"Helloooooo," cooed the all too familiar voice of Maxine Fortenberry.

Maxine has been a real trooper and had been coming over to my place with tuna casseroles every two or three days to make sure I'm fed. I've been bedridden for a two whole weeks. I was too weak to move after being kidnapped, tortured and fought for my life all in one day! To everyone else not clued into other supernatural beings among us, I was just involved in a serious car accident.

"How're you doing today my dear?" She asked, putting away her casserole in the fridge.

"I'm getting there. See? I've been up and about all day today… I think I'll be able to take care of some of the stuff around the house too…"

"Don't be silly dear, you are in no shape to manage the house yet. How're you going to hang laundry when you don't have the strength to raise your arms yet?"

How she knew of me putting up a strong front I did not know, but she's really getting on my nerves.

Don't be mistaken, I'm grateful for Maxine's help. Lord knows what array of junk food Jason would have turned up with in his attempt to feed me if it was his responsibility. I doubt he would've been able to turn up regularly every day. Sam offered to help but I just couldn't burden him with taking care of me when he had a business to run, plus there were other people like Maxine around. I do have my doubts about her real motivations though. Maxine's been turning up at dusk and busies herself with little odd chores around the house – hanging around until dark. From the clinking in the kitchen I could tell she was washing the dishes.

"Hello Maxine. How're you this evening?"

At the same time I heard a shriek followed by a nervous giggle.

I hobbled out into the kitchen to find Eric standing so close to Maxine he was less than a foot away from her back. He had a smirk on his face that indicated he gave her fright on purpose. Eric must've stayed somewhere pretty close last night. The sun had just set.

"I hope you are enjoying this year's calendar from Fangtasia?" Eric teased at Maxine.

"Oh heeheehee, your gift is a bit naughty for my tastes, but I gave it to my niece who enjoys it thoroughly. I hope you don't mind." She said, batting her eyelashes.

Yeah right. I could see the image in her mind. The calendar is slipped between her night stand and her bed. She takes a quick look at it before turning in each night.

"Well that is a shame." Eric said half heartedly. He had already turned away from Maxine and was helping me into one of the chairs by the dining table. He smelled my hair then gave me a deep long kiss, like he was drawing his first breath after almost drowning.

"Ahem. I'd better be heading off and leaving you love birds alone." Maxine said with the slightest hint of contempt in her voice. She's really beginning to get annoying.

"Thanks for your help Maxine, I really appreciate it. I really would like to take it from here now, or I'll never get back on my own two feet."

Eric must've felt my disdain for her. "I'll be able to help Sookie with anything she can't manage." He instantly chimed, turning on his smile to 100 watts.

He didn't even need to bother with glamouring.

"Oh, if you really say so honey." She said to me, but her eyes were lingering on Eric, "But what about things that you'll need help with during the day?"

"I've got Jason and Amelia."

"Mm hmm." She gave a questioning glance to the lump of blankets on the couch that is Amelia. Almost like an acknowledgement, Amelia gave a shuffle to indicate she's alive. Amelia has been depressed ever since Tray's funeral.

"Well I'll be off then." Maxine finally said. She decided to take control of the situation the only way she can, since both Eric and I pretty much excused her from anymore regular visits.

"Please say hey to Hoyt for me."

"I'll let him know dear." She finally got in her car and left. I felt I could breathe again.

I turned around and Eric already had his arms around my waist, giving me another kiss, this time on my neck. Brrrrrrrr… I felt the wave of that one go straight to my loins.

Eric's been dropping by to see me a lot since the Fae War. He's been keeping an eye on my recovery and being especially attentive. My body had endured torture beyond the pain threshold of any creature – human or supernatural when I was kidnapped. Though Eric fed me as much blood as he could to assist in my recovery, nothing prepared me for the shock of seeing the extent of my injuries when I had to change the bandages for the first time by myself. Parts of flesh were actually missing and one in particular, on my left thigh bore the teeth marks of Neave when she bit a chunk off. It looked like a bite someone took out of an apple. With the help of vampire blood, some of the smaller wounds have actually filled out. It replaced the cuts and bites with new soft pink skin, almost looking natural. All except the one on my thigh. It looks like a hole the size of half a lemon that has been filled out sloppily with skin colored custard. At the slightest touch, the tingles on the scar brought me back to the night in the shack when I was screaming in pain. I try to avoid any contact with it as much as possible.

