A/N: Long time no update. Sowwie. But, it's here. I hope you like it :)

I stared at the envelope sat on the island counter. It was taunting me. Laughing at me. Judging me. I knew what it said. I'd known before I'd gone and I'd known when the doctor spoke those three words that changed my fate. I was alone. Greg was at the diner but would be home soon. But that was okay. I wanted some alone time to figure things out.

Seventeen years old.

At seventeen, I had to completely rearrange my life. I was the reason I had never met my mother and I dreaded to think what Greg would say to me. I knew he wouldn't be angry. In my seventeen years of existence, Greg had never been angry at me. He would simply be disappointed. And that was honestly much, much worse than him simply yelling at me.

Natalia would rub it in my face. How was it possible that I was the one to get knocked up first? She would be thrilled. Except she wouldn't know the truth. She would taunt me and tease me and never know the truth about it.

I heard a car pull up on the driveway and I felt my whole body tense. I heard a door slam and a moment later, I turned to the front door as Greg stepped in. He smiled at me as he slipped his shoes and coat off and then came into the kitchen. He kissed my forehead and sat next to me. "What did the doctor say?"

I slid the envelope towards him, unable to speak.

I watched him tentatively open the envelope and slipped the piece of paper out which sadly told him that I was no longer naive and innocent. He frowned and set the piece of paper on the counter. "Gabi?" he whispered.

I shrugged and felt tears roll down my cheeks. "I'm sorry."

He wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his chest. "For what? Being honest?" He pulled back and looked me in the eyes. "I'm glad you told me. But...why?"

I shrugged again. "I wanted to. He wanted to. I guess...This will sound so stupid. But, I guess I didn't think about this. I wanted him. I loved him and I just..."

"It is Dean's, isn't it?" Greg asked quietly.

I paused but memories of what Troy had told me flashed through my mind and I soon find myself nodding but otherwise staying silent. "You're mad, aren't you?" I whimpered and wiped my damp cheeks with the back of my hand.

He chuckled. "I'm getting a grandkid. I'm a little surprised you're this young and kind of pictured you married but it's still amazing."

I frowned. "You should be yelling at me."

"For bringing another beautiful life into this world? Mi hija, I know what happened with Dean was hard and I guess this baby will remind you of him. But, I know you. I know you won't abort it. I know you'll love the baby until the end of time. I know you've got me and the others." He kissed my forehead. "I know your mom would be proud no matter what. I want you to remember that."

I brought the piece of paper towards me and re-read the words I was still processing in my head. I moved my other hand to my stomach.

Urine Test Results for Miss Gabriella Anna Maria Juanita Costa-Brava Montez

Ph: 7.2

Clarity: Clear

Protein: None

Glucose: None

General health: Healthy

Diagnosis: Pregnant – Seven Weeks along – First scan recommended at eleven weeks

"You'll be doing that a lot in the months to come," Greg commented.

I tore my eyes away from the diagnosis. "What?"

He moved his eyes to my stomach. "Putting your hand there. You're worried, aren't you?"

I nodded. "Of course I am. What about my future?"

He was silent for a moment before he finally released a long breath. "I know your future has changed. More so than the average parent. Maybe it hasn't worked out like you planned but what do you see in your future now?"

"My baby," I replied, surprising myself.

He smiled. "That's the answer I hoped you'd say. It's still possible to have a future. I'm behind you a hundred and ten per cent." His smile fell a bit. "There's more, isn't there?"

I diverted my eyes away from him. "What if there are complications with my baby's birth? His dad...there isn't anyone."

He shrugged bashfully. "It's not perfect and definitely not what people will approve of in this town but there's me. I'd bring him up and I know Taylor and Sharpay would love to help. Besides, you shouldn't worry about that stuff. If you knew you'd die, would you still do it?" he asked quietly.

I nodded fervently. "Of course I would."

"There you go. That's exactly what your mom said," he muttered.

I frowned. "What? I thought..."

He shook his head. "She knew. I knew. Natalia doesn't. She was so young. And now...I don't know where I went wrong. Anyway, when Maria, your mom, was about five months pregnant, she looked absolutely beautiful. She was glowing. She was amazing. She was loving being pregnant again. She doted on your sister and I loved her more than ever." He took a shaky breath and slowly moved his hand to place it over mine which was still covering my stomach. "We went for a scan and they knew what the complication was. Maria had placenta praevia. There was a chance nothing would happen but...it did. And I wouldn't have it any other way. We talked about having an abortion but she was adamant she wanted to do it and I'm glad she did."

I smiled slightly. "I wish I could've met her. She sounds amazing."

