the bone.

Sakura fought the shivering as she slid down Itachi's back and began to follow him as he followed Zetsu down the hall. She grabbed onto his sleeve, knowing he wasn't one for holding hands and was content with that. She was nervous however the closer they got to their destination, remembering suddenly that she was extra baggage and they might kill her if they thought her a bother.

It was about then when her thoughts were disrupted by Itachi's hand grabbing onto the one that held his sleeve.

"They will not harm you as long as you stay close to me." Itachi said as she looked at him wide eyes before her body relaxed.

She trusted him. He would do her no harm. That was how Itachi was.

When Zetsu had finally reached the door he had wanted, he turned around and glanced at Sakura.

"She is to stay with me," Itachi said as he picked her up like a little doll, resting her bottom on his arm while holding her close with a hand on her back just to prove his point.

Zetsu nodded as he opened the door a silently motioned them inside. Sakura wrapped her arms around Itachi's neck and hugged tight as they entered the room. It was dark, not well lit, but there was enough light to see the basic shapes and colors in the room, one being a man with orange hair and silver ringed eyes.

"Uchiha Itachi?" the man said as he lifted a brow.

"I am he," Itachi responded in his usual calm tone that Sakura had grown use to.

"Who is this child?"

"This is Haruno Sakura. She is my charge."

'He is my guardian' Sakura thought as she laid her eyes to rest on the other man's beautiful silver eyes.

"I see." The man said before relaxing in his chair, "We are not a daycare facility so keep her close at hand. Until the others learn she is not to be harmed, there is no guarantee in her safety."

"I have accepted those terms the moment I left with Itachi-san," Sakura said as she gracefully bowed her head in respect, "But thank you for your concern."

The man seemed amused at her reply as his mouth twisted into a grin. His voice lightened up a bit when he spoke again, since he was talking to the child.

"How old are you Sakura?"

"Eight years old, sir." She replied, giving him no more and no less then what he had asked.

Spending time with Itachi had taught her that no one in the Nuke-Nin world would suffer fools or silly blabbering of an eight-year-old girl. If this man was anything like Itachi, she was making the right moves.

"I see," he said as he eyes smoldered, "I will have to introduce you to my partner, Konan. She would love to have another female around and about the place."

His eyes flicked back up to Itachi as he turned his tone back into one of most importance, "I am known as Pein. You and your charge shall call me Leader-sama unless directed otherwise. I will get someone to show you to your rooms and you two will be allowed to rest a while before I partner you up with someone Itachi-san. I usually do not accommodate to extra… people… but the girl seems intriguing. You can leave her in your room while you're away and I will make sure she is cared for during your leave. You will both receive Akatsuki coats. The girl will only have one so she is not mistaken as an intruder, unless she proves otherwise, she is not a member of Akatsuki, only your charge. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Leader-sama," both Itachi and Sakura said as they bowed their heads slightly.

"Good," Pein said before turning his chair around, "My partner, Konan, will be at the door to escort you to your room."

Both thanked him again and as soon as they turned to the door, Sakura relaxed into Itachi's hold. She had been so nervous, but she had tried her best to be brave. When Itachi opened the door, there was an elegant woman waiting for them with blue hair and a lovely origami flower in her hair that made Sakura want to reach out and touch it to see if it felt real, but she kept her hands to herself and around Itachi's neck.

Her lip had a lip piercing and her eyes were ice blue with lovely blue shades of eye-shadow on her eyelids. She looked surprised to see Sakura in Itachi's arms, shivering from the cold rain that soaked her tattered and worn clothes. She, however, remembered herself and what she was suppose to be doing after a couple seconds and reigned in her surprise and put on a dull expression.

"My name is Konan. I will be taking you to your room so you two may freshen up before we eat."

Itachi nodded and followed her as she led the way, but Sakura was slightly curious.

"Excuse me, Konan-sama," Sakura said as she lowered her head a bit.

"Call me Konan-san, child," Konan said.

"Sorry, Konan-san, I have a question."

"What is it, child?"

"I was wondering if you could tell us the other members names, if you would be so kind."

Konan was impressed. Itachi must have gone over the importance of being polite. Especially in a place where her life was on the line. Either that or someone else had drilled the manners into the girl's head.

"We currently only have six members other then Pein and I, but we are gathering more. There is Sasori, call him Sasori-san and remember he has no patience; Kisame, he is blue skinned but very good humored; Kakuzu, he likes his money so be cautious to what you say about such things, his last partner didn't and now he is looking for a new one; Zetsu, he is a cannibal, so watch out for him when he is hungry; Itachi, who you are already acquainted with; and Orochimaru."

Now that was a name that Sakura had become familiar with during Itachi's history lessons. She stiffened at the name, but forced herself to calm down as she managed a sweet thank you to Konan for the information. She knew it would be useful to the both of them, even if Itachi would have just gone in blind and formulated a plan in a second's time. But he had told her to be prepared for things like this, so she was going to.

Konan finally reached a door and stopped at it. She opened the door and pushed it open for the two of them to view the nice room.

"This will be your room. If the child proves worthy to become an Akatsuki member one day, she will be given her own. Until then, she stays with you." Konan said before turning to leave, turning her head with an after thought, "Child, do not open doors that you have never entered before. Even then, be sure that you knock if it is not one that you have been granted repeated permission to enter."

"Thank you Konan-san," Sakura said as she bowed her head.

"Hn," was all Itachi said as he gave a quick nod of his head before taking both him and his charge into the room and shutting the door behind him.

"That child is very interesting," Konan said to no one as she walked down the hall, "She gives balance to the whole situation with Itachi. He is ying and she is yang, together, they blur each other's flaws… interesting indeed."

I told you... Different.

She was there before Orochimaru fled. She was there before Kakuzu had his immortal partner. And she was there before Deidara was even considered. Heheheh.

For now, we are going to skim a bit. If it wasn't absolutely important to record every little detail or event, it isn't written into detail, just mentioned. You will slowly get more and more- like in 'From Leaf to Flower' (Again, Hana-chan helped write this so she gave me the idea). Hope you enjoy!

You might be wondering about the name- Hummingbird. Let us just wait till later to have that explained.

Happy Halloween.

Kuretori's next chapter is finished! I am just rereading it... so expect that soon.

Reveiw. You know my usual questions and if you don't... well... what would you want in a review? Think about it.

Thankies! -bows- Please take care of this story!

Ja Ne
