The Years Just Fall Away

A/N: Ok, so everything up till S4 still happens, after that this story is completely AU. Peyton returns from LA successful and a mom to little girl called Sawyer. Hearts will be shattered and old wounds will be reopened. Could this be the end of Leyton once and for all? Naley, Brulian, Peyton and Lucas.

Chapter 1, A Shopping Cart & A Chance Encounter

Peyton pushed the shopping cart in front of her and kept her hand tightly encased in her three-year-old daughters. She bent down to say something to her and felt and heard the clash of metal on metal. She whipped her head round to see whom she had crashed into; her eyes were met with the deepest blue and a look of shock. Peyton stepped out from behind her cart and pulled him into a tight hug. He closed his eyes and breathed her in; she still smelt the same after all these years. Peyton looked down to see Sawyer tucked securely into her side looking up at her mother with wide curious eyes.

'So Peyton Sawyer became a mom?' She looked into his eyes and nodded. Lucas Scott became a father but for now she really couldn't handle that conversation.

Sawyer was unusually quiet and Luke found it hard to concentrate on anything but Peyton, he offered a quick hello to Sawyer and then they exchanged numbers.

Peyton quickly finished her shopping with a subdued and very tired looking daughter, five minutes had passed and she was already in the parking lot approaching her car.

Peyton slid behind the wheel of the Comet after putting Sawyer in her baby seat. Her hands were gripping the steering wheel tightly.

'Mommy what's wrong?' Sawyer had seen the look of sadness pass over her face when she had been confronted with the strange man with the blue eyes.

'Nothing baby' Peyton shook her head and turned the key in the ignition.

'I'm not sad baby, I just hadn't seen him in a long time' Sawyer just nodded her head and carried on sitting patiently in her car seat. She knew not to push her mother for explanations.

Peyton reflected on the day that had changed everything for her and inadvertently for Sawyer who hadn't even been born yet.

L.A three years ago…

Time, shouted phone calls, arguments where things were said in the heat of the moment that couldn't be taken back. Affairs of the heart were complicated and they had never just been friends, so many times she had picked up the phone to apologize only to realize that it all hurt. She couldn't take back those hateful things she had screamed at him; he called her a slut and wished he had never met her. She had hung up in tears and that's when she made the decision not to tell him that she was having his baby.

Brooke had come in mid way through the conversation and seen the broken look on her face she had tried to convince her to tell Luke about the baby but Peyton was adamant that she wanted nothing more to do with him.

'Peyton you won't be able to take this back, and he's going to find out one day. Wouldn't you rather tell him now and at least give him a chance' Brooke stared her down and finally the blonde nodded her head.

'Ok B Davis but not today maybe in a week when we've both had time to cool down and think about everything' Peyton sat on the couch and stared blankly at the wall, she sighed heavily and lightly rubbed her hand over her stomach. She was only a month along, but she could feel a change in her body-she felt lighter in her soul somehow. Despite the heavy nature of the phone call, she had cause to smile. She was going to be a mother; she whispered it quietly into the air between her and Brooke. Her best friend smiled at her and rubbed her back soothingly.

'P. I gotta run out to see Julian will you be ok by yourself?' Brooke would stay but she had already cancelled on that boy three times this week, she felt bad for making it to a fourth if Peyton needed her.

'No, I'll be fine. I actually wouldn't mind being on my own for a bit. I need to process everything and well as much as I love you B. Davis I need to do this alone' Brooke hugged her and got up and left.

Peyton sat on that couch and contemplated her future, every angle she looked at it from left her with an ache in her soul and a heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Peyton had called Luke the week after, she had told him on his answering phone that they needed to talk and he could call back anytime. Unfortunately for Peyton, Julian had taken the call, Peyton had called him babe and asked whom it was, and Luke had hung up. It took a month to get him on the phone again; he didn't believe her when she told him that the baby was his. He said it didn't matter who she slept with anyway he was with someone else, it was a lie. He had slept with his editor in a moment of insanity and was using it as a way to hurt Peyton. She felt betrayed the moment he told her he was with someone else; she hung up on him and vowed never to call him again.