Not that Eric would mind, we haven't had sex since I was injured.

Any lesser woman would feel insecure about being disfigured – or maybe because I had the security of knowing what Eric is feeling because of the blood bond, which is now stronger than ever. His want for me hadn't subsided one bit, I felt it every time we were close. Rather, I felt from him an urge of restraint that I couldn't explain. We talked and cuddled every night like couples do but he never acted on any surges of lust, which came about particularly strong when he administered some of his blood to continue my healing. This suited me just fine when I was so battered and bruised. However, this behavior is oddly out of character for him and it's beginning to nag at my consciousness. I don't want this abstinence to continue on for too long…

"What is it lover? Are you getting rid of that old sack of a human because you are jealous of her attentions for me? You know I wouldn't even acknowledge her existence if she hadn't been caring for you." Eric said with a cheeky smile. "Or have you reconsidered my offer?"

Eric has been doing everything he could to get me to move in with him recently. He claimed that since I won't be working for some time while I'm recovering from my "car accident", it'll be easier for him to take care of me at his place. I had a feeling that moving in would be a lot easier than moving out. Plus I had pointed out he'll be asleep most of the day and I'd be left to my own devices, whereas I had the benefit of Amelia (as withdrawn as she had been) and any other guests who'd drop by to say hey.

The main reason why I didn't want to move in with him was because the progression of our relationship wasn't exactly conventional. Things were and still are so convoluted. We have a strong blood bond that makes me feel elated whenever I'm around him and it also allows us to tap into each other feelings which makes it almost impossible for me to decipher my true feelings for him. We are bounded by the vampire ceremonial knife, which is recognized more in vampire society as a marriage than the legal human contract. I was tricked into that one though. We've saved each other's lives on numerous occasions and we've had a lot of fun inside and outside the covers. However, we haven't even been on a real date. We haven't even had the impulse to say I love you to each other yet.

"No I haven't reconsidered." I said as I tried to ease myself away from him. I would have had better luck moving my bedroom wall. "I'm already halfway on the road to recovery anyway, there's no need to change anything now."

"I guess you're right. It is too late to change your mind." Wow. That was a lot easier than I had anticipated. I guess being as stubborn as a mule pays off.

We walked past the zombie that is Amelia watching TV in the living room on our way to the kitchen.

"I'm going to heat up something, would you like anything to eat Amelia?" She totally ignored me. This attitude is getting old real fast.

I opened the fridge door to look at my options to reheat. Not appetizing at all. I turned around to heat up some blood for Eric instead and on the table was a small pink takeaway box.

"I thought your taste buds might appreciate something a little more tantalizing."

Inside the box was the most luscious looking cupcake I had ever laid my eyes on. The chocolate cake was so moist and dark it had a purple tinge to it. The creamy frosting sat on top of the cake in one smooth swirl, with little specks of gold reflecting from its smooth consistency. The fragrance of brandy mixed with chocolate filled my nostrils like a bouquet of flowers.

"Eric…" I gulped, barely able to contain the gush of saliva in my mouth. "This is really really sweet of you." Given vampires' general repugnance (a word from my word of the day calendar) for human food, Eric was really going out of his way to make me happy.

I was about to bite into my little treat when Eric quickly said "I need to be heading back to Fangtasia." I guess his gesture of love didn't extend to watching me eat his gift.

"You'll be coming back later tonight?"


I devoured the cupcake as soon as Eric left in his Corvette. I felt childish and giddy from the chocolate rush. Maybe I'll go and see if I can start a conversation with Amelia. She has to start opening up about what she's going through sooner or later. Who better to open up to than a willing telepath who knows exactly how you're feeling.

I got up and the room spun around 360 degrees. The brandy in the cake is strong. Maybe I ate it too quickly on an empty stomach. Well, Amelia will have to wait another day for the talk.

I walked back slowly past Amelia and into the hallway to my room. I wanted to tell her that Eric would be coming back this evening but I didn't feel like making the effort. Having to grab the door frame for support, I reached my room and staggered towards the bed. I never had a high tolerance for alcohol but getting drunk from a cupcake like this is ridiculous!

I was out cold before my head hit the pillow.