A/N: So I am starting a new story, when I still have a couple left to finish. This one wouldn't leave me alone so here it is…

++Kagome P.O.V.++

My name is Kagome Higarashi. On my 15th birthday I was pulled into a magical well. The magical well took me 500 years into our past to feudal Japan. It sounds crazy, but it is the truth. For the next two years I went back and forth between the two times. I played the role of constantly sick student, and Miko trying to reassemble a jewel that I broke with the help of my friends. In both times I was not fairing all that well. My grades were slipping because I was never there. In the past and evil demon seemed to always be two steps ahead of us. Finally after two years we finally won. The win did not come without a price though. After the jewel was put back together it tried to consume me. Without Inuyasha I would never have made it out. When I finally did get out I ended up in my time, and Inuyasha was sent back to his. Right, I forgot to mention that I had fallen deeply in love with the half demon during our adventure. That's right he was part demon too, but that didn't matter to me. I loved him as he was. Unlike some clay pot's I know. Don't even get me started on that. Anyway, so I ended back in the time I was born feeling very heart broken and out of place. The well closed behind Inuyasha, and I wasn't able to get back to him. To top it off I had become accustomed to the past, and found it hard to become a normal school girl again.

For the first week I was back I tried the well every morning. After a while it went to once a week, then once a month. I eventually just gave up because it was making it harder and harder on me. There wasn't a day that I didn't think about them or the place I was ready to call home, but I knew I would never have a chance here if I kept trying to go back. After that I started engrossing myself in my studies to try and forget the pain that was always in my heart. In the time that I had been away I had grown close to my friends in the past and away from my friends in the present. Once I was back full time I couldn't get close to them again, they had no clue the pain I was in.

As time went on I became a loner and concentrated solely on my studies. A year after I came back my class got a new student. Her name was Chihiro, and she was sent from her old school because she was supposed to be crazy. Naturally I found all this out from my classmates who enjoyed gossiping. The second the girl walked into the classroom I knew something was different about her. Not the bad kind of different either. In the years that I had been in the past my spiritual powers had increased as I learned more and trained more. Lady Kaede taught me much while I was there. I could sense the girl's aura before she even walked into the room. She had a high amount of spiritual power. I could tell it was untrained though. This made me more curious about her; it was possible it was her high amount of power that had to do with her so called craziness.

After a short introduction the teacher told the girl to come and sit next to me. Seems like luck was on my side that day, that way I got to learn more about her. When she sat down at the desk to the right of mine I introduced myself. She looked surprised at first, but after a few seconds said hello as well. Later that day at lunch I found her sitting alone, so I asked if I could join her. That was the beginning of our friendship. After that day I went from being the workaholic I had become since returning home, to the girl I had become while in the past. I soon learned that Chihiro had been called crazy because she at the age of ten had taken up a passion for painting. I was confused as to why that was a bad thing until she showed me the room of her apartment. The walls were covered with paintings of mysterious looking creatures and a reoccurring boy and a green and white dragon. She seemed to be anticipating my reaction. I just smiled and said they were beautiful and that people we stupid for judging her for her passion. She seemed relieved and happy by my response. It was at that point where we both knew the friendship we had was something special.

In the months that followed we grew closer than ever. She began telling me the stories behind her paintings, and I told her the legends of my shrine. She loved myths and legends as much as I did. It wasn't until the day of my 18th birthday that things changed. It was the three year anniversary of falling into the well, and the hardest day of the year for me. I didn't go to school that day for that reason. Chihiro was helping me heal, but I still longed for the one I loved and the friends who had become my family. It was days like these that I wasn't sure that I could go on. I sat most of the day under the Sacred Tree crying for that which I had lost. It was there that she found me…

++Normal P.O.V.++

"Kagome…Kagome, what's wrong?"


Chihiro had gotten Kagome her homework because she had been absent from school. She had made the trek from school to the Sunset Shrine. As she had made it to the top of the steps she had found her friend kneeling on the ground in front of the Sacred Tree crying her eyes out. Kagome wouldn't respond to anything. Chihiro did all she could for her friend, she held her as the girl cried and cried. After a good amount of time had passed the crying girl started mumbling something.

"Inuyasha, why…why did u leave me?"

"Kagome, what are you talking about?"

"The legend, all of it was true…"

"Wait, what legend? What is true?"

"You are going to think I am crazy."

"Ha, look who you are talking to."

"I told you the legend of the Shikon Jewel. The one that involved a magical well, a thousand year old tree, the half demon, the monk, the demon slayer, the kitsune kit, the broken jewel, and the evil demon that wanted the jewel."

"Yeah, I remember that one. What about it?"

"What I didn't tell you is that I was the Miko from the legend. Exactly three years ago today Mistress Centipede pulled me down the well. I found Inuyasha, the half demon, attached to the Sacred Tree by a single arrow. Later the jewel was pulled from inside me, and Inuyasha woke up from his sleep. I was the one that shattered the jewel, and with the help of Miroku, Sango, and Shippou we put it back together. In the end we defeated Naraku. I was sent back here and the well was sealed. I've been separated from all of them since then, and its days like these that I don't know if I can go on…"

"I know it hurts, but you will get through it."


"I should know. It has been eight years since I was separated from Haku and the others in the Spirit World."

"I guess you sitting next to me that one day was fate."

"Yeah I guess it was. Were just a couple of crazies that have had amazing adventures that no one knows about."

"Well at least now we have each other. It is nice to have someone to talk to about my adventures. Thank you. You're a big help."

"Ha, no problem. That is what friends are for."

"That they are. Which reminds me. I could train you if you liked."

"Train me?"

"Yeah, I noticed the first time I met you that you have high spiritual powers. It would be a good idea if you could control them. Having that much untamed power can cause problems."

"Wow…yeah I guess. I'd like to be stronger so Haku won't always have to protect me when I see him again."

"So you are going to see him again?"

"Yep, he promised. I just know he will keep his promise. That is why I paint him and the others, so I don't forget them. I also wear this hair tie that my friends made me. Granny always said that you never truly forget something."

"She seems much like Lady Kaede. She was very wise and the one that taught me everything that I know. You should have seen me when I first went there. I can't tell you how many times I almost hit Inuyasha with one of my arrows."

"I bet he didn't like that."

"Oh no he did not; he called me stupid more times than I can count!"

"That's not very nice."

"Yeah it wasn't, but that was Inuyasha. You just had to get to know him."

"It is funny; most people didn't like Haku because he could be cold. To me though he was a completely different person."

"That is how Inuyasha was with me as well. He was a little rough around the edges, but that was him. And I loved him because of that."

"Same with me. Sometimes I can't believe that I fell in love at the age of ten."

"I know what you mean."

"Kagome, dinner. Chihiro you are welcome to eat with us if you want."

"Race you there!"

"You will never win, I chased all over Japan for two years!"

It was on this day that two friends learned each other's deepest secrets, which which no one else knew about. Their lives were not intertwined even more, what the future will hold no one can know. What is known though is that the two have finally found another that understands them on a level no one else could.

A/N: So there it is. I really like how it came out. Please excuse any spelling/grammar issues, I don't have a beta. So tell me what you think. Should I continue it or leave it as is. I'm undecided at the moments. Hit that little button down there and review!