Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Author's Note: Hello All! Thanks for stopping by to check out this story. It's something that just came to me one day, I wish I could tell you how but I really don't remember .All I know is I was watching "Career Day" and the scene with Red and Jackie made me realize there weren't any fics about the two of them bonding. She was his favorite after all. lol Oh and this is a multi-chapter fic. Even though yes I have yet to finish "Learning to Fly" and have a Christmas story coming out soon. But don't worry about it! I'm enjoying going back and forth with stories! This one won't bee too long anyways. Hope you guys like it! Please review and lemme know! Enjoy!

The little blue eyed girl climbed up the tall bar stool and took a seat. She was no more then six and had beautiful raven hair was pulled up in a bouncy ponytail. Her mother smiled at her before placing a large bowl full of Lucky Charms in front of her.

"So Emily, are you ready for your big trip with Daddy?" her mother asked before taking a sip from her orange juice.

"Yup!" Emily said smiling widely.

"You're not gonna miss me?" her mother asked sounding a tad bit hurt.

"Course, Mommy!"

Her mother smiled, "What about the baby?" she asked placing her hands over her swollen stomach.

"No!" Emily answered with out giving it a second thought.

Jackie smiled sadly. For the past three months it had been like this. When she and her husband first told Emily about the new baby, she had been excited, ready to become a big sister. But as Jackie's stomach got bigger, Emily's excitement got smaller. Now she was at the point of writing to the stork telling him they didn't want the baby after all.

This trip was part of the plan to get Emily back on board with the idea of being a big sister. Emily and her father would be going to a carnival in Milwaukee. It was bigger than the all the ones that came to Point Place, put together. It was just going to be him and her, since the eight month, pregnant Jackie was told by the doctor she needed to rest.

Emily didn't care though. She just wanted to ride 'The Zipper.' As long as she got to ride that, she would be a happy camper.

"Hey, Babe." a deep voice greeted from behind Jackie.

Jackie smiled and turned around to quickly kiss her husband. Hyde grinned at his wife before kneeling down to her bulging belly.

"Hey Baby…"

"Hi Daddy!" Emily called over from her seat.

Hyde gave a slight smile as he exchanged looks with his wife, and then turning his attention to Emily.

"Hey Princess." He kissed the top of her head, "You ready to go?"


"Cool." he nodded his head, "As soon as you finish your cereal we'll take off."

Emily nodded and went back to enjoying her breakfast. Hyde walked back over to where Jackie was standing to pour himself some coffee in his thermos.

The room was filled with a comfortable silence as the family went through their morning rituals. Suddenly Jackie felt a strange feeling inside of her. She let out a small cry.


Immediately, Hyde turned around to look at her, nearly spilling his hot coffee on his hands.

"What's wrong?" he asked concern full in his voice.

Emily watched her father place his hand over her mothers', which was already placed over her stomach. She frowned, the baby was ruining everything. But it would not stop her from ridding 'The Zipper.' Quickly she gobbled down her cereal.

"I think it…"Jackie began to tell her husband before getting interrupted.

"Ok I'm done!" Emily cried out before placing the bowl, she had been holding up to her lips, back on the counter. "Let's go!"

Jackie and Hyde looked over at their daughter to see her and her milk moustache.

"Emily…"Hyde began to say, getting ready to lecture her.

That's right Steven Hyde did lecturing…just not a lot and they were no Red Forman lectures. At least not yet.

"Steven." Jackie jumped in, "I'm ok. I think it was nothing."

Hyde turned back around to his wife, "You think. You don't know. Maybe we should…"he drifted off as he saw his wife's slightly annoyed expression. "You sure?"

Jackie nodded, easing Hyde's nerves only a little bit. However, he couldn't say another word, because he felt a tugging on his left arm. Looking down he found an anxious Emily.

"Come on, Daddy!" she whined as she pulled harder.

After a few seconds Hyde finally gave in and followed his daughter out of the kitchen. Before exciting the room he turned around to look at his wife once more.

"You sure?"

Jackie smiled at his concern, "I'm sure."

Hyde nodded before heading out the door. He was in the living room for not two seconds before realizing he'd forgotten something. He dashed back inside the kitchen.

He walked over to his wife and got ready to give her one hell of a goodbye kiss. Jackie grinned as she knew what was coming. Leaning in, their lips touched for a few seconds before their ears perked up.

"Daddy!" Emily called from the other side of the door, "I'm ready!"

The couple's kiss ended before they could get to the best part. Hyde sighed and looked at Jackie through his glasses.

"Wonder what she gets that from."

Jackie frowned at him as she crossed her arms, obviously not amused. Hyde smirked before kissing the top of her head and then dashing out of the door to his mini-Jackie.


A few hours later Jackie was back in her kitchen, now formally dressed. She looked into the fridge for something to snack on. The pain in her stomach was back and she thought it could be hunger. Only problem was there was nothing to eat.

