Disclaimer: This is a fan created fictional story that uses characters from the manga/anime series Ranma ½, and I am not the creator of the series. I do not own any copyrights nor do I possess any licensing of any products/services that use the name Ranma ½. Thank you.

Hello and welcome to my story A Change of Fate! As many of you have already read the original story I posted 10 years ago (Ten years ago! Holy hot damn batman!), I know its been a long and arduous waiting period (though I'm sure many of you may have given up, sorry about that XD), but I've decided to pick up writing again and have chosen to continue my stories here on ! I've started with this one simply because, after reading through a few of my stories, this one truly sparked my interest. It's a great concept, and I'd like to breathe new life into it! I'll be switching some things around as well, so the story may read a little differently than it did before. That being said, it's the same plot and same idea as before, just more fleshed out and better looking! So as I always used to say, on with the fic!


"Ranma Saotome; male; 17 years of age; height, five ten; weight, one hundred and ninety pounds; race, asian of japanese desent; sexual orientation, straight; religion, none; hobbies and interests include martial arts, food, sports and athletics; general demeanor is stoic, leaning towards kindness and innocence, with bouts of frustration and anger from either a lack of understanding or from sheer irritation; values honor and dignity, but only when it involves himself; achievements include several martial arts championships, though not much else. His current situation revolves around his recent setback of going to the cursed training ground of Jusenkyo in China, where he fell into a cursed spring and now transforms into a woman when doused with cold water. He desires to return there to find himself a cure, however he is being held back due to his father, Genma Saotome, arranging a marriage to one of his training partner's, Soun Tendo's, daughters. He's been forcefully put into a relationship with the youngest Tendo daughter Akane, who is a tomboy who less than cares for men as she believes them to be misogynistic, egotistical perverts who only want to get into her pants. While both of them are good people at heart, they do not see eye to eye and as I've already predicted they've completely ruined any kind of solidarity between one another. I basically fucked up father time, I want to reverse it. Will you help me?"

Father time gave the lord of chaos and order a frustrated look and rolled his eyes,

"By the gods how many times have I had to manipulate time just so you can mess with people's lives? Can't you just for once let things go the way that god himself intended?"

The lord of chaos and order huffed in frustration, his piercing red and blue eyes boring holes into the soul of father time,

"I know, I know… I've called upon you hundreds of trillions of times, but I just simply don't agree with how it's been done! As you know, god himself gives life to these people, and he asks me to fix things should they fall out of balance; but I just can't accept half of the shit that happens to these poor people! They're not happy in the least! They should at least be given some happily ever after moment…"

Father time rolled his eyes once more and sighed in defeat,

"Okay look, I'll help you out once more; but if you screw this up one more time, I'm refusing to help you fix it. It's far too much of a task for such an old man as myself to complete! Besides, have you even seen Ranma's hourglass? The damn thing is bigger than the realms combined!"

Father time proceeded to flash out of existence for a few moments before flashing back, only this time with an hourglass the size of a minivan. The lord of chaos and order's eyes widened as he gasped in awe,

"Holy fuck, he's gonna be one older than you when you kick the bucket—"

"Shut the hell up you cheeky little snot," father time yelled, "now what do you intend to change in the boy's life? Remember, you can only change his life up to three times; anymore and God will deem him unworthy of life and will completely erase his existence."

The lord of Chaos and Order scoffed at the old man,

"Tch, you think I don't know that? I'm the Lord of CHAOS AND ORDER, I do what I want! Now just watch the magic, you could learn a thing or two from me there buddy."

The lord of Chaos and Order gave Father Time a shit eating grin, which Father Time rolled his eyes once more. He then took the hourglass and turned it upside down, reversing the flow of time in Ranma's life, back to where he first arrived at the Tendo Dojo.