"I want you to know that whether it seems it right now or not, everything happens for the best." He kissed my cheek and smiled reassuringly at me.

* * *

I moved rhythmically in the rocking chair of the nursery and moved my gaze from the window to Tyler who was nestled safely under my breasts. I'd been awake with him for two hours. I'd fed him, sang to him, changed his diaper and after playing with him for all of five minutes, he finally fell asleep. However, every time I set him in his crib, he began crying again.

I didn't mind. Like I told Greg, Tyler's my future. He's my entire world and nothing, not Troy or Natalia or even Drake, will ever change that. Even if I never fall in love again and never get married, I'll be happy.

Tyler was simply beautiful. It's what every baby is called and maybe I'm biased. But, he truly was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen in my entire life. And he's all mine. I know Troy's a part of him but until he gets off his damn high horse and tells everyone the truth and begins to take responsibility, Tyler is simply...mine.

I heard a light tap at the door and a few moments later, Greg had pulled up another chair next to me. "You okay?"

I smiled tiredly and nodded. "Of course."

"Do you want me to take over so you can rest?" he offered.

I shook my head, looking back at Tyler. "Not really."

"Alright. Honesty time. What's up?" he asked quietly.

"How'd you know something was up?" I asked in shock.

"Because I know you. The last time you were this quiet and gave short answers, this little guy came along," he commented.

I sighed. "Daddy, I know what you'll say to me. And I want you to hear me out before you say anything at all."

He nodded. "Okay," he whispered.

"I got accepted to Stanford's freshmen's honours programme. When I got accepted to study prelaw, they said they were simply considering me." I shrugged. "I got a letter a couple of days ago and they accepted me. It's a programme ran for thirty students who get to go to Stanford for three weeks and study with some of the top professors."

Greg grinned. "That's amazing, mi hija, I'm so..." He trailed off when he saw Gabriella mouthing the words.

"...proud of you," she finished in a whisper.

"How'd you know?" he asked in confusion.

"That's what you always say. Even when I told you I was pregnant at seventeen." I looked him in the eyes. "I just don't know what to do. It seemed so easy before. My life was planned out for me and I liked it that way. And now things have changed because of Tyler. I'm not saying it's a bad thing and I'd never change it for anything." I sighed. "The thing is, I want him to grow up down here, not in California. But, going to Stanford...It feels like I'm that much closer to Mom."

"But you want to go so you can escape Natalia and Troy?" he asked.

"It would be nice," I muttered. "I just want to think for myself for a while. I want to have Tyler to myself and I want to be at Mom's school. But I don't want to be away from you. I worry about you."

"I can cope by myself. And I'm sure the girls will visit you and maybe I'll tag along." He nudged my shoulder. "Don't worry about me. I know you'll come back. I know you love this place."

I smiled and giggled. "I can't help it. It's so simple and...nice. Do you want to hold him?"

Greg nodded and I slowly handed his grandson to him, trying not to disturb Tyler. "He looks a lot like you."

"You think?" I asked dubiously. "I always thought he looked more like his father."

Greg shrugged. "Either way, you're beautiful. Therefore, he's beautiful and he always will be."

"The doctor said he's going to be tall and strong," I commented.

Greg smiled across at me. "Yeah? And everything's okay with you, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. He's happy for me to stop having regular checks." I paused and reached forward to stroke the tuft of hair that had begun growing on Tyler's head. "Did you think Natalia and I were miracles?" I murmured.

Greg nodded slowly. "Yeah. And if you feel that way now, you'll feel it for the rest of your life."

I smiled. "I don't want it to end. I always wanted kids but it was way into my future. When he came along, it changed my perspective on everything, you know?"

"Yeah. And it'll keep changing. You'll worry and you'll care and at some point when he's in high school he'll hate you because of that. But, he'll keep coming back because he'll need you just like you need him." He looked down on Tyler, rearranging the blanket that was wrapped around him. "So, if you go to the honour's programme, what are you going to do about Troy?"

I rubbed my forehead and sighed. "I won't tell him. It's none of his business. It's his problem if he wants to get into a marriage that's failing before it's even started. There have to be other guys out there that accept Tyler, too."

Greg smiled proudly. "That's the way to go. Troy will come around. It's blatantly obvious that Natalia isn't his type."

I shrugged. "It's his choice. It has to be his choice. If I tell him now and he breaks it off, I'll spend the rest of my life wondering if he meant it or if he simply did it because I told him."

"Or you'll spend the rest of your life wondering what could've happened," Greg commented.

