CH. 6 – Necessary

Tino scowled packing Latvia's few belongings into the bag provided. "This is…Argh! What right does that over pompous Russian have to take Raivis!" The tiny blond yelled ripping a piece of clothing. "Ah!" He frowned blushing "I'll haft to buy Raivis a new shirt." Tino murmured; he felt a weight on his shoulders. Tino reached his hand up to his left shoulder touching the larger hand. "Su…It's not fair…" Tino wept gripping the hand of the stronger looking male.

Latvia sat in the car holding Estonia's hand tightly; he was scared, so very scared. Nothing but horror stories had reached his ears about the Russian. Tino had stuffed pepper spray into Raivis' bag muttering about protecting one's self against pedophiles. He sniffled leaning against Lithuania; Toris rubbed Latvia's hand with his thumb. Toris looked at Eduard, both wore faces of dread. Neither were sure what would happen to Raivis, would Ivan keep him locked up, would the Russian force himself on to the shaky boy?

Russia trotted about the house preparing each room with a smile. He of course was excited to have people other than his forceful and disturbed sister Belarus in the house. Russia smiled softly smoothing out the dark crimson quilt on the tiny bed before him. "Raivis is going to so happy when he comes home." He nodded his head approvingly "I bet he's missed his old room. I'm glad my little one is finally coming home." Ivan looked at a family picture that sat on top of the dresser. In it stood teenage Ivan holding baby Raivis, the picture contained just the two of them. Russia smiled placing a small brown hand-made bear on the neatly made bed. "I'll haft to set up rules for my little Raivis." Ivan announced to the room he was walking out of. "Rule number one," He began to list "no more interaction with America. Alfred is a worthless little child of that whore England." Ivan spat bitterly. He quickly recomposed himself smiling sweetly.

The Baltics slowly got of the tiny car they had been crammed into. Raivis blinked his grip slacked on Toris' hand; this towering gate, the long windows, the smells of the autumn flowers were too familiar. Latvia leaned heavily on Toris; clearly the boy's reeled at the thought of returning to this place. His legs dug down in the soft dirt below. 'We'll kill you…' A voice grunted out to him in his mind. "T-toris?" Latvia whispered shaking.

"It's okay Raivis." Lithuania smiled at the smaller nation. "We just haft to pedal through this…He can't keep us here forever."

SORRY! It took forever everbody, and I'm sorry it's so short! TT TT I'm running to writers block! Noooooooooooooooo!....Reviews are Nice! and I would love to hear/read suggestions!