Peyton's pregnancy was an easy one, she didn't get morning sickness, but she had the weirdest cravings. Ice cream with pickles, crackers with tuna, ketchup on apples. Brooke had turned green the first time she witnessed these little disgusting concoctions of Peyt's and had avoided the kitchen when she knew Peyton was eating. Peyton went into labour in the middle of the night, Julian drove whilst Brooke sat in the back holding her hand and whispering reassurances to her.

Peyton got scared the closer they got to the hospital, she could feel the moment building, she suddenly didn't feel ready.

'Brooke I can't do this-take me home-I'll hold it in' Brooke could see the whites of Peyton's eyes she look terrified.

'Peyton, I know you're scared but you have me and Julian and we will be here for you every step of the way. Just breathe' Peyton took a deep breath and tried to focus on the miracle of giving birth. It didn't work.

'Brooke, I'm not ready. Maybe the baby doesn't have to come out. I could have a long pregnancy like elephants do' Brooke swallowed back the laugh that threatened to escape.

'Trust me honey you do not want to be pregnant for twenty-two months. The baby is coming out tonight, why don't you focus on a happy memory' Brooke held her hand and rubbed her back. Julian kept his eyes firmly on the road ahead, minutes later they pulled up outside the emergency room. Brooke helped her out of the passenger side, an orderly wheeled a chair out and Peyton sank into in. Her hands clutched the side whilst she was wheeled in, Julian parked the SUV and Brooke walked alongside, carrying her overnight bag. Peyton was wheeled straight through to a private suite. Brooke grabbed all the papers Peyton would need to sign and took a seat at her bedside whilst Peyton sat breathing heavily and looking even more scared.

'Brooke, what if I'm a terrible mother and screw this up?' Brooke carried on filling out the forms, she knew Peyton needed to vent and it looked like they could be here for some time since she was only 2cm dilated.

'Brooke, are you even listening to me?'

'Peyton, stop worrying-you are not going to be alone raising this kid okay? Ju and me are going to be here for everything. We are all going to live in my house on the beach and you are going to be supported no matter what' Brooke finished what she was saying and carried on filling out the forms. Peyton smiled at her best friend and whispered a thank you.

'No problem now relax and try to enjoy giving birth to my niece or nephew' Brooke grinned at Peyton and saw her relax a little despite the pain and well crazy situation she was in.

Julian walked into the room and saw a calm Brooke and a slightly apprehensive looking Peyton. Brooke looked up and flashed him a quick smile and motioned for him to take a seat on the other side of Peyton, he took a seat and clasped her hand gently inside his own. He rubbed soothing circles on her wrist with the tips of his fingers and she just sank into the pillows and closed her eyes.

The doctor came in just after Brooke had finished filling out all the forms with Peyton's personal details and insurance information.

'Ju, I'm gonna go give this to the front desk so that they can process all the forms and then I'm gonna get some coffee and ice chips. I'll be right back okay'. Peyton nodded her head and carried on breathing in and out trying her best not to have a complete breakdown.

The doctor ran through some preliminary tests and asked a few questions, Peyton spoke quickly and sighed when he asked if the father was present.

'No, he's not' Peyton looked pointedly at the doctor and he stayed away from that line of questioning. He finished up and said he would be back in a little while to check on her progress.

Brooke came back in a whirl of magazines, coffee, ice chips and cookies.

'Brooke, I wasn't planning on being here for a few days'

'Honey those magazines are for me, the ice chips are for you and well I figured we could do stupid quizzes to distract you from the pain' Brooke grinned at her best friend and settled herself comfortably in the chair next to the bed.

