AHHH! So only 3 more chapters left, Second Task, Third Task, and then an Afterwards. It's kind of sad. Anyway REVIEW and CHECK OUT my other stories, especially Into the Galaxy. Thanks! :D

Summary: Edward leaves Bella, without giving Bella a chance to tell him something: she's a witch. Deciding to go back home to Hogwarts, where she sees some familiar faces.

Disclaimer- I do NOT own Twilight, Stephanie Meyer does, and I do NOT own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

A/N Sorry I haven't updated, but I just realized that including this chapter there are 2 MORE LEFT! It's kind of sad, because this is my first story, my firstborn. Which is why I have gained inspiration to finish this story. So enjoy.


Now on with the story :)


It had been a few weeks after the Yule Ball and the Second Task was tomorrow. Harry had been having difficulty with his egg until Cedric, deciding to repay the favor, told him to listen to the egg underwater. Oh the fun Cedric and I had figuring that out.


"Where are we going?" I giggled as Cedric pulled me down the corridor.

"It's a surprise." He said pushing me into an alcove when a teacher passed by us.

We kept walking until we got to the fifth floor to a stature of Boris the Bewildered.

"Pine fresh" Cedric said and a door opened. Cedric pulled me into the room.

I was in awe; it was the Prefect's Bathroom in all its glory along with the mysterious hidden swimming pool. There were toilets on one side and the huge tub with bath supplies on the other side. Cedric walked over to the taps and opened them. The tub began to fill rapidly. Cedric started to take his tie and sweater off.

"As much as I love a good strip tease, why exactly am I here. You know that I'm not re-"

"I know Bella, and I'd never overstep our boundaries. I just thought we'd take a nice soak, in our underwear, and you could help me with this" He said pulling out his golden egg, "Plus you've never been to the Prefect's room even though it's been a few months since we were named prefects."

"And here I thought you just wanted to see me naked," I said jokingly. I walked over to him and kissed him softly.

"Thank you for respecting my boundaries," I whispered.

"You're welcome," He whispered against my lips. We pulled away and started to strip again.

"Why exactly are we in the bathroom, and what does it have to do with your egg?" I asked, taking my stockings off.

"Well you know how if you open the egg, it makes a horrible screeching noise that sounds like a banshee?" I nodded.

"Well, Professor Moody told me to open the egg underwater, so here we are."

"Isn't that cheating?" I asked, frowning.

"Well, who knows if it works? And how much do you want to bet that Fleur and Viktor know this already?"

"Harry doesn't." I pointed out.

"Well, if it works, I'll drop a hint to Harry. I need to repay him for telling me about the dragons." He walked over to the tub and added some bubbles.

By then he was down to his boxers. I grinned raking my eyes over his toned body that he got from Quidditch. I have such a hot boyfriend. He turned around to face me and his eyes widened. I grinned at his blush from seeing me in my bra and panties. I sauntered over to the tub and got in. He followed me and got in on the other side. We faced each other and swan closer together. We lightly kissed, but that soon turned into a full out snog. I pulled away, out breath.

"Shouldn't we be working on the task?" I asked. Cedric nodded, he too out of breath, and got the egg.

"So how does this work?"

"I have no idea. Let's just stick the egg underwater." We did and nothing occurred. We came back up.

"Why don't we open it underwater?" I suggested. He nodded.

We ducked back underwater and Cedric opened the egg. However, instead of screeching, a beautiful voice replaced it. It sang:

"Come seek us where our voices sound,"

"We cannot sing above the ground,"

"An hour long you'll have to look,"

"To recover what we took."

We came back up after the song ended.

"Why does that voice sound so familiar?" I questioned. Cedric shook his head not knowing either.

"Well it has to be something that's underwater the whole not being able to sing above the ground." Cedric said.

"What does it mean you have an hour to recover what we took?" I asked.

"Maybe they're taking something?"

"No really?" I asked sarcastically. I yelped as Cedric swam over to me and started tickling me.

When he finished his attack, he pulled me onto his lap and we sat there just relaxing, our backs to the window art. The window art of…then it hit me.


-End of Flashback-

After my stunning revelation, I helped Cedric master the bubble head charm, so he could stay underwater for a lengthy amount of time.

I was in the library after dinner with Angelina and Katie trying to study whilst the other two we giggling over a book they found. I saw Harry in the corner with Hermione in the herbology section.

After another bout of giggles, I shot my book loudly earning a look from Madame Pince.

"Ok you two, what the bloody hell are you giggling about?"

"We found this old Hogwarts year book. I think it's from when your parents were here." said Angelina.

I grabbed the book and flipped through it. I smiled softly at my mother's picture. It was like looking into a mirror. I giggled at my father's, Sirius's, and Remus's antics. I glared at the little rat that was in the picture with them.

I kept flipping through the book until I hit the Slytherin section. Katie's hand stopped me.

