This is the first chapter of the new story. I hope you guys will enjoy.

The title of this episode and the words that Lily and Spencer say at first go to the incredible Lifehouse song Broken. I love that song and I love lifehouse. So all credit goes to them.

And I love Mark for giving us One Tree Hill because without his ideas we wouldn't be able to take these characters and write stories about them. So thanks to him.

Episode 1 Chapter 1 Broken

"I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing, with a broken heart that's still beating…" Lily's voice can be heard.

Lily can be seen sitting outside of a hospital room crying.

"In pain there is healing, in your name I find meaning, So I'm holding on, I'm holding on, I'm barely holding on to you…I'm broken." Spencer's voice can be heard.

Spencer punches the wall in the bathroom as he cries and holds his hand in pain. Lucas walks in and takes him in his arms. Spencer is shaking. "How could this happen to us? It's just not fair."

Lucas didn't know what to say. It wasn't fair, and he didn't have the answers that Spencer was looking for.


It had been two weeks since the accident, and she was still refusing to have the surgery.

Lily knew she wasn't doing well and things were only getting worse for her.

"Jersey you can have the surgery. We won't blame you if anything happens to the baby." Lily encouraged her to have the surgery.

"I'm going to hold it off as long as I possibly can. I made you a promise, and I'm not about to break it." Jersey spoke weakly. It was getting harder and harder to speak.

Spencer could barely look at her. It broke his heart.

"The two of you should get some fresh air. I'm going to be okay. You don't have to stay here all the time."

"We want too." Spencer told her.

"Please just give me some time alone."

"Okay," Lily sighed. "I could use a hot bath or something. I guess."

"Call us if you need anything." Spencer told her before he walked out of the room.

As they walked out they bumped into Jersey's doctor. "Oh just the couple I was looking for." He says as he looks at his clipboard.

"How is she really doing?" Lily asked.

He shook his head. "She's not doing well." He admitted. "Her chances are slim to none. I'm sorry. I hate to tell you something like that, but it's the truth. Jersey is fighting a losing battle. She should have had this surgery two weeks ago." He said sadly.

The doctor walks away. Lily lays her head on his shoulder.

"I really need to get out of this place."

"I don't want to leave. I changed my mind."


"You can leave me…I'll be okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be fine." She reassured him.

He hadn't left her alone in two weeks.

Lily makes her way to the chapel to say the five thousandth prayer. None of them seemed to be working, and she was beginning to think God didn't exist. That was something that happened when people were going through hell. They often begin to doubt their faith in God.

"We spend way too much time in this place." Lucas spoke as he sat down beside his little sister.

"I'm so scared Luke. I want my baby to be okay, but I don't want Jersey to die. When I asked her to be my surrogate I never wanted this to happen. She thinks it's her destiny…she should have had the damn surgery." Lily begins to cry. "It isn't fair that everyone I love has to die."

Lucas just sat silently. He didn't want to give her false hope, and he didn't want to make her feel worse.

He takes her in his arms. They both cry.

Lily shakes it off. "I need to go see Jersey."

"I thought she wanted to be alone."

"I hate leaving her alone. She shouldn't have to do this alone." Lily stood up.

"I'll go with you. You shouldn't have to do this alone." Lucas walked her out of the chapel.

They walked down the hall to see doctors and nurses rushing out of Jersey's hospital room.

Lily starts shaking.

"Excuse me," Lucas stops one of the nurses. "What's going on here?"

She looks at him.

"We're family."

The nurse looked down. "You should really talk to the doctor."

"We're talking to you." Lily yelled at her.

"Jersey's heart stopped beating. There's nothing else the doctors could do for her."

"What about the baby?" Lucas asked. Lily almost felt paralyzed.

"That's our biggest concern now. They are going to do a c-section right now. You could come and watch Mrs. Roberts."

Lily shook her head. "No…I can't…I can't do it."

The nurse walks away and Lily falls to the ground.

Lucas pulls out his cell phone to call Spencer. He gets no answer.

Spencer is at the art studio destroying all of his pictures. Peyton walks in. "Spencer," she yells. "Stop…"

He doesn't stop. He pays her no attention.

"STOP," she grabs his arms and he sits on the couch shaking his head.

"It shouldn't be this way. This isn't fair."

"I know. Life sucks sometimes." Peyton sits next to him and then her phone rings. "Hello…Luke…oh um…okay…I'm right here with him. I'll tell him." Peyton hangs up.

"What happened?" He can tell by the look on her face that it is bad.

"Um…Your son is being born. You need to get to the hospital."

"What about Jersey?"

Peyton doesn't respond and Spencer knows then that it isn't good.

"I'll drive you to the hospital."

They get to the hospital just in time.

"Lily," Spencer runs to her in the waiting room.

The doctor walks in. "You have a son."

Lily breathes a sigh of relief.

"But…" Spencer says. He knows there has to be a but by the look on the doctor's face.

"But he's not breathing very well on his own, and he only weighs two pounds. He has a long way to go, and the first couple of days are going to be the most critical."

Spencer holds Lily in his arms. She was so afraid that her little boy wasn't going to live to see the outside of the hospital. She didn't want to lose him.

End of Flashback

Lily and Peyton are still sitting outside the hospital room. Spencer and Lucas walk over to them. Peyton stands up and walks towards Lucas. Spencer sits next to his wife.

Lucas and Peyton walk away.

"We should go see our son."

"I'm scared. He's gonna be so small."

He touches her very pregnant stomach. "We can all be scared together."

The scene changed to them walking into the NICU. The nurse walks them over to their son. He is in what looks to be a little tiny cube. He is the tiniest thing that they have ever seen. He looks almost like a little alien baby.

Lily touches the little cube with her hand. Spencer holds onto her other one.

"Don't worry baby boy your mommy and daddy are here for you. You have don't have to be scared anymore." Tears fell from both of their faces.

Alright so let me know what you think. Should I continue?

I'll update once I get a good amount of reviews letting me know you guys are reading.