A.N.: Hey guys! Welcome to Shaken, Life's Good's sequel. I'm so excited to start a new story and to hear what you all think of it. I've got great drama, and of course fluff, prepared for you. I hope you like this and the direction I'm planning on going. So I don't want to make this long and boring, so please go on and read!

Disclaimer: I do not own Camp Rock's original characters.

The lights flashed blindly against our faces, against my squinting eyes. I held Mitchie by the waist as she smiled and waved at her loyal, screaming fans.

It made me smile, the way her face lit up. I knew how much she enjoyed getting hit by that wave of love and admiration we received everytime we walked down a Red Carpet.

"Smitchie!! Here, please...Smitchie!" Reporters kept asking us.

"Smitchie..." I said against my frozen smile. "Why do they insist on calling us that ridiculous name?"

"Awww come on!" Mitchie laughed as she looked up at me. "I think it's kinda cute."

"Everything's cute in your eyes, baby." I laughed at her, dancing my fingers quickly across her ticklish back. She threw her head back and laughed, while I could just stare like an idiot at her beautiful self.

It's been almost a year, and that laugh still takes me in like nothing else in this world does.

Almost a year since she became my biggest source of inspiration and the reason for the smile on my face. The reason I can breathe when all this stupid media seems to be trying to suffocate me, us. Mitchie's the reason. My reason.

"Should we go take an interview?"

"Just if you want to, Mitch." I was not even finished with my sentence when she grabbed my hand and pulled me with her, to one partciular reporter; someone I soon recognized.

"Maggie? What are you doing here?" Maggie was a writer, Pop Informer's editor...not a tiresome reporter.

"My job!" She smiled, though it seemed a little off.

"I thought you didn't do this kind of stuff?"

"Well, when it means keeping my job, turns out I do." Maggie replied, almost to herself. Odd. "Anyways...how is my favorite teen power couple?"

"Oh great as always!" Mitchie answered, her smile so profound it marked little dimples on her cheeks.

"I can imagine...with your sophomore album in the works, Connect 3's World Tour about to take off...you guys have got some busy lives! How are you going to manage to keep with your relatinoship among all that?" Ugh. How I hated they asked that kind of stuff. Anyway we manage, it's our business, not anyone else's.

Still, Mitchie answered.

"Well, you know, I guess the distance will make it all a little hard, but I'm going with them for a part of their tour as their openning act and Shane is always down at the studio with me, helping me with everything..."

My phone vibrated from inside my jacket, it was our cue.

"Babe, time. We gotta go." I placed my hand back on her waist and pulled her with me. "Sorry Maggie, hosting duties."

Mitchie turned around and waved at Maggie, before looking back at her fans and blowing them kisses.

"Hey, those are mine." I claimed, lifting her chin to press my lips to her. She smiled into the kiss before letting our assistants pull us away from each other.

I sighed as I saw my girlfriend disappear through the dressing room's door.

After all, this was show business.

A.N.: And there we go :) I know this is a short chapter but it's kind of just an introduction. I really need your opinion on this so I can make this story grow, so tell me what you think please!