Ok this is my first try at this so be nice please.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of the characters in it :-(



My name is Isabella Marie Swan and I have lived in Forks, Washington for most of my life. Since my parents got divorced and my Mom wanted to have a life to herself to find the one she would truly love I was sent to live with my Dad. His name is Charlie Swan, or as most people around here know him as Chief Swan.

I was on my way to my best friend Alice's house, it was Saturday and Alice wanted to go to Port Angeles, and she happened to be dragging the whole gang with her we were just going to her house because her Mom always made us breakfast on Saturday. We were all rich so we could afford it, plus I would usually help her in the kitchen along with everyone else, there was a rule between us if one of us cooked we all helped.

Esme was like another mother to us all, she loved us all like family. She was the mother of Emmett, Alice, and Edward. They were all very close to one another, they were always together after school if everyone else was busy. Rose and Jasper Hale the two twins that were adopted by my Dad to give me some company in the house we lived in because he was usually at work.

Alice was in love with Jasper, but wouldn't say anything because she thought that he didn't like her the fact was that he loved her as well but they weren't going to say anything until the other showed feelings. Emmet and Rose were together within a week of meeting each other. Rose and Jasper had only been part of our family since June of last year. Edward had asked me out not long after I came back from a trip to see my mom in Phenix. I had decided that it would be to weird to date my best friends brother at the time but now I have fallen for him and what would you know he is dating some one else in the school, and of all people my old nemesis Tanya.

I have told Alice and Rose how I feel and they just try to help me through seeing him with another girl who treats him like trash. Tanya is constantly cheating on Edward, and because I don't want to see him hurt I haven't had the guts to tell him yet. Alice says that he doesn't actually like Tanya, but he wants a relationship outside his friends and family, which I can understand.

"Yay, we are so going to have fun at the mall today Bella you are getting new cloths weather you like it or not." Alice shrieked.

"Alice what was the deal that we made that made me come today?" I asked.

"That I don't get to dress you up and we aren't going to the mall, but we are going to the new games store in town." Alice mumbled.

"Thats rite now since we are all done eating we can go to the store." I said.

Emmett grabbed me and gave one of his teddy bare hugs to me. He hated to shop like the most of us did and I had planned to go to the store to get new games to play. We all piled into two different cars, most of the gang went into Emmett's Jeep and Edward and I got into his Volvo.


I had finally got some time alone with Bella, the one I was falling hard for. She had rejected me a couple years ago but that was then and my feelings about her hadn't changed since then. Yeah I was dating Tanya but she was a real bitch, she treated me like trash and cheated on me constantly, I had finally had enough and dumped her yesterday. Maybe now Bella would date me.

"Hay Bells, how long do you think Jasper and Alice can wait until they spill their feelings about one another?" I asked.

"I don't know but if they aren't together for much longer I think I'm going to go crazy with the tension between the two of them." she replied. God I love her voice so smokey and warm. I could barely restrain myself from kissing her now. I had to wait though to ask her out because getting rejected twice would probably break me.

Please Review, but be nice this is my first.