Bright cerulean eyes opened to look up at a canopy of tree branches. Slowly the head, then the rest of the body, rose. Those blue eyes looked all around, questioning, innocent. A hand ran through sandy blond hair. Another hand ran over a tan jacket with red designs, a black t-shirt, and pants that were black until the knee then the same tan as the jacket. A pair of black sneakers completed the outfit.

Slowly the boy stood up, leaning on a nearby tree trunk for support. He looked all around. He saw nothing but trees, trees, and high rock walls surrounding the trees. A ways behind him there was a gate and a huge mansion behind the gate.

Slowly walking away from the tree, the boy walk into a clearing a few feet in front of him. He looked around once more, a worried look on his face. Taking a deep breathe, he whispered, "Hello?"

He jumped at the sound of his own voice. Tried again, louder this time. "Hello? Is anyone there? Hey!"

The only response was a ruckus in the treetops above and a ton of leaves falling on his head.

"That's nice," he muttered, shaking the leaves off. Turning, he examined the clearing, this time taking in every little detail.

Trees. High rock walls. Gate and mansion behind him. Something medium-sized and brown where he woke up. Something white beside it.

Curious, he walked over to the brown thing. Getting closer, he saw it was a pack of some kind. He knelt to look inside it. A book, pen and pencil, shells, several popsicle sticks, some munny, and a folded black square. He was about to take the book and black square out when his eyes were drawn to the piece of white paper lying to the side of the pack.

Hesitating, not being able to read the letters printed on top of the letter, he slowly picked it up. Flipping it over, he saw that the only writing was on top, and that the paper could be unfolded. The boy bit his lip, wondering if he should open it and read it. It might even be meant for him.

Deciding suddenly, he unfolded the letter and quickly read the first couple of lines.

If you're finally reading this ----- then that means you've woken up. That's good-I was worried that I might've messed something up and you would never wake up.

Huh? the boy thought. They would've messed up what?

I'm willing to bet it took you several minutes to open this letter. You probably went exploring first, or wondered if you should even open this. Always the adventures yet cautious one -----.

Adventures? Cautious? Did this person know him?

Anyway, you're in Twilight Town's forest. You won't remember this place, not for a while yet. It's too dangerous for you to have your memories at the moment. It would mess everything up, plus it would probably destroy you. But don't worry-I'll let you get them back soon -----.

The boy sucked in a breath. His memories! He couldn't remember anything-not who he was, why he was here, how old he was, nothing!

And apparently this person writing the letter was the cause of it all!

Please don't be angry-it's for your own good. But if you really want to know the truth, you need to stay ignorant for a little longer. In order to learn the truth, and eventually regain your memories, you need to leave this place.

Wait- they were gonna tell him how to get his memories back? Yes! Maybe then he could figure out who this person was. And who he was.

You need to find a boy named Riku. He lives on the Destiny Islands with several of his friends who don't know you. Well, they shouldn't know you unless he told them about you. But in order to find him you must leave this forest.

To do that, just imagine you are somewhere else. Close your eyes and concentrate on being somewhere else. It helps if you can imagine the type of world you want to get to. Like an island, a place you can fly, or somewhere where there are lots of mazes. Little things like that will determine where you end up, -----.

A place you could fly? And what was that last word?

If you can't read the word-the name, really- on the front of this letter, don't worry. It's your name. Sooner or later you'll be able to read it, or you'll find Riku first and he'll tell you how to say it. I thought about whether I should write your name so blatantly on the letter, incase it caused you to remember, but I took that chance. I could only think how horrible it would be to wander the worlds without event a name.

His name? -----. What did it say? He hoped that he would be able to read his name, and soon.

Well, I think that's everything I needed to tell you. From now on, you're on your own. Mostly. You will probably find people on other worlds who are willing to help you on your journey. Or maybe you'll meet a few who still remember you. In any case, be very careful, ----. That's the last piece of advice I can give you. My time is running short-I must leave very soon to go rescue her.

I hope I didn't make a mistake in doing this. But remember this last thing ----- - you are somebody. Somebody special. And you have a heart.


The letter ended. The boy was very, very confused. Why did they-Namine- say he had a heart? Everyone had a heart, right? And why would she make a mistake in doing this-whatever she did?

It was all so confusing. He refolded the letter and stuck it in the pack. Then he picked it up and strung it over one shoulder. Taking one last look about him, he closed his eyes and concentrated.

Several moments late there was nothing in the forest except the birds in the canopy.