A/N: Ahhh...the sweet results of boredom. This was an actual prompt in my english class. ^_^ Naturally, 8059 was my first thought. *such a fangirl* But anyways, thanks for reading, and enjoy! I'm not sure how good my Yamamoto POV is, so please tell me how to improve.

Yamamoto Takeshi had never been good at writing essays.

The only one he'd ever gotten above a C on was the first one he ever did, and that hardly counted. It was in fourth grade, and you could write about whatever you wanted. Naturally, ten-year old Takeshi wrote about baseball. Go figure. And he got an A.
But after that first essay, things went downhill.

So, needless to say,he wsn't thrilled when his fourth-period english teacher gave the class an assignment, due the next day. The prompt?

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In 500 words or more, describe something that you find beautiful, and explain why."

The Vongola had just gotten back from a week-and-a-half holiday spanning their winter break, and because of this, Yamamoto had a very clear idea of beauty. What did Yamamoto think was beautiful? If you asked him, he'd falter, then announce that he found sunsets to be very pretty. However, the first thing that came to his mind was Gokudera Hayato. And why was this? Well, honestly, there wasn't much about the Italian bomber that Yamamoto didn't find attractive.

They were given the rest of the class period to brainstorm, so the rain guardian immediately began scribbling his ideas on a scratch piece of paper.

Starting with your hair. Gokudera-kun, you have very pretty hair. It's polished silver, and it's really, really soft. You used to NEVER let me touch it, but now, all you do is smile a bit when I do. It's only a little bit, and only when nobody is looking, but it's still there.

Your eyes are also astonishingly pretty. I really don't know how anyone can look at you without melting. It's amazing, because the way you feel at any given moment is always reflected in your eyes. Laughter, sorrow, lust,
hope, despair, happiness. I can see through you, Gokudera, because despite the various facades you put up,
your eyes show how you feel. That's not even to mention the colour. Haha, I bet you know what colour your own eyes are,
but I thought maybe they looked different from my point of view. They're pure forest green. They're all these different shades though, and there are little flecks of silver in them too. They're very pretty. Like emeralds, but prettier. I told you that once, and you said it was really sappy and stupid. But you blushed a little anyways, and then kissed me, so I think it's ok.

Speaking of your lips...they look really soft also. I mean, they ARE soft. And pink. They're very pink, like cherry blossoms. It contrasts your skin a lot. And your skin contrasts mine so much, but it looks so perfect when you're next to me. I don't mind.
i like how you never tan..you just don't, even if you're in the sun. But if it's summer, you do get freckles. You hate the freckles, you think they look stupid. But really, they're very cute. So many things about you are, whether you admit it or not.

And you don't. You seem to think it's a bad thing to be cute. Which it's not.

Your body is perfect. I'm not being perverted, I'm just making an observation. You're lithe, and muscular, but not like Ryohei. Your muscles are less defined. A lot more feminine actually. I know, I know. I shouldn't say that. But it's not a bad thing! I think you're beautiful. Your body fits perfectly with mine, like it was made to be that way. I think it was. There's nothing more attractive then seeing you sprawled out on my bed, blushing. I mean, for reasons besides the fact that you're naked on my bed.
you're really pretty. And I get to see all of you...and...

I'll shut up. You know what I mean.

Your smile. I love it. And not that little smirk you always give me when I'm being stupid, either...although that one is dead sexy.
I mean your real smile. You actually have two. There's the one you give Tsuna, and the one you give me. You don't really smile at me until we're alone. My favourite is the one when we wake up together, and you're not entirely awake. It's just that little sleepy smile you give me, when your eyes are still sleepy.

It's times like that when I get to see how you really can be. You may be the storm guardian. You're loud, and protective, and rough. At the same time, you're thoughtful, sweet, and caring. You're all these things and more, and you're easily the most beautiful person I have ever met, or ever will meet. In the morning, the sun shines on you while you lay in the bed, and you're still half-asleep. You might make a joke, a saracstic comment, or stick your tounge out (which is way to cute.) But regardless, I know how happy you are then.

I love you.

Ten minutes later, Yamamoto looked up from his paper, slightly dazed, and unaffected by the sounds of the classroom around him. He looked down at his messy handwriting and smiled slightly.

Re-reading the notes he took, he realized he'd have to turn this paper in.

....For Gokudera's sake, he should probably write about sunsets.

But maybe I'll sneak this into his pocket sometime soon... The baseball player thought, pocketing the note and smiling, starting a new paper. However, sunsets just didn't provide the same inspiration, and in the end, Yamamoto squeaked by with a D on the paper anyways. Reborn wasn't pleased with this, and instructed Gokudera to go help Yamamoto with his homework the next day.

Needless to say, no homework was completed.