I don't own Bleach. If I did it would it would be unsuitable for children. Reviews are appreciated!!!

A special thank you goes to fuzzibunniez for helping out with this chapter, and getting me over a bad case of writers block.

So Byakuya is starting to explore his feelings in this chapter...where will they lead? Anyway, the ending piece was inspired by "This Time" by Christopher Jak. I suggest you give it a listen to better understand what he's feeling...and what he's afraid to show.

The past week had gone by in a blur. No one had realized that the stoic, dutiful captain of Squad Six had been sneaking off to the living world nearly every night. As far as anyone in Soul Society was concerned nothing had changed in the life of Byakuya Kuchiki; he worked, slept, and repeated it again the next day. No one seemed to consider the possibility that he might actually have a life, and for once, it didn't bother him.

The brash and impetuous part of his personality, that part of him that he had kept so carefully hidden away all these years, was certainly enjoying its newfound freedom. Byakuya sat back at his desk and smiled to himself. He should have known it wouldn't last.

A few moments later a hell butterfly arrived, ordering him and Kenpachi to escort Hitsugaya's group back to the Soul Society. At first Byakuya wondered whether sending two Captains truly was necessary; but after being informed of the previous night's events, he understood. Kurosaki and his friends would most likely to attempt to rescue Orihime Inoue, and the Captain Commander simply could not afford to have so many fighters vanish to Hueco Mundo. In the end, however, there hadn't been any trouble. Everyone had followed them back without so much as an argument.

Byakuya knew that Renji would leave soon, that both he and Rukia would go off to assist Kurosaki. He intended to make the most of the time they had.


That evening, after all the reports had been filled and nearly everyone had left the office; Byakuya decided it was time to act. "Renji," he spoke softly as he walked to the door, choosing his words carefully lest anyone happen to overhear, "it will be dangerous," he turned his head toward Renji, fear and sadness evident in his eyes " you may be away for some time." Then he was gone.

Renji had spent the day in a daze since their return. He had simply sat down at his desk and started filling out forms, seemingly on autopilot. But now…his captain's words and that look in his eyes. For once he was able to recognize the true meaning behind Byakuya's words.

Renji slowly made his way through the streets to his captain's home. Somehow, managing to avoid being seen by anyone he knew. Upon arriving, he was greeted by a servant who didn't seem at all surprised to see him. "Kuchiki-sama is expecting you. Please follow me." Renji followed the girl through the now familiar corridors to a small room that opened onto the gardens. "Please wait here. Kuchiki-sama will be with you shortly." Renji turned to thank her, but she was already gone.

Not knowing what else to do, Renji walked across the room and leaned against the open doors looking out at the garden. For the first time that day he felt himself relax, so much so that he didn't hear Byakuya's soft footsteps as he entered the room.

Byakuya closed and locked the door behind him and paused, admiring the view. Renji stood in the moonlight, his loose hair waving softly in the breeze. Byakuya opened his mouth to speak but the words were lost as he watched his lieutenant untie his sash and drop it to the floor. Byakuya's heart began to beat faster as Renji's uniform top joined the sash on the floor. He could see the black lines of the tattoos as they disappeared into the hakama. He wanted to move, to rush across the room and remove the last of the clothing that obscured his view, but he couldn't. He simply stood there, eyes wide, staring.

"How long are you gonna just stand there?" Renji turned his head to look back over his shoulder as his hakama joined the pile of clothes. He had intended to have Byakuya come to him but quickly realized that wasn't going to happen. Byakuya seemed to have frozen in place; head tilted to the side, lips parted slightly, a dazed look in his eyes.

The sound of footsteps woke him up. He smiled as Renji walked over to him and lifted his head, pressing their lips together, his fingertips brushing the noble's face. The kiss was soft, not at all like what he had come to expect from the younger man. The surprises continued as Renji gently drew them both onto the floor. Pulling his lips away, Renji let them wander, tracing the outline of the noble's jaw and neck.