* * *

Later that day, after Greg gave me the day off ("and that was final"), I found myself dressed in simply a tank top and a pair of shorts due to the persistent heat. Tyler was settled in his pram, shaded from the sun and dressed in only a blue t-shirt and his diaper so that he wouldn't get too warm. On the garden table where I was sat, my school books were spread out before me and a jug of iced tea and a glass next to it were at the far end.

Greg's words kept ringing through my head. Either way, no matter what I decided, I would end up wondering if it was the right decision. But he was right about one thing. He'd be okay and as soon as I graduated from Stanford I'd be on a plane with Tyler and come back here as fast as I can. Just in time for Tyler to begin school.

I began working through the essays and assignments my teachers had given me, content to listen to Tyler's little giggles and mumbles. I glanced up as the back yard gate creaked open and I waved at Troy. "Hey," I greeted. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"Aren't you?" he shot back jokingly but winked at me. He bent over Tyler and kissed his forehead. "Hi, Ty," he murmured before he sat in a chair next to me. "My dad gave me the day off," he explained. "I thought I should spend it with my son and best friend."

I smiled at him. "My dad gave me the day off, too. I need it, too. He was a little rascal last night."

"At least we know who he takes after." He paused and shuffled a few of the papers before coming to the conclusion that he'd never understand it and resolved to leaning back on the back two legs of his chair instead.

I giggled. "You gave up, huh?"

"Hey, I play basketball, not understand quadratic equations or the behaviour of amanic acids," he exclaimed.

I sighed. "Troy, for the last time, they're called amino acids. How did you graduate?"

He shrugged and smirked. "Haven't a clue." He stared at me for a moment and just as I was going to voice my unnerved state, he spoke up. "You seem different."

I frowned. "If this is about my outfit, it's such a hot day-" I began.

He chuckled and cut me off. "No." He then glanced at me body and quickly moved his gaze back to my face. "You just seem...peaceful."

I shrugged and gestured to the iced tea. He helped himself as I explained. "Well, last night, my dad and I spent a long time talking things through and I guess it helped a lot. I got a lot of things off my chest."

"Like what?" he asked quietly.

I shrugged. "My thoughts of my future. I used to be so sure of everything. Now, the only thing I know is that Tyler is there."

He frowned. "There's Greg and me and Tay and..."

I nodded. "Sure."

"What is it?"

"Well, as much as I love you guys, you're different from me. You all have your own lives and I'm not naive to believe that you don't. You're getting married, it's just as likely that Greg will find someone new and settle back down and...I have to stand up and face the world by myself." I shrugged. "I have to be brave like my mom was."

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

I swallowed. "My dad told me something when I first got pregnant. You can't tell anyone, especially Natalia, okay?"

He nodded and held my hand. "Sure."

"She knew there was a possibility she'd die because of me. They knew about the complication when she was five months pregnant." I shrugged. "They discussed aborting but they didn't. It was mostly her decision."

He was silent for a moment before he finally spoke in a quiet voice. "You would've done the same, wouldn't you?"

I smiled and nodded. "Of course. I decided that when Greg told me. I guess I just need to be fearless like her."

My phone suddenly began vibrating on the table, disturbing the stillness. I reached forward and flipped it open.

Hey, G. Hw r u? D x

I smiled and began typing my reply.

I'm gd, thx. U? X

"Who's that?" Troy asked. "Shar?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Believe it or not, we can go a day without texting each other."

He quirked one eyebrow. "Alright, I'll believe that," he muttered sarcastically. "So, who is it?"

I frowned. "Why does it matter?"

He shrugged reluctantly and turned to Tyler. "It doesn't."

I laughed heartily. "Calm down. It's Drake. He dropped into the diner last week and we swapped numbers."

He narrowed his eyes as he turned to me. "Drake? Captain of the football team?"

I shrugged. "He's the one. Trust me, we're just friends."

"It doesn't affect me, does it?" he snapped. "I just don't approve of him."

I sighed, knowing I would regret what I was about to say. "Since you got me pregnant, you don't have the right to judge that anymore," I whispered. I set my phone on the table and spoke before he could. "Troy, I don't want to fight anymore. I just want to make the most of my time here."

He smiled softly. "Me too. But, don't say that. You're making it sound like you're dying."

"Yeah but, it's hard to believe that I'm leaving this place behind. It's my entire life, you know? I don't suppose you do. You didn't leave."

"I understand why you're going. I know you want to be close to your mom but why don't you take a few classes here until Tyler's grown a bit?" he suggested.

