Chapter 10! Last chapter guys!


Disclaimer~I own nothing


Chapter 10


Dying felt weird. A good weird though. It was like one minute you're fully conscience, the next you're slowly fading into blackness. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad feeling, but…it wasn't necessarily good either. It was….nice, I guess. It was like warmth consuming you, slowly but surely, wrapping all around you.

So this is it huh? The thought strayed across my mind. Well, it was fun while it lasted….



I was alive? No, there was no way. I was shot in the chest, and I'm already in the coma. I thought getting killed in a coma was like getting killed in real life?

Or maybe not.


Did this mean…did this mean I was home? I forced my eyes open, only to shut them again because of the blinding lights.

"Hey," A voice said softly. "Hey, I think she's coming to." There were a rushing of footsteps over to the bed I was in and I felt something warm grab my hand.

"Oh Kylie." A woman's voice said, who I recognized as…as my mom! I forced my eyes open and looked up at her and my dad's worried faces. I sat up quickly and flung my arms around her.

"Oh mom!" I cried in relief. "Dad!" I said and he wrapped his arms around my other side.

"You were out for two weeks." The doctor said.

"Two weeks?" I asked, bewildered. The doctor nodded.

"Mhmm, your parents didn't leave your side."

It was then I saw my dad start crying. My dad never cried.

"I'm so sorry, if we wouldn't of fought you wouldn't of run out and none of this would've happened-" He blubbered on and I hugged him.

"Dad," I said, "It's okay." I whispered. "It's okay."

"I'm so glad you're back Kylie." He whispered.

"Me too dad." I said, "I had a great dream," I said, (I decided to leave out the part where I was kidnapped and shot.) But I did, I mean got to meet my idol, I even got to stay in his house. How cool?

"When can she come home?" My mom asked the doctor, who thought about it.

"Well, I'd like to run some tests, make sure her injuries have healed up from the truck collision." He said. "Good thing that man pushed you out of the way,
He said, turning to me. "when he did, he also got hit, but, if he hadn't, you would've taken all the impact and might not have survived." He explained.

"How is he now?" I asked anxiously. "Not too bad I hope?" I really hoped that I was the worse one off, he risked his life to save mine, I could at least be courteous enough to have the worse of the injuries.

The doctor checked some charts, and then smiled. "He's better, a couple of bruised ribs and a slight concussion, he's fine." He said. "He's actually been asking about you."

"Can I talk to him?" I asked.

"I don't see why not." He said, then rolled a wheelchair up to the bed and helped me in. "We'll be right back," He told my parents, "and she'll be ready to go." I saw my parents nod and hug each other before we left out into the hall. It looks as if my coma compelled them to make up.

And the truth is, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

So the doctor rolled me down to several test rooms, (Tested my heart, my plus, my memory, etc. I won't bore you with the details).

Finally, he rolled me into a waiting room, where a man sat, elbows on his knees, head in hands and bandages around his torso. This compelled me to feel my own head, which I now realized had a large bandage of my own wrapped around it. The doctor rolled me in front of him and left us some privacy.

After a moment, I cleared my throat. The man looked up and looked and smiled. I blinked a couple times to make sure what I was seeing was real.

The man looked exactly like Bruce Wayne from my dream.*

"Hello." He said. "How are you feeling?" he asked. And I managed to shrug.

"Better, thanks." I said. "So you…pushed me outta the way?" I asked.

"Yes, but I didn't do much good, considering that you were in a coma for two weeks."

I shrugged. "No no! If you hadn't, I wouldn't be here right now!" I assured. The man gave a half smile.

"I'm glad you're feeling better." He said. "what's your name?"

"Uh, Kylie Lincoln sir." I said, taking his hand. "Yours?"

He smiled. "I'm Robert Cromwell. Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too." I said.

"Oh Mr. Cromwell," My father said, coming down the hall, my mom in tow. He shook Robert's hand furiously, causing him to wince at his ribs. "How can I ever thank you enough?" he asked earnestly. Robert shrugged.

"No thanks needed Mr. Lincoln." He said, then gently, but not rudely, removed his hand from my father's grip.

"At least let us invite you for dinner." Mom said. "Please."

Robert took it into consideration, then smiled. "Yes ma'am, dinner would be nice."

"Then it's settled." Dad said, "Let's get you two outta here." He said, then went to the doctor to sign the sign-out sheet.

I managed to get up and out of my wheel chair and stand up steadily,(after I got the room to stop spinning.)

"Kyle dear," Mom said. "Can you take Mr. Cromwell to the car for me? I need to sign too." She said. "The car's right in front." Then she went off to my dad.

I nodded and led Robert out of the hospital into a crisp clear day.

"Beautiful weather." Robert commented lightly.

I nodded.

"Things are looking up."


*Research says that people you see in your dreams are only from the people you see in real life, whether a family member or a random stranger on the street. (Or a person who saved you from a truck. ;) )

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did. ^^

And review for one last time for this story.