"Hold up, is that…SNAPE!" We all looked at the photo and started laughing again, causing Madame Pince to glare at us. We calmed ourselves down and flipped through the pictures again. I stopped at a picture.

"Who is that?" I asked. The girls tried to find what I was staring at.


"That," I pointed, "That very sexy man right there."

"He is sexy" agreed Angelina. Katie read the name under the photo.

"Um…well look at this, it's your pureblood crush. My 'perfect man'."


"Barty Crouch Jr."

"Oh, now I see it. Oh yes, hello you sexy, sexy man." I grinned. The other two looked at me with amused looks until they straightened up. I turned around to see what had got the so serious and was met with Moody's face. He had an amused look on his face. I blushed and prayed he didn't hear what I had said.

"Miss Potter perhaps you should keep your voice down, we are in a library after all, and you wouldn't want people to think you have an obsession now do you?" With that he walked away. I was mortified.

"Not a word." I threatened. I gathered up my stuff and got ready to leave. Angie and Katie did the same and we started to walk back to the common room. Alice passed us as we were walking.

"Hey Bella, Dumbledore is looking for you." I ignored her and kept walking.

"Bella, hey Bella wait. Didn't you hear what I said? Dumbledore is looking for you." I turned and faced her.

"Sorry for not believing you, but you and your family don't have the greatest track record. Especially after Edward." I shuttered. Angie and Katie wrapped their arms around me.

"That was all Edward. We had no idea he was going to do that!" Alice pleaded.

"Really, because he seemed to have it all planned out, so I wouldn't be surprised if you actually saw it." I turned around and stormed to the common room, Angie and Katie following me.

"Are you ok?" Katie asked as we got to the portrait. I was still shaking.

"Yeah I'm fine." Darren was walking to the portrait as well when he stopped before me.

"Hey Bella, Dumbledore is looking for you." He said.

"Oh, I guess he really was. Thanks Darren." He nodded and walked into the common room. I turned to the girls.

"I'm going to Dumbledore's office, see you guys later." They nodded and went into the common room.

I walked down the corridor to the gargoyles.

"Candy floss." I walked up the stairs.

"Hi Grandpa."

Then I was met with darkness.

Cedric POV

I walked down the corridors and down the Great Hall for breakfast. Today was the day of the Second Task. It was gloomy outside. I walked into the Great Hall and immediately began searching for my gorgeous girlfriend. I looked at the Gryffindor table and found the Weasley Twins, Angelina, Katie, and Darren but no Bella. I walked over to them.

"Hey guys. Where's Bella?"

"I thought she was with you?" said Katie.

"No I haven't seen her since dinner last night."

"She went to Dumbledore's last night. I think she got in late because she still wasn't back when I got into bed. She wasn't there this morning when I got up either." Angelina said.

"I thought she was with you." replied Katie.

"Maybe she's with Harry or had to go see a professor. I'm sure she's fine," said Darren.

"Yeah probably," I said still unsure. I was still a bit tense after the Cullen incident. I sought them out in the Great Hall and was relieved to see them all here, including Edward.

"Well thanks guys."

"Welcome, good luck!" said Katie. The others wished me luck as well.

I walked over to my table and sat with my friends and started eating. I felt someone behind me, probably Bella. I turned around and was met with black hair, Cho.

"Hi Cedric, just wanted to say good luck." And she kissed my cheek, skipping away before I could say anything. Bewildered I turned back around.

It was almost time for the task and I still couldn't find Bella. Dumbledore had found me and told me to get my wetsuit on.

We walked through the Hogwarts grounds until we got to the Black Lake. I guess this is where the task will take place.

I got ready to start the task and Bella was still nowhere to be found. I found Harry who looked a bit jittery. I walked over to him.

"Have you seen Bella?"

"No-" but he was cut off by Barty Crouch calling all the Champions to the dock.

We were told to get ready, so I casted my charm. Viktor transfigured his body into a shark, Fleur also used the Bubble-head charm, and I saw Harry stuff some weed thing into his mouth. Filch blasted the cannon and we were off.

I jumped into the dark, murky, cold lake and swam down. I swam through tall seaweed and passed many grindylows. As I swam deeper until I came across a4 statues. There tied to a stone tail of a Merperson was Bella! Along with Ginny, Hermione, and I believe Fleur's little sister. The clue make sense now, Bella was my valuable thing that they took, she really is valuable and important to me.

Bella appeared to be in some trancelike state. I grabbed my wand and casted a spell to free her. I wrapped my arms around her and saw Harry to my left. I pointed at the tied up people, and pointed up indicating to him to get his person free and get up to the surface as soon as possible. He nodded. I casted a spell and was forced up to the surface. Looking down I saw Viktor behind me.

We broke to the surface and I heard a deep intake of breath next to me.


I opened my eyes and gasped. It was freezing! I looked around and realized I was also wet and in…a lake? What the bloody hell happened. Cedric was beside me and he along with the others helped me up onto the dock. I was immediately given a robe and towels. Cedric wrapped me up in his arms and casted a heating charm. I continued to shiver as he rubbed my arms.