I shook my head. "I considered that. I discussed with Tay. But I know that if I don't go now and see the rest of the world, allowing Tyler to see it at the same time, I probably never will." I sighed. "I want Tyler's first important years, first years when he's at school, to be here in Albuquerque and I want to have my degree and a job by the time he starts school."

"El, what about me? What about his first steps, his first words?" he whispered. "I want to see them."

I felt tears well in my eyes. "I know that. But I can't stay here for the rest of my life. I guess I can't be a little adult right now. I'm hoping you understand that. I know you want to see that stuff but...Natalia will suspect something if you kick up too big of a fuss."

He sighed and for a moment I thought he was going to leave. But he didn't. He poked me in the waist. I giggled and wiggled in my chair. "That's what I want to hear." He grinned and continued to poke me.

I laughed and eventually managed to push my chair away so that I could stand up and scurry away a little bit. "You don't want to do this. You love me too much. I can't breathe," I warned.

He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Tyler. "Really?" He slowly stood up and I took a few steps backwards.

"Troy, please," I begged through a giggle.

He chased after me and eventually caught me around the waist and lifted me from the ground. He gave a hearty chuckle as he lost balanced and we both fell forwards with me landing on top of him. I slowly caught my breath and rolled over so that we were facing each other. I was expecting Troy to say something but, instead, he reached up to curl a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"Troy-" I began but he held a hand over my mouth to cut me off.

"Shh..." he whispered. "Just...Shhh..."

"I gathered that," I muttered but it was muffled because of his hand.

"What's happened to you?" he asked quietly as he moved his hand from my mouth.

I frowned as we both sat up and faced each other. "Um, I had a baby?" I answered, more as a question. "I'm not sure what you mean."

He sighed and I saw his eyes travel over me. "You've changed. In a good way," he added hurriedly. "But, you're...grown up. Not Nat's little sister I promised to watch out for."

I shrugged. "It's what normal people do. Ty's going to do that one day. Although I don't like thinking about that."

He chuckled. "I know. I guess I've only just noticed."

I shrugged. I was about to speak when Tyler began crying. I stood up and rushed over to him. I took him into my arms and turned away from the sun. "Come on, Tyler. I know you don't need a new diaper. Are you hungry? You must be. You haven't had anything since breakfast. "Hey, Troy?" I called over my shoulder.

I felt his hand on my lower back and I turned to him. "Yeah?"

"I'm going inside to feed Tyler," I explained.

He nodded. "Okay," he murmured dejectedly.

I knew that he felt a little sad that he could never feed Tyler, as I had decided to breast feed, but I just wanted to be close to him. I wanted to share something with him that no one else could. Just like I knew that as he grew up, Troy would play basketball with him, Chad would play video games with him, Zeke would cook with him, Greg would play football with him, Ryan would teach him how to dance and Jason would make him feel smart.

"Troy, he's six weeks old. We've over this," I said softly.

He nodded. "I know."

"Come on," I whispered and I took them both into the lounge. I settled onto the sofa and proceeded to manoeuvre my shirt and bra so that Tyler could nuzzle into my breast and began drinking the milk. "Good boy," I encouraged softly.

"Does it hurt?" Troy asked.

I shook my head. "No. It did at first. But not anymore. It's kind of peaceful, if I'm honest. Makes this whole thing seem more real. Better."

Troy breathed out gently. "I want to walk out of that door and tell the whole world he's mine."

I shrugged. "I'm not stopping you."

"You don't care what Natalia would do? What about your dad?" he exclaimed.

I turned Tyler to my other breast and settled him there before I tilted my head to him. "I've spent eighteen years with Natalia's harshness. I'm immune to it. Especially after dinner the other day. And my dad? He wasn't angry then, he won't be angry now. He'll just be disappointed I lied."

He kissed my temple. "I wish I was as fearless as you."

"Being fearless doesn't necessarily I'm not afraid. Of course I am. I'm terrified of everything. Fearless simply means that I live with them," I explained.

He reached forward and let Tyler's hand curl around his finger. "When you told me you were pregnant, I thought my life was over."

"I figured that out for myself with the way you reacted," I muttered.

"I'm sorry about that," he whispered. "But, then you looked so peaceful when you were pregnant...even with all of Albuquerque's comments. And Tyler was born and...he's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me."

Tyler let go of my breast and I put my shirt in the right place. I turned to Troy and frowned. "I know he is. But he shouldn't be. That should be Natalia."

He shrugged. "I can't help it. He's everything to me."

"Until you tell everyone that you're the father, he can't be everything to you. What's happened to you?" I asked.

He frowned. "Me?"

I nodded. "Since you and Natalia got together you looked like a guy in love but now I'm not so sure who you're in love with."