A/N: Has anyone else missed the boys? I have. I had one of the scenes from this in my head for a while now, but didn't have the time to get to writing it.

Just a reminder that SM owns Twi and its peeps. I just like to play in her sandbox and make them do dirty things.

"Tell me again why I agreed to this?" I asked with a groan when Edward broke off our kiss.

"Tradition, baby. The bride and groom aren't supposed to be together the night before the wedding."

"But Edward, neither of us is a bride," I whined. "Doesn't that count?"

He laughed. "I don't know baby, you just might be pretty enough—"

I growled. "Don't even say it! I am not 'pretty!'"

He laughed even harder. "Oh, oh, it's even better when you're pouting."

"Yeah?" I asked. "So," I continued, sticking out my lower lip and looking up at Edward, "does that mean you'll stay?"

He kissed me, sucking my lower lip, then pushed away. "No! Now stop it."

"Fine," I groused. "I still don't know why I have to stay at your parents' house and not the loft. You'll be at James' house anyway."

"Because your parents don't live here, and Rose and Emmett have their hands full with the baby, and James wants to hang out with me on my 'last night of bachelorhood.'"

"Okay, okay," I said with my hands up in the air. "I give up. You win. I'm spending the night before our wedding at your parents' house. Happy?"

"You always make me happy, Jasper."

"Sap," I teased.

"Yes, but you love me."

"I do," I said. Then...


...I pulled away. "Now, don't you have some sort of bachelor thing to do?"

"Evil," he said, pointing a finger at me. "Evil."

I cackled like a B movie villain.

"We're really doing this tomorrow, right?" he asked.

"Yeah," I sighed and smiled. "We really are."

In actuality we were having our commitment ceremony and celebration. We would be stopping in Massachusetts, before heading on our honeymoon, for the actual "legal" wedding. That didn't really matter though. Having our friends and family there, to bear witness to our love and devotion to each other, that was the important part.

Thirty minutes later, Edward finally left. I spent some time with Esme and Carlisle, but went upstairs early to try and relax and make some last minute tweaks to my vows. I tried to work on my vows, at any rate, but I kept thinking of Edward instead.

Eventually, I lay down on the bed in his childhood room and stared up at the ceiling. I was...



"You okay?" he asked.

I snorted. "You have a flair for understatement."

He chuckled, and then moved to the side, pulling me into his arms.

"I can't believe you did this," I said to him. "How long have you been planning it?"

"Honestly? I'd been fantasizing about fucking you in my old room for ages," he said with a blush, "and then I thought about what it would have been like to sneak you into my room when I was in high school, having to be quiet with my parents in the next room, and well . . . a while now."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know. It never really came up. There was never a reason for us to stay here before, but then Rose and I were talking about how she made Emmett move out for a week before the wedding, and the idea just wouldn't leave me alone."

"Remind me to thank my sister."

We lay there for a little longer, before Edward finally got up and went to the bathroom for a washcloth to clean us up with. Then he got dressed and walked to the window.

"The window, Edward? You climbed in through the window?"

"How did you think I got in?"

"I dunno. You have a key don't you?"

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?"

I rolled my eyes.

He opened the window, and put one leg over the sill. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too, you lunatic. Now get out of here before your parents catch us."

He gave me that smile, the one that makes my face light up, and then he was gone.

I flopped back down on the bed and shook my head. I was marrying the craziest man on earth.

I was one lucky son-of-a-bitch.

The next day dawned bright and clear. It was perfect for a wedding. Our wedding was being held at a gorgeous location that had been built in the 1920's as a women's social club. It was decorated in a stunning Italian Renaissance style, and when the rooms were decorated and lit up, it was a sight to behold. The garden and breezeway outside were similarly beautiful, and the ceremony would be held out there, while the cocktail hour and reception were held indoors.

But before I would be allowed to enjoy the moment I joined my life to Edward's, officially, I was going to be subjected to Rose. At eight in the morning she woke me up and ordered me to shower and meet her downstairs. By eight thirty I was in the kitchen with Rose, Emmett, Carlisle and Esme, trying to gulp down a cup of coffee and one of Edward's chocolate croissants before my sister dragged me out of the house.

Manicure, pedicure, eyebrow waxing (I was not amused), a proper old-fashioned shave, and my hair was trimmed and styled.

"Really, Rose, isn't this a bit ridiculous?"

"Dude, just accept it. Trust me. It's so much easier," Emmett said from the spa chair next to me.

"Yeah, well you're the one who married her. I had no choice in the matter. My parents just came home on my second birthday and said, 'hey look, we got you a pain in the ass.'"

Emmett's snort of laughter was cut short by Rosalie's glare, and I snickered and murmured, "So whipped."

Rose raised an eyebrow at me. "Says the man who allowed his fiancé to ravage him in the room next door to his parents last night."

I blushed to my roots. "What? How? Who?" I stumbled over each word.

"Well," she said. "Esme is a very forthcoming woman . . ."

A strangled noise erupted from my throat.

Rosalie doubled over with laughter. "Oh my god! You should see your face!" She clutched her stomach trying to compose herself.

Emmett turned and looked at me. "Dude, really?" He held out his fist for knuckle bumps.

I tapped his fist absently, completely mortified.