Jackie frowned slightly, "Ugh what am I supposed to do now? Cook? Ha!" she thought over her words for a few seconds, "I guess I could do that."

The second the words left her mouth the pain shot through her.

"Fine I won't!" she told her unborn child.

It was the same pain from this morning, the same pain she had felt since then. Only this time it was stronger. She gripped onto the sides of her stomach; her head was bent downwards as she waited for the pain to subside.

When the pain disappeared, Jackie's head popped up. She knew this feeling. She knew this pain. She knew it wasn't good. Especially if Hyde wasn't there.

"Oh no." she breathed before slowly standing up straight, "No. You are not being born yet." she firmly said to her stomach. "You wait until your father gets home!"

And that's when it happened. Dampness was felt on her dress and there was a puddle underneath her feet. Her water had broken.

"Of course, you break the rules." Jackie sighed, "Look at who your father is."

Deciding that she was not going to deliver her child here in her kitchen, she walked into the living room. Taking a seat on the sofa, she grabbed the phone and tried to think of who she should call. After all, Hyde was out of the question.

When were they going to invent a phone that could travel with you wherever you went?

Realizing everyone else would probably be busy or never answered their phones, she decided on a number. It was the same number she had dialed when she had gone into labor with Emily. Only that time Steven was with her. And she knew the person who answered last time, wouldn't answer this time.

She listened to the rings of the phone as she steadied her breathing. On the fourth ring, her call was finally answered.


Jackie smiled, even though the person on the other end couldn't see her.

"Hi, Red." she greeted happily, "What are you doing?"

"Why?" Red asked gruffly.

"Just asking."

Red rolled his eyes. These damn kids were always checking up on him and it was getting damn annoying. They said it was because they cared, that was a laugh. They did it because they knew it annoyed him.

"Eating dinner." he said looking over at the bowl of potato chips and the can of beer resting on the table by his pea soup colored chair.

"Oh." Jackie simply said as she tried to think of how to word the next part.

"Yeah. Well nice talking with you, Jackie." Red quickly said, "Bye."

"No wait!" Jackie exclaimed stopping Red's arm in mid-air.

"What?" he asked putting the phone back to his ear.

"Um, aren't you gonna ask me what I'm doing?" she asked hopeful.


"Please!" Jackie pleaded.

Red sighed; leave it to 'The Loud One' to want to talk.

"Fine, Jackie." Red grumbled, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just here." Jackie said with a shrug of her shoulder, "In labor."

"I'll be right there." were the last words Jackie heard before the end of phone call tone took over.


A few minutes later there was a knock on at the front door. Jackie sighed and waddled over and opened the door revealing a frowning Red. She looked up at him in surprise; she had called not fifteen minutes ago.

"Wow, Red that was fast."

"You live ten minutes away, twelve with really bad traffic." Red stated as he walked into the house, "Now get your dumbass husband and let's go."

"Um yeah." Jackie struggled, "I can't really do that right now."

"Why not?" Red asked with a frown.

"Cause he's not here."

"What do you mean he's not here?" Red questioned raising his voice, "Where the hell is he?"

Jackie bit her lip, "In Milwaukee."

"His wife is nine months pregnant and he's out in Milwaukee?!" Red asked now getting upset. He knew Hyde was a dumbass, but he thought he was a little smarter than that.

"We still had two weeks!" she protested.

Red sighed, he knew upsetting Jackie would only do more harm than good. Not just for the baby, or for her, but for himself too.

"Alright." he began, "It's ok, I'll take you to the hospital and then we'll try and get in touch with Steven when we're there."

Jackie nodded, "Ok."

"Ok." Red repeated, "Where's your bag?"

"Upstairs in our bedroom."

Red nodded as he headed up the stairs to retrieve the bag. Before he reached the top Jackie called out an important message to him.

"But it's not packed!"

Red froze on the third step from the top. He slowly turned around to face his daughter-in-law.

"It's not packed?" he asked trying to remain calm.

Jackie however, could see how frustrated he really was, "We still had two weeks!"

Red rolled his eyes, before closing them for a few seconds. This was going to be a long night.

"Ok. What do you need in your bag?"

Jackie thought for a few seconds. Though she knew her due date was approaching she really hadn't planned on what she was taking to the hospital with her. The seconds soon turned to minutes.

Red looked down from the stairway, "You want another nine months to figure it out?"

Jackie snarled slightly at the older man, "No." she answered, but in her head she really thought nine extra months would help. Finally deciding what items she needed Red to retrieve, she clapped her hands.

"Ok, I got it! I need my nightgown, a cassette… but don't worry I'll get that. Oh, I also need a little black box that's there on my dresser. And the picture of me and Steven at the beach. The one from last year."

Red nodded as he headed up the stairs once again.

"Wait Red!" Jackie called out stopping Red once more, "Make sure you get the one where I'm wearing the red swimsuit, not the purple one. Because the lighting was better that day. And Steven looks sexier..."

