Beloved Ones



There were many things going through their minds one was:Are we going to survive?

The other was was: Something awful was going to happen to them or they were actually going to die tonight.

They could hear the footsteps running towards them as they made a left turn going into some alleyway. It was a completely moonless night so it was a little hard to see what was around you, unless you were already used to these types of nights just walking around without letting you guard down but no... Tonight was very different they let their guards down all because of some little craving.



"You ok Yuki?"

"Y-yeah,I'm ok, no worries."

"Um, I think we do have a worry."

"What? What do you mean Xion?"

"I mean that we're in front of a dead end."

The shadowy figure stared at the other figure before her. She then put her hands up and touched to see if it really was a dead end. Her fingers traced the cracks forming on the old wall. This could'nt be...How were they going t-

"Found you."

Their breathing stopped when they heard that dreadful voice. When did he come? How could they not hear their footsteps?They stood motionless not being able to move a single muscle.

"Now," who ever this person was he suddenly took a hold of Xion "How about we finish this little game and play something different like this..."

The other girl Yuki did'nt have to guess what he was going to do next she quickly threw a punch at him much pretty much did'nt affect him only to almost lose his balance. She was'nt able to do anything else as she was soon captured by a pair of arms. She tried squriming out of the other strangers grip, but sadly he was too strong for her.

As for the other guy whom she had hit he came over to her and slapped her calling her a bitch,"Who the hell do you think you are?! Guess we're gonna give you a bigger punishment than we thought." Yuki was now scared for her life. What could she do? How can she get Xion and herself out of this situation without getting hurt?

Xion just stared at her friend not knowing what to do at all. She knew she could'nt fight this guy at all but there had to be something a-

She felt something behind her foot, she bent down to touch it when she felt that it was a piece of a golf club.

This should do, she smirked. Xion queitly walked towards the man that had obviously forgotten about her and ordered the other men to pin Yuki to the ground and once they did that all you heard was a this horrible scream. She did'nt know what she hit exactly but she guessed that she hit the leader's head. Xion frist heard groaning then she heard...laughing?

"Boy, you got pawned alright. And by a girl too."

The leader growled, he soon got on his feet took a hold of Xion (( who was still standing behind him)) and threw her head first, throwing her at the wall and knocking her out unconciously. Yuki had no idea what was happening anymore. She heard fighting, groaning and suddenly someone took a hold of her and went black.


A/N:I know short and there might be mistakes ((sorry))

((Already mad corrections ^_^))

So what will happen to Xion and Yuki now?

Will they get raped?


Let's find out in the next chappie :D