Chapter 1: All's Well That Ends Well

The morning Ranma arrived at the Tendo dojo, all hell had broken loose. When he and his father first set foot in the dojo, they had thrown everyone for a loop. The Tendos were expecting two well trained, strong men to appear before them. Instead they were greeted by a panda and a voluptuous redhead. Making matters worse, Soun Tendo had fainted in disbelief. The awkward silence in the room was unbearable; all of the girls had at some point analyzed her, still wondering how their father could've been so wrong. She didn't know their names yet, but the oldest looking one didn't seem too interested in him. After a few glances she had focused her attention back on her father. She was most likely the caretaker of the house. The youngest one just seemed to be in utter shock by the situation, although she had been observing her from head to toe like she was trying to size her up. She was probably a martial artist. As for the middle sister, she had just been leering at her the entire time as if she was some sort of criminal. She would smirk from time to time, looking at her pocket trying to search for something. She must have been the deviant sister.

Between the silent staring and gentle cooing from the older sister, Ranma was beginning to get stir crazy. She did want to be here; she had to find a cure for this stupid curse. She didn't have time to be fooling around waiting to get engaged to one of these silly women. She was a martial artist for god's sake, she needed to keep training and bettering herself. If it wasn't for her father sitting right in front of the hallway to the entrance, she'd have gotten up and walked out right then and there. She hated the idea of being rude to these folks, considering they'd done nothing wrong, but they would have to understand that she wasn't really a woman and she needed to go back for a cure.

As Ranma continued to stew in her frustration, Soun finally awoke. There was a collective sigh of relief from his daughters and her father. Then again, silence. Soun stared her down. Once again Ranma was being analyzed, and she just about jumped out of her skin. Just then, the middle daughter began yelling at her father,

"It's all your fault daddy,"

"Saotome said he had a son! A son I tell you,"

Soun yelled back at her in a petty attempt to defend himself,

"Does this look like a guy to you?!"

She slapped Ranma's chest a couple of times, much to her chagrin. She replied uncomfortably,

"Could you please… stop doing that…?"

Then, the youngest sister jumped in and saved her,

"Nabiki knock it off, he—she's our guest! Hey, my name is Akane. Do you study Kempo?"

Ranma was right. Akane was a martial artist! Perfect; if she couldn't go back to Jusenkyo for a cure, she could at least train a little. She replied in a sheepish voice,

"Yeah, a little."

Akane grinned happily at her,

"Great, let's meet in the dojo for a little spar. I'll warn you, I'm pretty good!"

Ranma giggled a little and followed her into the Dojo. Once there, Akane turned to Ranma and said,

"Alright you ready? I won't go easy on you just beause you're a girl!"

Ranma nodded positively. Akane then took a fighting stance. Ranma simply stood closed legged with her hands behind her back,

"Alright here I come!"

With a war cry Akane lunged at Ranma with a right hook. Ranma easily dodged it. Akane continued her assault with a few left right combos, followed up with a roundhouse kick; Ranma hopped over Akane's kick and landed on her feet unphased. Ranma could tell Akane was getting frustrated. She must've been holding back trying to get an idea of her skill level. After a short pause, Akane took up a fighting stance once more and yelled,

"Why won't you fight back?!"

Ranma remained silent and grinned. This was too easy. Then, in a fit of rage, Akane leaped forward in full force with another right hook. Ranma read her like a book and jumped high in the air, gracefully gliding over akane's head. Akane's fist connected with the wall, putting a hole in it. She then felt a poke in the back of her head; Ranma was behind her. She slowly turned her head around to see Ranma smirking. Ranma giggled nervously. Akane, feeling rather silly, began giggling with her. When their laughter died down a little, Akane said,

"Man, you're pretty good! I'm just glad you're a girl…"

Ranma felt her heart sink a little; she'd just been toying with Akane, but now she felt terrible. She wasn't a girl. She was a guy. The guilt was building in her soul, and she looked at the floor shamefully. What was she doing? Why was she being so selfish? In her shame, she slowly walked back into the living area of the Dojo. On her way to her room, She happened across the oldest sister. She looked so motherly; a lovely western style sundress, with an apron and a basket of dirty laundry walking down the stairs. It almost reminded her of her own mom. As they walked past one another she began to speak,

"Oh Ranma dear, you were just out sparring with Akane-chan weren't you? You should take a bath; I'll go run some water for you,"

"No you don't have too—"

"No I insist, you must be all sweaty from working out! Akane will be in shortly to join you."

