Sorry, I wasn't feeling too good last night and couldn't get this done and uploaded. XP I fail. Anyway enjoy this Halloween special!


"Hey, Jyuudime, great costume!" I grinned, running up to Jyuudime and Kyoko. They were wearing matching costumes. Kyoko was Cinderella and Jyuudime was Prince Charming; which, of course, suits him very well.

"Hi, Gokudera-kun… What are you supposed to be?" Jyuudime asked, nervously.

"I'm Sephiroth, it's okay if you don't know who he is. He's from a video game called Final Fantasy."

Yes, I know, I'm a nerd, but video games are fun; especially Final Fantasy. If you don't know what's going on, Jyuudime invited me to go to the school's Halloween Festival. I don't usually like parties and such, but since Jyuudime invited me, I couldn't refuse. I was considering going as Genesis or Angeal, but I just needed some extensions for my Sephiroth hair.

As we entered the gym, I heard some squealing from my fanclub. "Gokudera-kun, you look so good!"

"Shut up and go away!" I yelled as they flocked me and squealed more.

I struggled out of the sea of raging hormones (have I called them that before?) and made my way back to Jyuudime. "Sorry, Jyuudime,"

"It's okay, Gokudera-kun," Jyuudime said, I don't think he knew why I was apologizing.

"Ooh, Tsu-kun, look! Let's go in the haunted house!" Kyoko exclaimed, grabbing Jyuudime's arm and dragging him towards the aforementioned "haunted house," which didn't look very scary at all.

"Um, okay, bye Gokudera-kun!" Jyuudime yelled as he was dragged towards the not-so-haunted house.

I waved, smiling. Then I stood there, at a loss of what to do.

"Wow, Gokudera? Your costume is so cool!" I heard a very familiar voice behind me, one that I didn't really want to see. "Do you like mine?"

I turned around and standing in front of me was ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Cloud! No, wait; it's just the Baseball Moron… dang.

"YOU like Final Fantasy?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah! It's awesome! It's pretty surprising that you like it, actually! Ha-ha!"

"What, I'm not allowed to like video games?"

"I never said that, I just didn't think you liked them at all!" He grinned, making me glare. "Nice Sephy face." I stuck out my tongue.

"WOOOOW! THOSE ARE AWESOME COSTUMES! WILL YOU FIGHT FOR US?" A random cosplaying boy with a video camera yelled, looking excited.

"Ha-ha, sounds like fun, don't you think, Gokudera?" Yamamoto asked, pulling a big cardboard and tinfoil sword off of his back.

I glared, shrugged, and pulled my own sword out. It wasn't cardboard, and it was as hard to make as it's hard to fuck someone on a roller coaster that's going ninety miles an hour… Not that I've ever tried… SERIOUSLY! I swung the sword, making it extend to the whole nine feet that Sephiroth's sword was.

"Wow, that's really big." The Baseball Moron said, staring at it.

"Bigger than yours," I answered, smirking when his face turned bright red. "Are we gonna get this over with or what?"


I lay beside Yamamoto, grinning lazily. I was wrong, his was bigger. I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull me further under the covers. He kissed the side of my head and buried his face in my free of extensions hair. I could feel him grinning.

"Y'know, I always felt like Cloud had a thing for Sephiroth…" He nodded in agreement. "G'night."

Best. Halloween. EVER.


Um… I guess this is how they ended up together. :D So, maybe this was last Halloween. Anyway, sorry again for not getting this up last night but I'm so sick. I'm apparently not going to school tomorrow. And ohmahgoshness! This is the first fic that I've posted before midnight!