Original Title: The Boy That Never Was

Takes off from the episode and then there is a few changes but ultimatly leads to my intentional new storyline. So read on and see if you like.

Disclaimer - I do not own Dr Who or The Sarah Jane Adventures and part of THIS chapter are borrowed from the show so there may be spoilers but please note that some scenes have been altered so that my plot can take place.

"Come on now" The Doctor yells.

Luke manages to reach the Doctors hand and he links hands with the others.

Luke's hand slips and the door slams shut.

They all separate hands but Luke is flung back against the TARDIS and is surrounded by blue energy until he pulls himself free and falls to the ground.

"Luke" Clyde exclaimed.

The others helped him up.

"Just us then" Rani said as she saw the Tardis dematerialise.

"You alright?" Clyde asked.

"Yeah... I think" Luke said unsure.

"He'll come back for us won't he?" Clyde said wondering what they should do now.

"He will. I'll wait here for him. You go check with K-9" Luke said thinking that would be best for now.

Clyde pats him on the chest, and then both he and Rani went downstairs just like Luke suggested.

Suddenly his whole body started to emit blue energy.

"Artron energy" he whispers as it dissipates.


"The doctor said the power of the TARDIS could fight the trickster. Something energy" Rani said.

"Artron energy. Residue of TARDIS engines. Known to be highly inimical towards certain time sensitive lifeforms" K-9 responds.

Luke runs down stairs.

"The Doctor's back" Luke exclaims.

Clyde and Rani bolt up the stairs leaving Luke and K-9 alone.

"Incorrect, master Luke, no temporal flux detected"

Luke goes straight to the doors and opened them.

"Trickster" Luke yells into the whiteness.

"Luke Smith, why do you call me?"

"I wish to make an agreement"

"LUKE" both Clyde and Rani yell at the same time running down the stairs.

It was too late, he steps through the doorway and the doors shut behind him.

"and what is it you have to offer me ?"

"The one thing you will never have" Luke said getting closer to the trickster feeling the energy building up, and hold it in.

"And what is that?"

"A way out" Luke said before putting both his hands on the Tricksters arm and releasing all the partron energy he can.

"Ahhh" The Trickster started to yell in agony as the energy envelopes them both.


"Please" Peter begs.

The TARDIS suddenly appears.

"Sarah" The Doctor said just short of shouting

"Doctor" she whispers

"Got to be quick, the TARDIS can't stabilize. Luke is keeping him busy. Oh those three are just brilliant" The Doctor says in his usual ramble.

"Doctor what can I do? If I say no I'm trapped here forever. If I say yes I condemn the world to the trickster, either way I lose, there's no way out" Sarah says hoping for an answer which she knows she won't get.

"It's all rests with you Sarah, your greatest challenge, the hardest thing you'll ever face in your life" The Doctor says with a solemn face

"What is it? Tell me what I've got to do" Sarah begs in desperation.

"you've fought the trickster before, you know how he operates, how he can be defeated" The Doctor said trying to give a subtle nugde.

"no, no" she says turning to the Doctor.

"I know you're a good man Peter, I'm so sorry"

Suddenly they are interrupted by the yelling of Luke and the Trickster, both in agony.

"LUKE" Sarah shouts for her 'son'.

"I can't hold it" the Doctor yells as the TARDIS door shuts and he is pulled away from them once more.

"Doctor" she says as Luke collapses

"Luke no. Peter, I do love you, but the Doctor's right there's another way out"

"do not listen to her lies" said the Trickster.

"Your accident, he can only talk to people about to die, he comes to them in that final moment and he gives them back their life"

"What do you mean?"

"Clyde and Rani said that your house was empty. Why did you never let me see your house? You died in that accident Peter, but he needed you, so he kept you half alive and if we got married, the bargain would be complete, he would bring you back to life".

."Your love brought me back to life. How can that be wrong to save a life?"

"Look at this. This is what he'll do to millions of people unless, unless you break your deal with him" she said holding Luke's head in her hands

"But I'll lose you, I'll die, i don't want you to be alone"

"I love you but I can't love you. You said you'd do anything to save me, you know what you have to do" She said hating the words that had to be said.