Things just couldn't get any better; first she deceptively devastates Akane in a sparring match, then has to take a bath with her as a man. Well, if she was going to do this, she might as well get the embarrassment and shame out of the way. She grabbed some spare clothes out of the guest bedroom, and began making her way to the bath. As promised, the bath was full of steaming hot water. Wow she moved fast, she thought. Removing her sweaty clothes Ranma sat down on the wash stool, ran a bucket of cold water, and doused herself,

"Brrrr… cold," she muttered. Getting into the bath was nice. The warm water always felt so refreshing, although he hated the tingling sensation that followed. The feeling of genders changing. He wondered for a moment how many people had suffered the same fate as him. Oh how he felt for them. It was a terrible curse to be rendered with; forever dealing with both womanhood and manhood. He imagined some men liked it. How perverted, he thought. Sure he had a few moments of admiration in the mirror as he looked at himself as a woman, but it disgusted him when he stopped to think about it. Self love is one thing, but perving out to a female version of yourself was just… wrong. Or so he believed.

As his thoughts wandered, he suddenly remembered that akane was about to join him. The cold shivers down his spine seemed to make the water cold as ice. He could feel the air around him turn cold. He was about to be exposed in the most humiliating way. 'What should I do?' He muttered to himself repeatedly. Surely there was a better way to do this, right? Then it hit him; why was he sitting here waiting for her to show up? Why had he resigned himself to being revealed so shamefully? This was no time to be goofing around sitting in the bathtub; he needed to get the hell out of there before Akane showed up! He had a plan. He would get out, dry himself off and throw on his clothes, then go out through the window! 'Perfect' he thought. Just as he was getting out of the tub, he heard the door shut. His mind went into overdrive, 'Shit I'm too late!' he screamed in his head.

Just as he was about to make a break for it, he heard the older sister's voice,

"Akane hold on just a second! Could you give me a hand? I'm trying to fix this stupid washing machine but I can't find Nabiki to help me. Will you help me instead?"

There was a moment of silence,

"Yeah I'll be there in a second Kasumi, let me just put my clothes back on."

The relief Ranma felt was enormous. He was just saved by the oldest sister; Kasumi was a pretty name, he liked it. He thanked his lucky stars, made a note to thank Kasumi, and began the process of getting ready. Now all he had to do was fix this situation, starting with revealing him and his father's identity!

Genma and Soun sat across from one another, tears streaming down their cheeks; the reality of the situation had hit them both like a sack of bricks. It wouldn't be an easy task, setting up such a shaky marriage. Soun was promising one of his beloved daughters to a man who was not just a man, but also a woman. Though they had arranged this many years before, it was such a terrible fate to behold. Soun felt for his brother in training, Genma. To live with a son who's condition would affect him in such a way must have been devastating. Soun spoke words of sympathy to Genma,

"So this is how it is, eh Saotome,"

Genma simply grunted and nodded affirmatively,

"The life of a martial artist is fraught with perils," he stated plainly. Taking their cups of sake, they said their cheers and drank. The comfort of sake was truly a lifesaver for them. As they swallowed their fill, Ranma appeared before them. Soun was slightly taken aback, although he knew it was Ranma because of his recent conversation with Genma. He glanced back at Genma and said,

"So this… is the true from of your beloved son?"

Genma nodded once more in agreement. Soun turned to look at Ranma and a small grin formed on his face,

"Ranma Saotome, it is a pleasure to finally meet with the real you. I am Soun Tendo, head of the Tendo School of Grappling. It is both an honor and a pleasure to finally meet you."