"Cedric mate you won!" cried one of his friends. He just grinned. I turned around to face him.

"What exactly happened?" I asked.

"Remember the clue?" I nodded. "You were my valuable thing that they took that I had to recover in an hour."


"Yeah, what exactly happened to you? I was looking for you everywhere this morning and well obviously now I realize you were in the lake."

"I got called to Dumbledore's and then everything went dark and next thing I know I'm waking up in the Black Lake with you. I guess Dumbledore put me to sleep when I got to his office."

"I guess, I'm glad you're ok."

"Me too, I'm so proud of you! You got first!"

"Thanks." He replied bashfully. Oh my boyfriend is so adorable. I kissed him softly.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I looked around and saw Hermione and Viktor along with Fleur but no Harry. Draco was glaring at Krum. I guess he and Hermione still haven't made up since the Yule Ball. I don't blame her, however sweet it was, Draco didn't think of the consequences. Although…it really was sweet.

"Where's Harry?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. He should be up by now. He was right behind me." Cedric said a bit confused.

An hour was almost up and Harry was still not back. I was starting to get worried. What the bloody hell happened to my brother? Hermione looked worried as well. Cedric was trying his best to keep me calm.

Then Ginny and I think Fleur's sister…Gabrielle? appeared at the surface but still no Harry. The hour mark passed and finally Harry shot out of the lake onto the dock. He was a little banged up but he was ok! Apparently he went back to save not only Ginny but Fleur's "object" as well. How valiant.

I rushed over and gave him my towel as did Hermione. Cedric gave me his.

"You're crazy!" I told him.

"You love it." Harry replied.

"I swear you're trying to give me a heart attack!" He just laughed. I turned into Cedric's embrace as I watched Fleur give Harry a kiss on the cheek as Ginny glared at her. I giggled until Cho came up to us. She smiled flirtingly at Cedric and glared at me.

"Don't you ever get tired of being the damsel in distress?" She remarked snidely. Bitch.

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?"

"Cedric constantly needs to be saving you. What he needs is a real woman, a strong one. Like me." What is the crazy bitch going on about, oh hell no is she thinking she is "woman enough" for my man.

"Ok, let's get one thing straight-" but before I could say anymore Cedric butted in.

"Cho, get this through your head I DON'T LIKE YOU! WE ARE OVER! GET OVER IT! I', sorry but we're done, it's been done since third year. I love Bella, so just leave us alone. Oh and she is definitely more of a woman than you are, and I like having to save her just as she likes saving me. Just, MOVE ON CHO!" Cho huffed, glared at me and stomped away.

I turned to Cedric and pulled him into a passionate kiss. We pulled away breathlessly.

"That was hot." I said.

"Yeah?" He asked pulling me back into a kiss.

"Yeah that was totally sexy now can you both keep your paws off each other, Merlin. Come on I want to hear the results." said George. We pulled apart and blushed. Dumbledore took the stand.

"After some debate, first place goes to Cedric Diggory!" We all cheered and I gave Cedric a kiss.

"However, if he had not gone back, Mr. Potter would have been first. Due to his valiant efforts of not only rescuing his person as well as another's, Mr. Potter will receive second place!" We all cheered again! My boys were tied for first place!

"Mr. Krum receives third and Ms. Delecour fourth. That is all. The final task will take place in a few months. Now everyone let's go back to the castle and warm up."

Cedric gathered me into his arms and we started to walk back to the castle.


I walked back to castle, thinking to myself.

Yay Ceddie won! Ugh, I hate that Potter bitch. Cedric is mine! I had him. first! Merlin, what does she have that I don't. I bet she's using a love potion or he's just with her for her money and once he gets it, he'll be with me! I just want bloody Cedric!

"Perhaps then we can be of mutual use." I gasped and turned around.

"Excuse me?"

"I want Bella, you want Cedric. Maybe we can work together so we can both get what we want." The rather handsome stranger said.

"I like the way you think. Who exactly are you though?"

"My name is Edward."


Cedric had me wrapped up in his towel and blanket and had his arms wrapped around me as well. Angelina, Katie, the Twins, Darren, and Cedric's Hufflepuff friends were walking with us.

We were deciding what to do in order to celebrate Cedric's victory. I was already planning on going to a Gryffindor party for Harry later tonight.

We decided that after Cedric and I took a shower and warmed up, we'd go to kitchens grab some food and butter beer and have a picnic outside to celebrate. Cedric was probably getting a party in the Hufflepuff common room later tonight so no need to do it twice.

As we walked past the Forbidden Forest, we heard a scream.


Hi all hoped you liked this chapter. Only 2 more to go, don't know if I should be happy or sad!? I have a poll on my profile that should hopefully be up regarding the end of this story so please check it out. Reviews are always welcome and please check out my other stories. I may not be able to update soon because I have many many exams but hopefully I will be able to soon. THANKS!