Red rolled his eyes as he headed up the stairs ignoring the chattering Jackie did from below.

"Not to mention that the purple one made me look fat. Well not that fat. It is me we're talking about." She paused as she looked up the stairs to see an empty spot where Red had been standing. She rolled her eyes, "Ugh, he's probably gonna get the purple one."

She shook her head before walking over to the music collection shelf by the television set. As soon as she got there another contraction hit her. She gripped onto the side of the nearby table, as she waited for the pain to pass. They were getting closer and a lot stronger.

When the contraction ended, Jackie straightened herself out.

"You so owe me Steven James Hyde." She said looking at their wedding picture that rested on the table.

Jackie turned her attention back to the music collection. They had a lot of cassettes, CDs, and records, after all Hyde did still manage Grooves. Jackie's finger scanned across the sides of the cases; staying close to her side of the collection.

When Emily was born Hyde played Led Zeppelin nonstop while they waited for Jackie to deliver. This time things would be different. Grabbing one of the first cassettes on the shelf, Jackie headed back to the front door.

At the same time Jackie walked over, Red was quickly making his way down the stairs, with a medium-sized black bag in his hand.

"You got your music thing?" he asked and Jackie nodded, "Alright, let's go."

As Red helped Jackie into her coat a thought popped into her head.

"Which nightgown did you get me?"

Red froze in shock. The woman was in labor, her husband wasn't here, and she was worried about what nightgown he'd gotten for her?!


"Which nightgown did you get me?" Jackie repeated.

"The one you sleep in." Red answered as he got ready to open the front door.

"Very funny." Jackie sarcastically replied, "Now which one did you get?"

"Which one do you want?" he asked narrowing his eyes.

Jackie crossed her arms; she knew what he was up to. "I want the long flannel, purple and yellow one, with the high collar."

"Got it." Red said with a nod of his head as he once again attempted to get them out the door.

Jackie looked at the older man with a deep frown.

"Ok first of all, ew." She said causing Red to roll his eyes, "Second, I don't have a nightgown like that. Third, which one did you bring me?"

Red left the door unopened and faced Jackie, "It doesn't matter which one…"

"Uh yeah it does!" she practically shouted, before reach over and grabbing her bag.

Red didn't put up much of a fight. He had been here not ten minutes and already he had a headache. He also knew that the sooner she saw her precious nightgown the sooner they could leave. He watched her unzip the bag and pull out a dark green material.

Jackie's face instantly fell, "This is why it matters. When my baby is born I want him or her to see that his or her mother has style. I do not want him or her thinking that I look like a big ugly cactus!"She said while slightly shaking the nightdress, "I wanted the pink one."

"This one's already here, Jackie." Red said, trying to remain calm, "This one is fine."

"No." she shook her head, "I want the pink…" it was then that another sharp contraction hit her. Not having anything to grip onto, expect the dress, she held onto it while managing to rip it in two.

"Oooonnnneeee!" she yelled until the contraction was over.

Red watched the scene with concern written all over his face. He knew he had to get her to the hospital ASAP. Jackie looked over at him with an almost apologetic look in her eyes. They both then looked down at the destroyed nightgown; there was no way she could use that at the hospital now.

"I'll go get you the pink one." Red confirmed before heading up the stairs once again.

Jackie smiled, happy that she had gotten her way. With her smile still in place she happily tossed the cassette into the bag. If it weren't for the fact that Hyde wasn't here, this could be better and more relaxing for her than when Emily was born.

This time Red didn't take that long upstairs. Only a few seconds past before he was back downstairs at Jackie's side with her much requested pink nightgown.

"Alright, give me the bag." He instructed and Jackie handed it to him, and he shoved in the nightdress much to Jackie's dismay.

"Now can we go?"

Jackie looked around the room with uncertainty. It was almost as if she was looking for something. Like Hyde would come running out of one of the rooms, ready to go with her and Red to the hospital.

After placing the bag on the floor and reopening the front door, Red looked back at Jackie. Right away he noticed her uneasy expression.

"Jackie, don't worry. Everything's going to be fine." he told her putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We'll get a hold of Steven. And in the meantime, you've got me. I've driven different three pregnant women to the hospital for a total of four times."

"Thanks, Red." Jackie said smiling slightly before hugging him tightly.

"Ok, enough of the hugging." he said pulling away, "I may have done this four times before, but I've never had to deliver one of the babies. And I don't want to start now."

Jackie nodded and then walked out of the house, with Red right behind her.

"You're in good hands, Jackie." Red said to her before closing the door shut.

Not five seconds later that same door opened once again. Red walked into the house with a deep frown as he retrieved the item he had forgotten. Jackie's bag.

"Shut it!" Red called out to Jackie, as her laughter was heard from outside the house.

Author's Note: So what did you think? Yay? Nay? Should I go on? Delete it? Let me know with a review!

Until next time, thanks for reading, hope you liked, please review and lemme know what you think, take care, and have a nice day!