'Ok, first quiz-ooh it's a sex one. Okay first question, he opens the door for you and lightly taps your ass as you pass. Do you A.) Smile coyly and kiss his lips. B.) Slap him and run. C.) Tap his ass and say later in a husky voice. Hmmm…I know what option I would pick' She smirked knowingly at Julian. He laughed at his girlfriend and Peyton just rolled her eyes.

'Brooke, honey I know you're trying to help but do you think you could maybe just read out loud crappy celeb stories that don't involve love, kissing or pregnancy' Peyton really couldn't handle these kinds of quizzes, truth be told she didn't want to.

Brooke nodded and read the horoscopes, well by read she made them up. Julian laughed, he could tell Brooke was making it all up, she kept gesturing with her hands and exclaiming loudly.

'Brooke!' Peyton was breathing heavily and her hands were clutching the bed sheets.


'Um well do you think you could make me a dress, what the hell do you think I mean, go get the doctor the baby's coming' Brooke sat still for a second trying to take it all in before she sprang out of her seat and ran out of the room. Julian grasped her small hand inside his much larger one and told her it would be okay, she was doing great. Peyton smiled, Julian had this calm air about him, and he was this soothing presence around her. They had been friends from the start; he was quiet and insanely funny where she was bitchy and sarcastic. Brooke brought the cheer and somehow they formed a cohesive but loving unit, she wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world.

Brooke returned all but dragging the doctor into the room and Peyton sighed with relief, he checked her cervix and left the room. He came back in moments later with a full team of nurses and another doctor.

Peyton gave birth to Sawyer ten minutes later, her face was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and her curls were matted and clung to her forehead. She had a smile on her face as the doctor handed her the tiny bundle of joy, she was whimpering quietly and her eyes were closed but she was beautiful. She had a thin fuzz of blond hair and she was perfect. She opened her eyes slowly and she looked up at her mom as if to say, "What the hell is going on?" Peyton fell in love with her on the spot.

They were able to take both mama and baby home the very next day. Brooke cooed at her niece and Julian smiled like a proud uncle, Peyton just looked exhausted but happy.

The years passed so fast, one minute Sawyer was sitting in her crib cooing and the next minute she was walking and talking. Brooke spoiled her rotten and she never went without a thing, she wasn't a needy or bratty kid. Peyton kept Sawyer balanced and made sure she greeted people politely and said please and thank you. Julian taught her how to read music and play guitar. Peyton took her to the recording studio and played her music from the moment she knew she was pregnant. Sawyer had the cutest little voice and she was kind and generous.

Sawyer was a carbon copy of her mother except for her little snub nose-that was all Lucas and every time she looked into her daughter's eyes she thanked whatever DNA gods there were that gave her baby girl her green eyes. Peyton didn't think she could have borne the pain of seeing Luke's eyes every time she looked at her daughter.

L.A had been good to her; she had made a lot of money from running her record label and selling her artwork. Brooke had given her the start up money and Peyton had turned a profit in the first year. She was one of the most successful independent record label owners on the West Coast and she had made quite a name for herself. Julian gave her record label first look music wise for all his films and Brooke used Peyton's artwork for her clothing label.

Peyton got home late one night from the gallery where she showcased her artwork, Sawyer was in bed and Brooke and Julian were sitting on the deck sipping wine. 'Hey family mama brought the bacon home' Peyton stepped onto the deck and waved a champagne bottle in Brooke's face.

'That's booze not money-but I'll take it' She hopped up and grabbed three champagne flutes. Julian popped the cork and Peyton raised her glass for a toast.

A/N: If you guys get to a 100 reviews you get an update at midnight tonight. Seeing as over 400 people read each of my updates on all my other stories if even just a quarter of you left a review you all get rewarded with another chapter. So think about that when you're reading this story. We as authors spend a lot of time writing these stories-wouldn't it be awesome to reward the writer with a review. It doesn't take very long to hit the button and let the writer know you appreciate their efforts. Thanks to everyone who is going to love this story.
