Disclaimer: If I owned MGLN I'd be working a rubbish saturday job at minimum wage? No.

A/N: Okay here goes, my first ever fan fic! Just remember that as you are reading this :P

Chapter 1: Hyperactivity and Fun With 'friends'

There isn't one thing I would change about her.

Sure she's boisterous, bi-polar and a little trying sometimes.

But it's what makes her… her.

The truth is I have been in love with her since the day we met.

I'm in love with my best friend. Nanoha.

Not Everything Is So Simple

Monday 5th September 08:07am

"Fate hurry up you are going to make me late!" My mother yelled angrily from the bottom of the stairs.
"Geeze shut up, it's only a small house you don't have to shout" I mumbled. "I heard that, get a move on or I swear I will leave with out you"
I didn't doubt that for a second, my mother and I didn't exactly have the best relationship in the world, whenever we spoke (which wasn't very often) it would usually end in some sort of an argument. I try to be on good terms with her but it's hard when she's constantly choosing her job at the lab over her own daughter, it's so frustrating and…hurtful.

I finished getting ready and dragged myself downstairs where my mother was waiting impatiently. "Finally! Can we go now?" Precia huffed. I walked passed her out the front door without saying anything and got in the passenger's seat of the small Honda parked on the drive. Precia quickly locked the front door and jogged lightly to the car and got in. After a half a minute of swearing and turning the car's ignition over several times and we were off slowly reversing down the drive before speeding off down the street a little over the speed limit due to my mothers haste.I made a show of looking interested at what was passing by outside the window, just so I wouldn't have to talk to my mum and could be allowed time to think.

Oh god another school year, just as I was getting used to sleeping in everyday. At least I get to see Nanoha everyday now…actually wait is that a bad thing or a good thing…hmm, I'm going to say it's a painfully good thing, now there's an oxymoron for ya. Seems as though my life is full of complications at the moment.

We were nearing the school and I could see students walking together in groups laughing happily.

I wonder where the little bits of the eraser go.

The car stopped and I climbed out, saying a swift "Bye" before shutting the car door and turning around and heading towards the school gates. My eyes scanned the crowd of milling students gathered who were all happy to be reunited after the summer holiday when I caught sight of the blur of familiar russet hair rushing towards me.
"Fate-chan!" Nanoha bellowed while enveloping me in a tight bear hug, resulting in a few raised brows and startled looks, not that I cared.
"Hey Nanoha, did you drink a litre of coffee this morning? You're rather hyper…more than usual that is"
"No, I'm just so happy to see my cute wickle Fwate-chan is all" Nanoha said in some weird baby language whilst pinching my cheek.
"Err, okay, I take that back…did you drink a litre of vodka this morning?"
"Tsk, aren't you happy to see me? I thought you loved me? I thought we had something special going on?" Nanoha cried out in mock exasperation with one hand over her heart and the other extended dramatically. Those around her smiled and whispered about the crazy girl while I just stood there, arching my eyebrow.
"Okay, let's go to class" and with such a drastic change in emotion she grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the main building of the school.
"Erm, care to explain?"
She turned to me and looked at me with those beautiful sapphire eyes.
"Nyahaha, sorry like I said I'm just hyped to see you" Flashing a smile she proceeded to haul me along.

She may be a bit of a weirdo sometimes. But I love this weirdo so much.

Monday 5th September 16:35pm

"Hey Fate, are you gonna come to my 18th on Friday round my place? Please say yes it's going to be awe--some" Hayate pressured giddily.
"Yeah of course I'm coming, but you do realise your place is going to get trashed right?"
"Pfft I'll let my parents worry about that afterwards" She said with a grin.
"Cheeky" I smiled back.

The first day back at school had ended and currently, we were in McDonalds after much persuasion by Hayate.
I personally can't stand fast food.
"Can I take your order please?" questioned the overly chirpy worker behind the counter.
I always feel like saying "No" to this question just to be difficult and cause confusion, today I was determined to do it.
"N-" suddenly a lithe figure with long auburn hair jumped in front of me out of nowhere.
"Hi, yeah I'll take a Big Mac meal-"
"Oi you" I said, playfully poking Nanoha in the side. Only to be purposefully ignored.
"- can I go large on that too please? I'll also have a chicken burger? Oh! And a donut" she continued.
"Okay, and what drink would you like with that?"
"Hmm, I'll have a diet coke please, got to watch my weight you know" She replied chuckling and patting her belly.
"Unlike fatty here I'll just have the chicken burger" Hayate chimed in pointing her thumb towards Nanoha.
"Can I have a Happy Meal please"
"A Happy Meal? Fate-chan you're 17!" laughed Nanoha.
"What? I like the toy. You'll be jealous later when you don't have one"

After paying for our meal we chose seats next to the window and sat down being careful to avoid brushing against any of the sticky patches that decorated the walls and continued talking merrily about Hayate's up coming party in-between munching. We sat there for at least two hours just enjoying each others company acting like any other group of friends would.

I bet most groups of friends don't have a weird lesbian chick lusting after her best friend though.

Monday 5th September 19:14pm

I walked though my front door, sighing loudly as I slammed it shut with my foot. I threw my bag down and trudged up stairs to my room, immediately lunging face first onto my bed.
"Why me, why me why me?! It's not fair!" I shouted into the pillow "I blame Nanoha, it's all her fault. Stupid Nanoha. Stupid, sexy, kind, funny, wonderful Nanoha...ahh!"

I turned over onto my back throwing my pillow across the room. I glanced over at the picture on top of my desk of me and Nanoha from last year cosplaying as character from a magical girl anime we both like.

"Hope you're happy" I said sulkily turning my head to the side slightly. I glanced back at her happy face.

"I'm sorry I can't stay mad at you" Leaping over to the photo, I took it in my arms and hugged it to my chest.

It's official. I've lost it.

A/N: There you have it, the first chapter. I suppose it's more of a prologue than anything else, just to establish the characters etc.

Just incase you were wondering where this was going...I'm not going to tell you. But what I will say is that I've read a fair amount of Nanofate fanfic (sad, I know) and I've noticed the vast majority have the same one thing in common. I plan not to do this.

Also, as I say on my profile I haven't written anything like a story in a loooong while so please be gentle!