"You're always doing your best to protect everyone, to make sure none of us get hurt. Even if no one else realizes it, I know how much you care." Renji allowed his hands to slide over Byakuya's chest as he spoke, pushing the supple fabric of the yukata off his shoulders. "For once, I want to show you how much I care."

"Renji, I…" He stopped, unsure of what to say.

"No, it's alright. Let me do this for you."

Byakuya allowed a slight moan to escape his lips as he felt the warm breath tickle at his skin. Renji's mouth continued to move, his tongue drawing small circles over his chest. Byakuya felt a shiver run through him as the breeze followed Renji's tongue, cooling the warmth left behind.

Renji slid his hand down Byakuya's side, tracing the outline of his hip as he kissed his way down the older man's abdomen to his leg. His fingers continued to tease as well, ghosting closer to Byakuya's arousal each time, but always moving away. Another quiet sound echoed through the room and Renji smiled.

"Did you like that…Byakuya?" Renji looked up to see him mouth the word "yes". It wasn't enough; he wanted to see Byakuya's restraint crumble. This time Renji moved his fingers further, wrapping them around Byakuya's length. He started to stroke him slowly, lowering his mouth, never breaking eye contact.

Byakuya had never been touched like this; so carefully, as though he was a porcelain doll that could break at any moment. He sucked in a breath as he felt Renji's lips brush against him; it was almost too much to bear.

Renji grinned and started to suck. Watching Byakuya's hands grasp at the discarded yukata underneath, his fingers gripping so hard they ripped through the delicate silk, his carefully crafted control fracturing.

"Renji, please…"

With a last swipe of his tongue, Renji pulled away. For a moment, Byakuya got the impression that this had all been Renji's way of persuading him to bottom again. He felt his eyes close automatically in an attempt to guard against the slight pain he expected to feel. They snapped open, surprise and confusion clear, as he felt Renji's weight settle over him.

Calloused fingers skimmed over his thighs as Renji's hand reached down for him, guiding him to the redhead's entrance before lowering his body. It suddenly occurred to him that Renji had prepared himself at some point, that slick feeling was unmistakable, but when? He had lost track of Renji's hand earlier for a few minutes, he had been far too preoccupied with the younger man's mouth to care. Surely he hadn't, not then… The very suggestion of it was too much for him and a moment later he broke, all thoughts of propriety tossed aside.

"Ahhh…Renji…move" He screamed, stunned at the intensity of his own voice. None of that mattered anymore.

Renji grinned between moans. His rhythm increasing, spurred on by his captain's rambling shouts of "Faster." and "Oh god yes."

Renji's own cries added to the noise as Byakuya's soft fingers closed over him, thumb pressing against his weeping head with each stroke.

Byakuya thrust his hips fervently as he reached his end, his hand never releasing its hold on Renji. Who for his part; leaned forward, hands pressed firmly into Byakuya's shoulders for leverage as his own climax took over.

He collapsed onto Byakuya, lightheaded and shaky. It was comfortable there, and he would have stayed if that small voice in his head hadn't reminded him that the noble would need to breathe at some point. With a frown, he rolled off to lie beside him, his arm draping across the slighter man's chest.


Byakuya stared up at the ceiling as he listened to Renji's breath slow, a multitude of thoughts rushing through his mind. There were things he should have done, should have said, and still needed to say.

Tonight had been different. There had been no lust; that maddening need to possess each other had vanished, exposing the raw emotions buried underneath. Byakuya was at a loss, he understood the primal need and want that had driven their relationship so far, but tonight… tonight Renji had shown him the true depth of his feelings and now he would be forced to face his own.

He had imposed so many rules on Renji; as much as he insisted that they were to protect the redhead, it wasn't true. He had been afraid. He had spent far too many years keeping his feelings hidden, and now he was terrified to think of what would happen if he showed his true self to the world. How would they react? He didn't think he could bear the disappointment. Not again.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed and added this fic to their favorites/alerts.

Sorry for the delay on this. I'm working on the next chapter right now, so it shouldn't take as long to post.