"Oh Jesus, Jasper. I'm just kidding. Edward told me what he was planning."

When my eyes widened further, she backpedaled, "Oh Christ, no, no, not exactly what he was planning, just that he wanted to be with you in his old bedroom, all sneaky and high school-like. Why do you think I was suddenly too busy with the baby to have you stay with us?"

"Niiiice," Emmett drawled. "Your boy is kinky."

"Stop, both of you, just stop," I said, but I couldn't help smirking just a little.

Finally, the hour came. I walked down the breezeway and saw Edward walking toward me. He was beautiful, the golden light of the setting sun illuminating his auburn hair, setting it aflame. His eyes, always so full of love and passion were even more so, and I felt like he was consuming me with his gaze.

His body was perfectly encased in his tuxedo, and I grinned as I saw the one detail that Esme and Rosalie were going to have kittens over. Despite our coordinating tuxedos and the formal, black-tie nature of the event, Edward and I decided to wear matching Chucks. I looked back up at him and his grin matched mine.

We stood in front of the officiant, Edward's old prom date, Reverend Angela Webber. The ceremony was simple and quick, allowing the focus to be on the vows we wrote for each other. Edward's words were beautiful and filled with love, and I like to think he felt the same about mine. After Angela pronounced us husband and husband, we kissed to the cheering of our loved ones.

We went to a room upstairs, off one of the ballrooms to collect ourselves and let them set up so we could make our grand entrance as a married couple. As soon as the door closed, we both started crying, and then we started laughing at the fact that we were crying. It was just so . . . cathartic. We'd been relatively relaxed and excited about the entire day, but when push came to shove, it really was emotional.

The caterers brought us a small tray with champagne and appetizers, which we promptly dug into.

"So, how much time do we have left?" I asked Edward.

"Ummm, I think they're going to bring us in for the 'grand entrance' in about twenty minutes," he replied as he licked the crumbs off his fingers.

"Oh good," I said.

"What?" he looked up at me.

"I told you last night, I can't...


...there was a knock at the door. Esme's voice on the other side said, "Edward? Jasper? They're ready for you."

"Thanks mom, we'll be right out," Edward called back, and I tried very hard to stifle a laugh as I pointed at his fly, where the tail of his shirt was sticking right out. "Not my fault," he said with a grin, "some nutter just molested me at my wedding."

I laughed out loud. "I love you Edward Cullen."

"I love you Jasper Hale Whitlock. Now let's go show these people how to dance."

The main ballroom looked stunning. The ornate archways were lit up, giving the room an old feel, and the giant floor to ceiling windows were open and flanked by glowing sconces. Flowers adorned the chandeliers, as well as the table, but it was all done with an understated grace that was all Esme.

The evening was a resounding success. The food was exceptional, the music kept people dancing until late, and the desserts and wedding cake were, needless to say, perfect. There were some photographers there from one of the wedding magazines. It wasn't everyday that one of the best wedding cake purveyors in the city got married.

By the time it was all over, we barely had enough energy to get undressed and crash into the bed at the hotel we got for the night. We made up for that in the morning. Then it was a whirlwind of getting to the airport, flying to Massachusetts, having our "legal" wedding, and then back on a plane for our honeymoon.

As soon as we took off, I tossed a pad of paper and a pen to Edward.

"What's this for?"

I leaned over and whispered. "It's for you to write down all of your other fantasies. I want to see how many more we can knock out on the honeymoon."

Edward's eyes darkened, naked lust making them look almost feral. He tore off a sheet and handed it to me. "Quid pro quo," he said.

I grinned. "I like the way you think."

"Speaking of which," he said quietly. "Did you notice how empty this cabin is?"

I nodded. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

Edward bit his lip and nodded, then pushed his pad of paper toward me.

I want to join the Mile High Club.

"God I love you," I said.

"Love you too."

Then he proved it.

Best. Flight. Ever.

a/n: Hope you all enjoyed that! Now here's the longer part of my note.

As ever, my love and gratitude to Chicklette for being a fuckawesome beta, but an even better friend.

Her newest fic, Of Kith and Kin, is pwning me. Go read it!

The location of Jasper and Edward's wedding is based on the location of my wedding many years ago: The Ebell of Los Angeles. It's a stunning spot for a wedding, and you've actually seen it in umpteen movies. Here is the website, they have a photo gallery. www . ebellla . com

The idea of having Jasper and Edward wear Chucks came from my friend's wedding a few months ago. It was a formal affair, but the groom and every male in the wedding party was wearing Chucks. It was a wonderful and whimsical touch, and oh so very them. Therefore, I was not surprised at all when Chick told me her man wore Chucks to their wedding!

Also, while I'm not normally a fan of crying Edwards and Jasper, I can attest to the emotional catharsis of it at the wedding. My hubby and I also went into a separate room during the cocktail hour, before the reception, and even though neither one of us cry easily or often as soon as that door closed behind us we both burst into tears - very happy, very emotional, very cathartic tears.

Finally, since you obviously like slash, make sure you check out the entries in the In The Closet Anonymous contest! I may or may not have one there! www . fanfiction u/2424392/intheclosetcontest Voting on f/f stories ends on 9/13, but the voting for the m/m stories starts on 9/14. Go check them out. There are some amazing reads there.