Ranma obliged him with an honorable bow, and said,

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, sorry bout this…"

Soun accepted his introduction and stood before him proudly. Then, with a booming voice he beckoned his daughters,

"Kasumi! Nabiki! Akane! Come to the dining room, We've got guests I'd like you to meet!"

The sound of scurrying footsteps rang through the household. The three girls arrived with very confused expressions. Kasumi and Nabiki both knew something was going on. Akane on the other hand was very confused. Soun then laid his arm across Ranma's shoulders and began to introduce his daughters,

"Ranma, I'd like you to meet my three daughters, Kasumi, She's 19. Nabiki, she's 17. And Akane, She's 16! Pick whichever one you'd like, she'll be your betrothed!"

Just as Soun said the word betrothed, Ranma's gut went aflame. Was this a joke? How could Soun speak of his daughters like they were a commodity? It sickened Ranma. He understood that this was an arranged marriage, but he'd be damned if he shopped for a free wife. He broke away from Soun's grasp and glared at him,

"You're kidding right? You're going to just pawn your daughters off on me like this? It makes me sick. I'm an honorable man. They deserve a chance to at least get to know me first!"

Soun was taken aback,

"But Ranma, my dearest son—"

"Don't you dare call me your son! I haven't even married one of your daughters! Besides, haven't you heard? I'm cursed to turn into a woman every time I'm doused with cold water! I can't have a marriage with this condition, I need to find a cure! So forget the damn marriage, I'm leaving to find a cure for this curse—"

"Shut up boy! You need to choose one of these lovely young ladies to be your bride! It's your duty as a man! Do you not have honor," Genma interjected. Ranma began to feel the rage building in his gut,

"Shut the hell up old man! You were the one who promised to marry me off to one of these girls," Ranma's words set Genma aflame,

"Don't you speak ill of my word boy! You are obligated to marry one of the Tendo girls, and that is the end of it! Now make your decision and fulfill your duty as a man!"

Ranma was livid now. How could his father speak so non chalantly about this? They were talking about people's future; it didn't matter if it was himself or the Tendo sisters, it was still wrong! Not to mention Ranma wanted nothing to do with the whole marriage situation, he wanted to be free of his affliction,

"Don't you dare talk about my 'duty' and my 'obligation' to marry one of these girls! If anything, they deserve a say in this! But like I said, I don't have time to worry about a wife right now, I need to find a cure for this god forsaken curse!"

There was silence; the tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. Soun motioned towards Ranma in a relaxed manor and said,

"Ranma calm down. I understand you are in a tough spot right now, but right now all we are asking is to pick a bride. As I said before, there's Kasumi who's 19, Nabiki who's 17, and Akane who's 16. Who would you rather be with?"

Ranma stood silently for a moment. Should he just choose one of the Tendo sisters and get it over with? Or should he just try and make a break for it and hope for the best? If he did make a run for it, his father would chase him and most likely fight him, and that would just make matters worse. So obviously running was not an option; but choosing a random girl he didn't know just to be his wife was a terrible idea as well. The pressure was on, and he didn't know what to do. Then it hit him; he just needed to create a situation that he could free up some time to plan for his journey to Jusenkyo. That would work! He looked at Soun and said,

"Look, I will marry one of your daughters, that's fine. But I want at least a week, maybe two weeks to decide on who, you got that?!"

Soun stopped for a moment and began to ponder his decision. He opened his mouth and held his finger out a few times, but continued to think. After a few moments he answered Ranma,

"Alright, do as you wish; but after a week you must choose one of my daughters as a bride, understand?"

Ranma grunted and nodded affirmatively. Then he said,

"Thank you Tendo-san, I appreciate your patience. Now, If you'll excuse me I've got a bath I need to finish," and with that Ranma ran off to finish his bath.

And that is the end of this chapter! I hope you guys liked this chapter, I'll be continuing this as often as possible! As I do have work and other obligations, I'll try to update as often as possible. But rest assured I will be updating this as often as I possibly can! Thank you so much for your support!

-JT Jewels