"you got one thing exactly right. Sarah Jane and I we were made for each other, were the perfect match and I know what she would do"

"But I chose you because you didn't have the strength"

"You really don't know my Sarah Jane, she gave me the strength, and I withdraw my agreement" Peter said and threw the ring at the Trickster, defeating him in one blow.

"So, here I go. I wish I had always known you"

"I love you Peter"

"And I you Sarah Jane" he said before evaporating to, what she hopes, is a better place.

"Sarah Jane" Rani says hoping they're all ok.

"Doctor, oh Doctor" she says breaking down in front of her.

He runs to her side and holds her close whilst Rani and Clyde are more occupied with Luke "Sarah Jane, you did it, the traps broken, time's moving forwards again. We're going home. We're all going home" he said wrapping his arms around them.


"If any person can show just cause or impediment why they cannot be joined together may they speak now or forever hold their peace".

"Where's he gone, Sarah's bloke, where's he gone?" said Rani's mum.

"He was just there a minute ago" said Rani's dad.

"Where's the doctor gone" Luke said.

"That all really happened didn't it?" Rani said

"Affirmative" K-9 responded.

"I'm sorry everybody, I'm afraid the wedding is cancelled" Sarah said fighting back the tears.


"Mr Smith I need you" she said not knowing quite what to do.

"Welcome back Sarah Jane" Mr Smith said in the correct tone of voice as the others walked in.

"you alright?" Luke said feeling a little light headed.

"I've got you haven't I?" Sarah replied in the most positive way she could think of..

"Can't believe the doctor ran out like that" Luke noted since, they did all just save the world, yet again.

"Sudden disappearing acts, that's him all over"

"Sarah Jane escalation of temporal flux" Mr Smith reported.

"Temporal flux escalating"K-9 added.

The TARDIS materialized right in front of them a mere meter or two away.

"Doctor" she said happy to see him once more.

"What do you take me for Sarah? I just thought I would go the quick way. Ooh I like it in here"

"Can we have a look?" Rani eagerly blurted out.

"What in the TARDIS?" Rani nodded "my TARDIS!! Of course you can, yeah"

They all rushed in like they had been waiting for this day their whole life.

"oh, my, wow, it really is, it's bigger on the inside" Clyde said pointing out the obvious.

"It's beautiful" Rani said.

"Transindental dimensions" Luke said in pure bliss.

"Hey, what does this do?" Clyde said

"Hey don't touch" Sarah said trying not to get dragged into another adventure, "You came all that way for me?"

"You're so important...not just to me. The Trickster wanted to end your story, but it goes on. The things you've done, there pretty impressive, but the things you're going to do..."

"Future. How about we could go for a ride?" Luke said in hope.

"Or back to the dinosaurs" Clyde said.

"another planet?" Rani enquired.

"No way, for one thing you were grounded by the Judoon" Sarah said making the Doctor raise his eyebrow. "And your parents would never forgive me".

After they realised that was a no they exited the Tardis.

"Is this the last time I'm ever going to see you?"

"I don't know, I hope not"

"Bye Doctor...until the next time"

"Don't forget me Sarah Jane" Doctor said.

"No one's ever going to forget you" She said not realising that one would always forget.

Almost as soon as the TARDIS whizzed off.

"Artron energy raising dangerously high" Mr Smith said.

"Affirmative mistress" K-9 confirmed.

Luke doubled over onto his knees "I can't control it" Luke said finally revealing that he is the threat to everyone else.

Blue sparks started to generate around him.

"Luke?" Sarah Jane said knowing nothing of what was happening to her 'son'.

They got as close to Luke as they could before he also dematerialised.


"Doctor?" Luke said confused since he was now standing in the TARDIS facing the Doctor.

"Luke?" The Doctor said stepping back from the control panel.

Luke fell and the artron energy enveloped him and caused him to convulse on the floor.

"LUKE!" The Doctor said sprinting to his side.

He knew what that energy was and it didn't belong in him.

A/N - yes I do say 'said' alot when it comes to copying the scenes that already exist.