Friends Are A Thanksgiving Gift

A/N Here's more of the story.

I hope others including my fave reviewers enjoy it but we're getting close to my new fic Magic of the Season which is Christmas and Shrek the Halls related.

I hope people enjoy.

This might be my last chapter but wait and see.

Fiona was relieved as the sun rose over the swamp but saw Leah join her in the kitchen as she was making breakfast for her family and her friends but was relieved knowing that Charming and the Fairy Godmother were gone for now but hoped it would stay that way as she was making eggs as Shrek walked into the kitchen after hving a relaxing mud shower but kissed Fiona on the cheek.

"I see you're feeling better after what happened a few days ago?

That had to hurt." he said to Leah as she nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine but I recovered pretty well but is Carley okay?

Did she wake up yet?" she answered.

Snowgre nodded in reply but knew she was getting dressed but was listening to music on her I-Pod as she came out as she hugged Leah.

She was just happy to see her friend was okay.

"We're about to have breakfast but I've an idea." Leah answered.

"What is it?" she asked her.

"We should invite them to Thanksgiving in my house.

They are our friends." she answered.

Carley loved that idea as they entered the kitchen.

Fiona was excited as the week passed and Thanksgiving in Leah and Carley's world was tomorrow as Snowgre was going to open the portal to their friend's world but hoped they were expecting them but Artie knew they were as they went through but were in awe as it was snowing in Calvert County as they entered the Robert's house as David was watching the big football game on T.V as Leah and Carley were in the kitchen.

Leah smiled seeing they were here as she came out of the kitchen wearing an apron and oven gloves but hugged Fiona happily as Shrek laughed at that but was amazed at the Thanksgiving decorations especially the centrepiece on the table as Leah was bringing out the turkey onto the table as everybody was sitting around and enjoying each other's company but isn't that what Thanksgiving is about, family and friends?

The End.