Episode 20 Chapter 5 The Beginning of the End

"I love Smith. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I am so glad that you dropped the charges against him…"

"Yeah I really appreciate that Andy." Smith told him.

"And we've decided that somehow we've always been able to get through the bad things, and I know that I am supposed to be with Smith for the rest of my life…So I choose to stay here and follow all of your rules no matter how strict they may be."

Andy and Michelle both smiled. They were so happy that she made the right decision.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Michelle asked.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Well then you have a curfew like always…and Smith as long as you don't hurt her you are welcomed here anytime…and Clare you can go with Smith anytime as long as you don't miss your curfew."

"That's the rules?" Clare was surprised.

"Yeah…we just wanted to see if you would make the responsible choice…" Andy told her.

"And you did, and we are so proud of you." Michelle hugged her.

Andy still didn't trust Smith, but he would try his best.


Jamie and Breanne are walking upstairs to her bedroom. Jamie kisses her and then carries her to the bed. "I love you Breanne…I'm never going to leave you."

"I love you too Jamie Scott."


Lily walks into her house. "Alright sweet babies…let's get a bath…Daddy will be home soon. And Mommy loves when daddy comes home."


Peyton and Lucas are cuddled on the couch with the baby in her arms. "So he has a name, but what are we going to call him?" Lucas asked.

"Right after I had him I met this amazing guy."

Lucas squinted.

"He was the nurse in the delivery room. He was so passionate about nursing, and I remember that you were the same way about basketball and about writing. He reminded me of you and that's where I got Alexander's middle name."

"So you think we should call him Blake?"

She smiles, "No…I mean at first I did, but there are a lot of Blake's in the world. I think that we should call him Zander."

Lucas smiled, "I think Zander Scott is the perfect name."

"Daddy," Lucy runs downstairs followed by Natalie, Savannah, and Charlie.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Family time," Charlie laughed.

"Yeah…with our awesome little brother." Savannah giggled as she took a seat next to her mom.

"And our pretty cool parents." Charlie added.

"Perfect life," Lucas whispered in Peyton's ear, and she nodded her head.

"I totally agree."


Derrick, Caroline, Mary Peyton, and little Caleb are standing outside of their house.

"Are you guys ready?" Derrick asked his family.

"As ready as we will ever be." Mary Peyton smiled. "Goodbye Tree Hill…we'll be back again one day."

They all got into the car and drove away. They really would be back again one day.


Summer is knocking on Breanne's door. Breanne walks downstairs and opens the door. She is wearing Jamie's shirt.

"Hi…I saw Jamie's car." Summer realizes what they were doing, and she feels bad for interrupting the moment.

"Yeah he's here." Breanne rolled her eyes. "Do you need him?"

"Yeah actually I need to talk to him."


"Breanne," Jamie walks down the stairs. "Who is…Summer."

"Hey…I can tell you're busy, but I need to tell you something."

"We're not busy…Are you okay? Is the baby okay?"

Breanne could see that Jamie really cared about her.

"I'm fine, and the baby is fine. I just wanted you to know that I'm willing to submit to a DNA test. If you're the father then you should know the truth."

Jamie smiled, "Thank you Summer…Thank you so much." Jamie hugs her. "Even if I'm not the father I will always be here for you."

Breanne was officially jealous again.


Spencer walks into his house.

"Hey baby," Lily hugs him. "There is dinner in the oven."


"Are you okay? Did you talk to Miranda?"

He nods his head.

"Well is she leaving town?"

"I don't know."

"Spencer talk to me…what did she tell you?"

"I have another daughter."

Lily is completely shocked. Her body goes completely numb.


Elizabeth and Noah are standing in front of the justice of the peace. Daniel is standing beside them holding Emma.

"I love you," Noah whispers in her ear.

"Elizabeth," the man pointed to her. "You can say your vows first."

"I never imagined that this would ever happen. I never want to forget how I feel in this moment here with you right now."

Daniel keeps having flashes of memory. He and Elizabeth had been together before. He could remember her wearing a white dress.

Elizabeth couldn't stop smiling. "I have always known that I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with you. I know everyone always says this when they are in love, but Noah Colby you are the best thing that ever happened to me." She squeezes his hands.

Daniel and Elizabeth are at the bar drinking. "I am totally wasted." Elizabeth laughed.

"Why? Why are you drinking?"

"Because your brother is in another country, and we broke up…I hate him so much right now."

"You don't hate him. You could never hate Noah…"

"Well I'm going to drink so much that I can't remember who Noah is."

"How did you get in here?"

"They don't check ID, but I think you already knew that my underage friend." She giggles. "Why are you drinking alone?"

"Isabella and I broke up."

"Love sucks…"

"Yeah I totally agree."

Elizabeth stands up. "I think you should stop drinking alone."

"Oh really…what do you suggest I do?" Daniel stands up.

"Drink with me…besides two is better than one…I bet we can have a whole lot of fun."

They start dancing.

"I promise to be your rock, your strength, and your love for the rest of our life."

Noah smiled. "I guess it's my turn. I love your smile and your eyes, and I have loved them since I was sixteen years old. I knew from the moment that I saw you that we were destined to be together. You and Emma are my whole world."

"Gosh I think the world is spinning," Elizabeth says as she walks into the hotel room she and Daniel got.

"Yeah me too…I don't think I have ever been this drunk."

"I know I haven't been this drunk." Elizabeth laughed and then tripped. "If I squint my eyes just a little you kind of look like Noah."

"Yeah well if I close my eyes you can be Isabella. Besides you are beautiful too."

He leans in and kisses her.

She falls back on the bed. "I'm going to want to forget this when I wake up in the morning."

"That's fine with me…I just want you to be Isabella for one night."

"And I want you to be Noah."

They continue to kiss and clothes begin to come off.

The next morning Daniel woke up to an empty bed. He couldn't remember who he slept with.

Until now…

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You make kiss your bride."

Elizabeth and Noah kiss.

Daniel just stands there in shock.

He could be Emma's father.


Okay so I bet you guys weren't expecting that. Daniel isn't falling in love with Elizabeth. He was having flashes of memory. He couldn't remember sleeping with her. This happened during the five year jump.

And I also want to explain that Joanna is the girl that got Spencer let go from his program in Paris. Her dad was his boss, and she got mad at him. Joanna came to Tree Hill and she and Spencer slept together a few times before Lily found out the truth. It didn't dawn on me that some of you might not remember her. She wasn't a very big character.

But we have to remember that with the future lies the past, and I will always bring up stuff from the past.

The rest of the stuff in this chapter wasn't a big deal. This isn't my favorite ending to one of my parts, but it was the only way that I could end it.

There will be a Part 6, but I still want you guys to review and let me know what you thought. Also let me know what you would like to see in the next part. I'm thinking it is only going to be thirteen episodes…If I can tell the story with only thirteen because I want to get to Part 7. I think it is going to be the best part of all. I know that's crazy I'm already thinking about Part 7, but I am. And I'm excited about part 6. It is going to be about tying up all the loose ends. Part 7 will be another time jump.

So again let me know what you thought, and thanks again for all the support. Without you guys it would not be possible to write this story. So thank you so much!